im tall im white im average looking i dont get it and its making me super fucking mad
Why do females not like?
You look creepy/dead inside and they can pick up on that. So you're limited to creepy/crazy and/or ugly women
>do not post pictures of yourself on r9k
Saged and reported, cunt.
>I'm white
It's probably because you mention things like that
You're an honorary white at best.
i am pretty dead inside
>average looking
coping dog has arrived, youre ugly
if you saw my mum and dad u would see how i look none white but im scottish
shut up fag
go to south east asia
It's not so much about your looks user it's because of your entitled lack of personality
Nah, not op here.
I once said to girls that I think women should be property and I get laid after that. I also was pretty drunk and named the jew on the same occasion.
You can literally say anything you want to women. The only thing that matters is HOW you say it.
C'mon man don't fuck with him he's got it bad enough
To quote Julius Streicher:
"No, I don't think that it is preaching race hatred... IT IS SIMPLY A STATEMENT OF FACT!!!"
You need a haircut. You'd look much better
Don't break open your google document full of race realism arguments and derail the thread retard.
Femanon here, ur face is ugly and ur hair makes u look dirty and unkempt. I wouldnt date u
Alright OP, just take care of yourself, and sooner or later you'll be fine. Get a haircut, get into some fashion and build up the confidence. It's worth a try, try at least have some optimism.
What report option do you use? Because there's no such option.
you're mean how come
>im tall
The obvious answer, lanklet.
op here..damn i didnt think iwas this ugly and boring how fix?
you're not ugly don't let the incels and roastie tear u down mate
i dont know what kinda hair cutt
No sane person would date you either. :)
thanks but im pretty ugly my bone structure is horrible and my eyes look big and weird kinda like a gay insects i have no doubts in my mind i will never find a girl to marry and should just go back to my ps4
Because being white is attractive to women. What KIND of retard are you?
nah your bone structure is good you'll do fine
why havnt i yet?
If that's you, you do look dead inside. I'm not judging, but you do look that way.
No, actually you're quite handsome. That's not the issue. It's the fact you look dead, and like you harbor inner-darkness. Given your mention of being white, you've got views detrimental to your advances on women. I don't know what happened in your life, but something ruined a perfectly good man.
how do i change that?? i guess i gotta change my bad attitude
it happend when i was a kid and i dont wanna talk about it
youre a 6/10 user, your personality or lack of drives people away
That's where I'd start, yeah.
See, we've already found the source. Godspeed with fixing your mentality, and then the ladies will come.
He's actually higher then a 6/10. Solid 7 really. Even an 8 with the right styling. It's the mindset.
but im 6 ft 5 isnt that head and shoulders above personality? i think all this is just cope for the fact i have poor facial structure
No, you have a good structure. 6'5"? You're slouching, aren't you. Stop slouching. Let women see your true stature. When you slouch at that height, you look like Pyramid Head in stance.
yeah i have poor posture like most everybody on this board
Dude, you're 6'5". That's permavirgin height. Try getting leg shortening surgery.
No one pulls off the Pyramid Head look. That alone is scaring off the ladies. Stop slouching, and by 6 months in, I guarantee gains, okay? Only shorter guys get to slouch without looking like a killer.
ive lost my virginity you dumb cunt
No. That's highly attractive assuming one doesn't have the stance of a video game murderer.
You look like robert downey jr if he was depressed, homeless and still doing drugs
how does slouching man me look like a killer? i thought it makes people look weak
manlet cope. the taller the better.
It usually does unless you're over 6 feet, and then it just makes you look like you're about to lay the beat down on someone. It then becomes a highly threatening posture, especially viewed from below.
actually i have a friend right here, also scottish, who wants to shag. you down?
damn i thought i was always being more open to conversation by lowering myself to normal peoples height
You look like post malone without the money, talent and likeability.
>tfw you thought the black pill benefits you but it was alll bullshit
You look like the kind of guy that smells seats at the theatre