This is very accurate.
Having above average IQ is only good if you're a genius, otherwise you're stuck between being too smart to fit with normies and too dumb to achieve anything.
This is very accurate
I love talking to dudes with 120 IQ's. They end up getting flustered because you already know every little factoid they can scrape from their head. Yeah it is cool how the different pirate flags mean different things sweetie.
Me third from the left
yes it's true user. that said the one good things about being smart but not very smart is that you can have a decent career. otherwise there aren't much upsides.
According to the 3 IQ tests I've completed I have a 134-138 IQ, but I still feel like I'm mentally deficient.
That's because you're a lazy slob, with a IQ above 130 you can achieve anything.
Are there any good but not very long IQ tests? I tried to do some but i quit because i was bored. I only did one full IQ test when i was searching for a job but they never told me the result.
You know what's cooler? Having 500k in the bank and being 100 IQ
Probably. I'm 22 and I've only just started achieving something with my life.
>took IQ test for ADHD screening
>woke up 10 minutes before each test and drove blindly to the clinic
>no food, no preparation or anything
>sped through tests to go home and sleep
>still got 126
>believing the IQ is anything more than a benchmark for your academics in an education system
>he thinks 500k is alot of money
What a brainlet.
Earning money is more about being social. Having average IQ is the best for being social.
He means 500k for spending brainlet. Then again in America 500k pays for like a two day hospital stay.
Stop coping brainlet. High iq is best.
Not understanding how much 500k actually is when invested properly is a natural brainlet filter.
Is the Cambridge iq test the most reliable or should i go with all the others ive tried with a common drastically different result?
If you're doing online IQ tests you're already sub 100, retard.
120-130 is objectively the most attractive iq range. over 130 u go into autismo tier
Why aren't you doing it then? Enjoy debt brainlet.
I'm 138, my brother's 152. We both suck. That's not entirely true. People tell me I can achieve anything, and at this point it honestly just makes me goddamn sad. I look them straight in the eye now to say, "No."
Ive taken a mix of online ones and school/events tests out of necessity fag.
here; you very well might have just made an excellent point. Fuck.
>anime reaction images
a sign of a brainlet
this is absolute true and rel8able
Ahh, the classic "I'm too smart to be happy" attitude. Get your shit together, faggot
The main point about IQ is that you should have >100 if you actually want to understand things beyond television shows and saturday footy match.
Your achievement value and the rest is just how you sculpt your brain and what knowledge you focus on. A generalist will never achieve anything as his focus is all over the place.
THIS except IQ =/= smart
OP has a high IQ but he isn't smart, he has the potential to be smart within the current education system, but he instead wastes his time acting like he's better than everyone else on a Taiwanese sweatshop bulletin board.
Actually I'm sad because I'm not smart enough
138IQ year 3 NEET here
>120 IQ
>too dumb to achieve anything
>shit social skills so I can't manipulate my way forward like a normie
>can't get a normie job because they only hire you if you seem like a fun extroverted drinking and party friend
I'm a complete fucking failure.
You're literally me, user.
You didn't even listen to what I said, so yeah you're an idiot but not because of your IQ. You're just a fucking retard.
Having a high IQ is pointless if you have a very low social/emotional IQ in conjunction with it. Average IQs will only tolerate the sheer autism of high IQ social retards for as long as it benefits them, usually resulting in high IQs dying friendless and alone with the state inheriting any fortune they may have accrued.
Include me in the Jow Forumsiamverysmart screencap
Having low emotional IQ and high IQ puts you in the category for a potential serial killer. I did a presentation on a while back and one interview I found with a serial killer found that he was intelligent (IIRC IQ of 130?) while lacking almost any emotion.
You can go back to plebbit while you're at it faggot.
Oregano comment
This is mostly 90% of this board