Why do these teachers always have sex with chads who brag on social media to all their friends about having sex with their teacher instead of a beta male who knows how to keep his mouth shut? Let's not feel sorry for this bitch. She could've chosen an incel but she chose some random chad like 99% of other women.
Why do these teachers always have sex with chads who brag on social media to all their friends about having sex with...
she looks like a sick bitch. i hate her fuckin eyes man. she looks like the beginning stage of the infected in last of us. fuck that bitch. yea, there's been some total babe pedos but she's not one of them. that's probably why she got the book thrown at her.
Girl my parents took in did this to me, you dont hear about us because we actually keep our mouths fucking shut
I hope she enjoys the sex she's gonna have in prison.
I really don't think this should be a jailable offense as long as it's consensual. Are 13 year old boys really going to be traumatized by a consensual sexual encounter with an older woman? I find that pretty hard to believe. If anything the legal and social fallout surrounding the affair seems more likely to damage his psyche.
That being said, she's dumb and was just begging to be caught. Sending images? Assigning other kids as lookouts? Just retarded.
>Assigning other kids as lookouts?
You know those "lookouts" had their turns, too.
wish it was me desu
We dont hear aboutthe ones who choose their prey wisely. Are you retarded?
>tfw at my school there was a rumour that someone started that one of the teachers (a 40+ year old fat bald man) was fucking one of the hottest girls in year 9 (13 years old but 14 at the time the story came to its end)
>nobody knew where the rumours came from
>the logic was that the bald teacher was the teacher of design and technology and the girls dad owned a small shop selling DIY equipment, so we thought her dad was pimping her out so the design and tech teacher would encourage the school to buy his equipment
>me and a few other kids created a 'Paedo discovery crew' where we tried to find evidence of it
>for example we'd go to his workshop and take photos on our phones of equipment that could also be purchased at the dads shop
>one of the kids kept buying female panties and putting them on the equipment to take pictures
>we were CONVINCED he was fucking her
>made even worse by the fact that she used to enjoy his class and would stay after school to do a project she was working on (she was making a large wooden globe)
>one day we decided to sneak into the workshop after school and catch them fucking each other
>when we did it, the teacher was sitting with her showing her how to use one of the big saws like top pic related
>we snuck some pictures of it
>we really believed, really, really believed that before we walked in he had her spread legged with a dildo attacked to the saw and he was plunging it up and down into her
>we photoshopped images of this, like second pic related
>sent to school
>obviously, he didn't get in trouble and we did
>however the paedo rumours persisted for years, apparently he ended up leaving the school over it and is now unemployed
13 year old girls aren't traumatized by consensual sex with an older man, either.
Thing is, kids are fucking stupid and have spend the majority of their lives being told that they have to obey adults. This makes it hard to be sure that consent was freely given, even in cases where the child insists that they were into it. It's simply not a risk that's worth allowing.