Be me

>Be me
>Cheat on GF
>Big piece of shit
>Tell her because lying wouldn't be fair
>She is understandably hurt and has a breakdown
>We early on make a pact to fix our relationship and
>Will never hurt her again
>She is still grieving
>I feel she's getting worse
>Also she is mentally ill
>Want to do anything I can to release her from the pain, even if it means leaving
>If I leave she will destroy herself
>Staying only makes her recount the situation which deteriorates her mental health and she still berates me for it
>Feel like we're both trapped

What do?

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Leave her, it's the best thing for both of you. Your relationship can't be mended given her state. I was in a relationship with a girl that was fucking nuts and I refused to leave out of fear of hurting her. I dragged out the process for years for that reason, and it was a terrible idea. Our relationship was a constant destructive black hole on both of our lives. It's not until it ended did I realize how hopeless and fucked up that everything was.

I stayed with my gf, it got better, but then she left me after 2 years.

It really is so awful seeing your own action completely disintegrate somebody's identity that they based off what they thought your relationship was to them.

I try to call her but she has me blocked

Op Ive been tortured for the past month and this is the only place I can talk about it, was gonna make my own thread for this but I will post it here
>be me
>gf cheated on me with a friend at school, texted him constantly
>I asked if there was anything between them she lied and said there wasnt
>gf confesses to me a month later that she fucked him two times in a week and says she wants to kill herself
>I break down, tell her I shes too immature for a real relationship
>she says she loves me, I hold back my tears enough to say I hate you
>gf says she cant handle it anymore and runs out of the room sobbing
>I decide its time to leave so I go to walk out the front door
>gf stops me at her car begging me to not leave her, says she cant live without me
>I cave and want to stop making a scene in front of her neighbors
>we drive to my apartment to talk about it more

justt bee yourselff

she's probably gonna suck a ton of other dudes' cocks just to spite you, if she hasn't already, topjej
fuck off with your gay "problems" and fat gf, you normalfaggot

>Wat do guise
Thought this was r9k not advice but Okies

>get to my apartment, everything was dark
>I tell her to go into my room, shes quiet, but then goes into my room
>I told her to take her clothes off, she obeyed
oh yeah I forgot to mention that she kept telling me to hit her when I was breaking down in her room earlier. Shes cut herself before and likes pain or something. I kept telling her that I wasnt going to hit her but she kept begging me to do something. Anyway
>I ask her if I can get even by fucking her, she says yes
>she lays down on my bed, I grab her ass and spank her as hard as I can
>then I pulled her hair up and asked her Do you love me?
>she gurgled y-yes
>then I spanked her harder and asked the same question
>I repeated this process till she was loudly saying I love you
>then I told her to put her head down
>grabbed my cock and pushed it into her
>shes usually sensitive, so she whimpered
>I started hitting her from behind, grabbing her ass and pounding it onto my dick
>then I rolled her over and started to push back into her
>she holds me and I stop for a second
>we both break down again
>we talk more about everything, try to process what we had just gone through
>then I ask her if she would like to try that again, this time I push into her slowly and her eyes roll back
> we fucked like rabbits then fell asleep on each other

Wish her well and leave

>I ask her if I can get even by fucking her
Haha nigger what?