femanons tell us why you want a robot to take care of you
>physical features (height, hair/ eye color, race, etc)
>virgin? sexual preferences?
>what you offer
Robots adopt a neet gf
Other urls found in this thread:
This thread is useless unless you filter out the trannies from posting or at least make them identify themselves so we can ignore them.
24 mtf east europe
>physical features (height, hair/ eye color, race, etc)
175 long blonde, brown, slav
anime, vidya, dressing up, sewing, dancing
>virgin? sexual preferences?
non virgin 2 partners and sub bottom
>what you offer
I have bpd so I'm clingy and obsessive t b h
i would rather not be a beta pay pig, i can just pay whores for the gf experience if i want that
Jesus, please kys you unholy abomination
>what you offer
i have a good taste in anime
Go on soc. Make a chart and make a discord description. Find your e-gf there.
18 f
>physical features (height, hair/ eye color, race, etc)
5'7 dirty blonde green white petite
homemaking stuff, drawing, anime, animal crossing
>virgin? sexual preferences?
not a virgin, I'm really submissive
>what you offer
I can draw u rly cute pictures and cook you pasta and give kisses and lewd stuff
why does every "girl" on the internet like animal crossing. both the actual women and the trannies love it.
im not a tranny and bc animal crossing is cute and fun
Back when I was 19 and still had hope, I probably would've been catfished by this post. Now I'm a 24 yr old doomer with enough wisdom to know a girl like this would easily find a bf.
>im not a tranny
Pretty based, too bad I'm a NEET myself and can't take care of someone.
There are probably a few girls actually like that, but they all have some catch. I knew one girl online like that but she's probably dead now.
They all have boyfriends, that's the catch. Actually, ALL girls (not just internet dream girls) have boyfriends. I don't understand how people even find girls to date. It's not like I'm asking girls out and they say "sorry I have bf", every girl I have interacted with even in a platonic relationship has mentioned her bf. I almost think people must start cheating on their partners near the end of their relationship, because almost no one I've met is single (except men).
I believe this one girl legit didn't have a boyfriend. I think she said she had only been on a couple of dates in high school.
She's probably dead though so there are some underlying problems with these "too good to be true" girls.
Why do you think she's dead?
Talked about being severely depressed then stopped going online. Considering this was her actual account, death is semi-likely.
>18 f
anyone who says this is going to tell you about halfway into the conversation that she's "17 but almost 18, just ten more months"
What's wrong with that, other than them inevitably changing their minds about wanting to be your neet gf?
20s f us
>physical features (height, hair/ eye color, race, etc)
5'3, light brown, black, latina
cooking, making stuff, animals, camping, gardening
>virgin? sexual preferences?
>what you offer
I don't have much to offer except devotion and love I'm not entirely a neet but it would be nice to have someone to care for me I'm a generally sad person so I'd like to make someone else happy for once I've never had a boyfriend so I'm really inexperienced with this stuff
Your eyes are black? Has daddy been drinking again?
Based. Wanna watch some anime on discord?
What part of the US?
I've had pretty much the exact same experience except nearly every man I've met has been single. I hear women talk about their bfs and stuff, every woman I've interacted with is seeing somebody, but every guy is single and lonely. The numbers dont add up and I dont get hoe other people arent seeing this
A lot of the "bfs" are the same dude
Yeah I've heard that theory and I'm not denying it, I just mean it doesnt make sense that the guys havent realized this discrepancy
I'll adopt a NEET girl. I have 18 hectares of woodland. I live in a cabin. The only inconvenience is my parents but i'm sure they won't mind
>not a virgin
Utterly worthless.
God I wish you would adopt a NEET boy
would anyone adopt me long distance? i want an e-bf who pays my rent so that i always remember that he owns me and i would be homeless without him hnng
LOL no one is actually that desperate.
On the other hand Findom exists so you might actually pull that shit off
I would adopt a neet gf just to put her to work.
I can pay off your rent for about 3 months if you'll be my discord gf for that long, what say you?
I'll be your gf instead
Then drop your discord instead
they wont love you user. dont give those whores a pass because they have a pussy
youre not that pathetic
I've been alone for 5 years I can't do it anymore don't try to stop me
>only been alone for 5 years
Normalfag alert
[email protected]
a throwaway for now, I'll send you my discord there
its better to die alone with dignity friend. youre just giving internet trannies something they dont deserve
very nice lemme talk white girl
okay that sounds great actually, i'm what#8526, please don't go with the other user who hijacked my post ;_;
Tell me about yourself, user? A/S/L, what you're like?
HAHAHAHAHHA I was fucking with you stupid roastie whores all along! Good luck getting some beta faggot to fund your whoredom! And don't forget- you only have a few more years before your eggs dry up and NOBODY will ever date you again! Tick tock!
holy mother of all that is based
I don't have daddy issues
middle of nowhere
>I don't have daddy issues
I didn't say that. I asked if you had black eyes because your dad is beating you.
Yeah but like what part of the middle of nowhere? Can you at least say west or east us?
19 f yurop
i'm a hikki with no ambition and i'm pretty boring, i like cooking, sleeping, talking to friends, i have a lot of time and i'm really clingy, i'm talkative and bubbly once i open up
I have a great relationship with my father, he wouldn't hit me
what state?
oregano comment
So you want some guy to pay for your shit? Jesus christ grow up you retard, 19 is enough to realise that youre mature enough not to do these things.
So pathetic
any neet girl want to move in with another neet>=?
>non virgin 2 partners and sub bottom
>actually just femboy server