koreanons get in here
Koreanons get in here
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doesnt look like there are anny koreannons sorry bud
lmao enjoy your three years of hell faggot
yeah i figured. ive run into maybe 2 or 3 but i just waned to share some korean feels since ive been dirnking soju and watching variety shows that featured 'jung'
do you mean mandatory military service? i thought it was 2 years for the most part. and im naturalized as an american citizen so i dont really have any worries in that regard
koreabros alive?
guess i have to go to int to talk with the autist Koreans fuck
Why so miserable user
sorry im drunk and i enjoy talking with r9k anons a lot. int is even more full of rae baiters. i just watched a variety show clip which showed a kind part of korean culture and wanted to see if anyone ees had seen it, as unlikely as it is
Well, i do like korean culture mainly bcs i am a black belt in Taekwon-Do.
You guys seem like a comfy lot but i don't get this fag boy band thing going in in your country.
i dont care abotu kpop anymore either but im glad they can be a catalyst for some others to learn more about korean culture. very cool you are a black belt user, how old did you start and how long did it take to become a black belt? im the one aisna guy i know who knows no martial arts
I would LARP that I'm Korean but I feel that won't help you much. i don't know a lot about Korea
well thats okay. is there anything you want to know about korea? that being said i moved to the states when i was 4 yo and while im fluent in both languages and am familiar with korean slang and shit since i have been hanging out with itnl students the past few years i dont have all the answers
hello gyopo here living in korea right now
whats good son? being gyopo can be pretty fun. where are you based at and how long ar eyou going to be there?
literally worse than niggers
disgusting soulless bug people
It took me six years moreso, and i am a full time dedicated martial arts teach. I started late at 18 in Uni while studiying Hispanic Literature. I droped out of uni and continued training, its been almost 18 years.
I do Brazilian Jiujitsu too and i'm retaking MMA to fight in events.
i know there are many materialistic koreans but i hope you dont shape your view on us from those kinds of people. koreans are actually very warm and we have a word 'jung' which stands for loyalty, friendship, and relationship. i have met my fair share of cold and plastic koreans but also more that have taught me the meaing of 'jung' and how i feel blessed to be part of a loving culture. we have out faults and out historical mistakes but the newer genereation wants to look fowrad and look towards love user
i am in Namdong-gu in Incheon staying with family for the summer
shit all iknow about incheon is the airport unfortunately but honestly any part of korea is open to you since a bus rid eis so cheap and the country is so small. look into summer festivals bro, shit is awesome
my korean is shit so it is hard to be independent. i just stay inside as a result
def understandable. do you have anou family members who could take you around?
Why is kpop so corporate and soulless? Why do you like it?
i only reallly enjoyed it when snsd was big ages ago. i was a twinkie and thought kpop and korean culure was shit because i was a kid but seeing yoona made me want to learn korean lol. kpop is def very soulless though and the answer is money. my mothers best friend was a fashion brand rep in korea and i got to meet a few celebs through her years ago. it was mostly pics but i got to eat with 2AM's seulong and he was happy enough to talk about how he was satisfied but i could see how dog tired he was and just ate the korean bbq as quickly as i could because fuck i wanted to meet girl idols. i did meet son yejin that same time since they were shooting together but she couldnt come to eat
yes i have a few cousins but they work alot. next we all are going to jeju though
Is Korea dangerous for a white man who doesn't know the language?
yes you will be raped by korean niggers
far enough enjoy your time in jeju. hopefully your cousins can take you to have some fun during their time off. it fucking sucks but korean salarybros often have severely limited options so i msure its easy to think they dont care about your for not taking time off but i hope you find the opposite a reality
no, esp if you just stick to seoul im sure you can be mugged and fucked up but its very rare and evven more so if you are white. its mostly south east asians who get fucked from what i know which is a shame since they are fucking bros
where are you in korea, user?
Koreanon here, are you going to mandatory service?
>its mostly south east asians who get fucked from what i know which is a shame since they are fucking bros
will a pajeet get attacked?
why do Koreans want to pretend to be Japanese?
Because Koreans have low IQ, they are jealous of them.