>27y/o bro finally gets a g/f
>she's 20
Why do men do this?
27y/o bro finally gets a g/f
No one wants used goods idiot.
>dumb stacey instead of older mommygf
your bro is a fag.
...Is that supposed to be a huge gap or something? I would say that's pretty ideal.
The 27-year-old is in a better place in their life to support the girl, and the 20-year-old is helped with a more mature and guiding hand instead of putting up with a 20-year-old shithead who sleeps on an inflatable mattress and has never held down full-time work. It's roughly the best combo possible in terms of balancing starting a family and supporting everybody.
>get rejected by women your own age
>ffw to 30
>date younger woman
...Plus, she'll keep her looks for around a decade longer than if he'd gone with a girl his own age.
why is that a bad thing? woman age like milk, he just wants more bang for his buck
Because men age much slower than women for a variety of reasons and you're much more attractive to 20 year old women at 27 than you are at 20.
I can see the issue if he was much older, and/or she's only 18.
But 27/20? Really? The only problem I see is that he can't drink with her. But that's a year wait at most.
Because most women are silly and let older men manipulate their simple minds.
at 20, as a man, nobody wants to date you except much younger girls who possibly aren't legal. you aren't exceptional to your gender-opposite peers. meanwhile, at 20 as a girl, you have the pick of the litter; you can go after the richest, most successful guys, hop around as much as you like, yada yada. you aren't expected to be wealthy, or well-planted, or educated, or have your shit together - these are all things girls look for in mates that guys DON'T. men need time to make those attributes happen, therefore, the age divide.
>why do women
only date upwards, only go for successful men, often date older men, use men for their money, belongings(boat, car, mansion, pool), status.
why are women so materialistic, manipulative, hypocritical, hypergamous and parasitical?
Why do women lie about men and get them sent to prison?
dubs of truth
also very true
I'm 29 and my gf is 18 kys you used up roastie. No real man settles for declining goods.
Making up for misspent youth I guess. If you never experienced that teenage love you feel like you were robbed.
>he thinks young girls these days are pure
>he stays up at night and thinks about Tyrones cock and it bothers him
>lets other mens dicks live rent free in his head
Imagine being this much of an insecure small dick energy fag.
>not used up
sure, if those are days counted.
I'm a 21 y/o girl and I've been dating men in their 30's since I was 18. I find them more attractive and stable and they satisfy my daddy issues.
Is 19 too young for 29 year old? I'm a 29 y/o KV and haven't socialized with women in years. In the past year and a half though I've managed to sorta get my life on track. I got myself a ok job/car, picked back up an old sport I played as a kid, been hitting the gym, and generally been living a healthier life. There's a cute petite cashier girl with sandy blonde hair that started working at a gas station I frequent a couple months ago, and she has been sending major signals my way the past few weeks engaging me far beyond a typical customer-employee relationship. I've literally never dealt with a situation like this before and don't have any idea how to proceed, or if i even should proceed due to the age difference. plz respond
first thing's first: are you absolutely sure this chick is into you and doesn't just have a bubbly flirty personality? What exactly are these "major signals" she is sending you? Often times in these scenarios the man misinterprets the girl's general friendliness for romantic interest. It can be hard to tell when dealing with retail workers.
Girls at that age are just hitting their stride and perfecting their skills at using their sexuality to manipulate men. consider the possibility that she is doing this for her own thrill of wielding her sexual power to tease an incel. You could be in for a sadistic humiliating rejection if you make a move.
Old women are for pumping and dumping.
Women date up and a man at 20 is not as successful as he is at 27 in terms of knowledge, skills, status and wealth.
Its absurdly difficult to find a single woman older than 20 that doesnt have kids. I'd much prefer to date someone older than me but the only singles I ever see are really young
the rule is half your age + 7
so 27 would be 13.5 + 7 = 20.5
you know what's funny? When that rule was originally conceived, it was meant to calculate the IDEAL age for a man's wife, not the lower age limit of girls he can acceptably date that it morphed into today.
Milk is generous
Women age like a bucket of gasoline in a camfire
Really hot for a short time, an absolute fucking disaster afterwards.
Dunno it be like that.
Where I live it's pretty normal for 16 year olds to be with people who are 23-24. In fact it's a kinda rare to not be pregnant at 15 here. But you know that's how it be when 80% of the town here is Hispanic.
I am 32 and fuck 18 and 19 year olds from my work. I am not a chad but have a chad face and attitude but Chris Farley body. Shit happens. No age gap after 18 is worth concern.
Where do you work? I feel like the fact that I work in 100% male workplaces is really holding me back.
y so jelly roastbro?
Probably a manager at a fast-food joint.