>incel kills himself
>twitter mocks him and spits on his grave
>the occasional roast says "he didn't look that bad :(((("
Go to the normie's profile to see more.
>incel kills himself
>twitter mocks him and spits on his grave
>the occasional roast says "he didn't look that bad :(((("
Go to the normie's profile to see more.
Other urls found in this thread:
This is tragic. I hope none of you ever feel this way.
Women just see men as disposable and would put every ugly low income man on the holocoaster if they could.
that would be unwise, in order for wealth to exist those low income men must exist because labor creates wealth.
Women are unwise
women would bring about the end of humanity if it meant they get a few minutes of attention
Reminder if you're white you literally just go to asia
>being a tinder fag
>needing a girl from tinder to validate you
He wasn't gonna make it too long in this world anyways.
Tinder isn't real life bro
He wasn't a robot. Clearly in the picture he had friends. Just another normalfag powermove, their hive mind is so powerful that units will kill themselves to improve the chances of other "incel" normalfags getting a gf.
That's joe Rogan bro lmao
what are you talking about? i dont watch tv or youtube.
>literally killing yourself over rejection
Yknow there are tons of girls getting bullied over tinder and they don't kill themselves
Lmao good
Fucking incel freak
Shit b8 my fags
How is this bait? If he kills himself over that he must be weak; memes aside, he wasn't even that bad looking.
If you honestly believe women are getting bullied on tinder then lol
>I've traveled to Asia only to see JBW in person.
Why, just why, man. Why would someone willingly do that to themselves.
This faggot never made any effort, he is not athletic, has a shitty haircut, shitty style, beta attitude, shitty skin from a shitty diet.
He literally brought it upon himself. He made 0 efforts to be attractive and was entitled to believe women would like him in his unkept state, looking loose and gross.
He didn't know all that though. He was just a poor, ignorant sap like so many of us. A suffering soul in a world that didn't care
Ethnic cels should convert to Islam and undermine western society from within. Only Islam can save us from JBW.
Just improve yourself over the course of 5 years when your youth goes away bro
Just improve yourself and have the mental fortitude of a chad with 0 results bro
Is this fuckin real?
Holy shit, bros, look
Ah shit this dude used to post those 'faces of mu' threads of him with musicians
Godspeed dude
Holy shit, I literally just replied to this guy about 4 hours ago telling him to fuck off cause I'm tired of seeing his face all the time. I don't regret it, cause his stupid smirk annoyed the shit out of me, but RIP.
I looked up JBW wtf does it mean.
Also, what is IT?
Not even new, I just don't keep up with all these new abbreviations that you're just expected to know.
JBW = just be white
Oh, thanks. I couldn't find IT either. I even went to some incel terminology thing and didn't see it.
To elaborate, it basically means that men of races that aren't white (like me being Latino) have a much harder time finding a qt on average since other races have considerable more unattractive features.
IT = inceltears subreddit which mocks incels
Oh, fuck those people. It's actually anger-inducing how they pretend to be good people but bully people who are obviously worse off than them.
It's like a fatty making fun of the starving. Yeah, at least you aren't starving, but are you really better than me, fatty?
God, why would you ever post this?
I could understand a virtue-signalling "He's very handsome actually, I can't believe he didn't get a gf" post, but to say THIS? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Damn this guy killed himself?... I called him a faggot on /soc/
I wozld probablx kill myself too if i were born a spic
>kill yourself
>a roastie replies with "he doesn't even look that bad"
Jesus Christ, what would be the equivalent of suicide fuel to someone who has already committed suicide?
Yeah, me too. I don't regret it, cause I was sick of seeing him everywhere, but it's just kinda weird to put a face to it. I saw a post with his profile and he said he was getting laid all the time, so wtf? Was that a troll post? I might even try and find it.
Also, is it confirmed he killed himself?
>Tinder isn't real life bro
I hope you said this with sarcasm right? Because even your chart says otherwise.
Next time use greentext.
>your chart says otherwise
t. Retard
Fucking retards really think that his suicide was caused exclusively by this. Do they really think he was happy his entire life and then suddenly became suicidal because of Tinder?
There's always the one straw that breaks the camel's back. These retards would look at that and say "wtf how can a single straw break a camel's back?
Most people here never were robots. There aren't too many robots in the world, most of us are failed normies.
How do you know if you are a robot/wizard or a failed normie/incel? The former group doesn't crave for things normalfags get, the latter - in contrary.
>I might even try and find it.
Yeah, here we are.
He was heavily implying he was having sex, so idk what the fuck is going on.
all incels have fucked up, cunt controlling mothers in my experience, they're the ones responsible
Most people seem to be sympathizing with him a bit. Jim's fans aren't really chads. Mostly underaged boys and College kiddies.
Another thread
I don't give a shit about a reddit post. NEVER fucking post this faggot shit again. Failed normalfags can fuck off too along with the whores they chase after
Starting to think this guy was either
>Mentally ill
>Just depressed and wanted an out
>Didn't actually kill himself
Can we get a reputable source that says he an heroed?
he was above average
but that is not enough for these cunts, the want, no, they NEED Chad and they dont mind sharing him
Having sex once doesn't not make you an incel you moron
Did inceltears discuss this?
>Holy shit, I literally just replied to this guy about 4 hours ago telling him to fuck off cause I'm tired of seeing his face all the
Are you shitting me or what? Your chart literally says that in 2018-ish the most people met through was the internet by a wide margin beating bar hookups and everything else, and almost being close to 50% of all meetups.
Consider hanging yourself.
What I meant by this post was that having sex means you can still be incel.
Virginity resets every 2 weeks.
This is easily the worst post I've ever seen. Do you also believe that roasties can become born-again virgins?
Incels are ALWAYS virgins, despite what some people will tell you. Some people, like how I'm suspecting the spic in OP's pic is guilty of, just want to be miserable. They want to be incels, even though they're clearly capable of having sex.
Lmfao. Imagine thinking this unironically.
Incel = celibate. Kid was probably celibate for years.
They never talk about this aspect. They like to pretend that incels are all mentally healthy people who just chose to hate women one day.
Learn to pronounce
adjective: celibate
abstaining from marriage and sexual relations, typically for religious reasons.
"a celibate priest"
having or involving no sexual relations.
Tell me where the word virgin is in your post
>bro if you don't have sex for a month you magically become celibate
If you have ever had sex you are not and never will be an incel. Why the fuck do normalfags want to be losers so badly?
Does anyone have a link to his reddit?
If true, I'm SOO fucking happy this spic faggot killed himself.
wtf he looks like a 6/10 normie
also why don't we start making hating incels as albleist you know since most disabiled people should be incels
How come the tweet was deleted?
This guy was active on Jow Forums and /soc/. Spammed race bait threads. Rip
feels bad man, rip king
Holy fucking shit, just google the definition, retard.
You don't define words using their synonyms.
Honestly pretty based, I am so sick of seeing this dude. I'll give it 2-3 days of seeing him more than ever before, then he disappears forever.
>6/10 normie
He probably was, but his entire thing was
>waahhh why can't I be white and fuck white women :(((
>be spic
>want to fuck white women
>kill self
Why the fuck do non-whites hate their own women so much?
Pic related was his ex, he wasn't a virgin
>Spammed race bait threads. Rip
Thanks for giving me more reason to reasonably hate this guy. At first I just got sick of seeing his stupid smirking spic face, but this gives me a good reason to truly hate him.
"Not you" then why fucking match them? That's such a dick move fuck her
>then he disappears forever.
I'm not 100% convinced that he actually killed himself yet. I want actual verification before I buy champagne.
So his little manifesto was all just bullshit then?
Not him, but synonyms don't define a word you absolute quarterbrain.
Learn what a synonym is.
I don't think so. Those rejections were all real
That's literally exactly what I said, to a fucking T you goddamned idiot.
>Get rejected on tinder (like literally every male to ever use tinder has at some point)
>kill self
>You don't define words using their synonyms.
He said that, retard lmao
Oh okay now I actually read your post my bad. I only looked at the pic related and assumed you are trying to persuade that synonyms do define words.
But then again why did you respond with that post to a guy who said incel =/= virgin. He literally says that inceldom doesn't mean you have to be a virgin.
This graph gave me cancer
What? Who is that? If he still got matches then he must have had other problems which led to his an hero
They used to be before normalfags invaded. You know if you are a robot. If you've never had sex, close relationships, or friends you begin to fit criteria to be a robot. If you ever have any of those things then you cannot be a robot. All robots are khvs, but not all khv are robots.
>But then again why did you respond with that post to a guy who said incel =/= virgin
I'm just tired of seeing normalfags on a 6-month dry streak calling themselves incels. More importantly I'm sick of normalfags thinking it's cool to be a loser.
>Get no attention from outside world
>Get no attention from an app that's purpose is to get convenient pussy
>Get surprise man feels depressed after it
Look through the thread, this guy has been laid multiple times. He has literally documented his success on Jow Forums, which is part of why I'm glad he's dead.
here's a template...for the pathetic little redditkek... feel free to shop on the little redditkeks grave..
Literally needle in a haystack
Not sure if the same person, but who am I to you then.
I didn't have sex for 1,5 year and the last time I had it was with a hooker. I had a gf of 1 year which I broke up with 5 years ago.
I managed to get one because she was extremely lonely due to the death of her dad and I filled the hole in her life in this regard (she was 2 years younger than me).
She cheated on me with her ex.
I have never had sex, and I haven't killed myself yet. Why does this guy feel that he can kill himself and blame it on lack of sex when he's been laid multiple times?
i have seen this guy post on Jow Forums and claim he gets laid on tinder
must be a fake
Also, if you consider yourself and other "failed [normalfags]" robots in any sense, then fuck off. You don't know our suffering, you are just as much part of the hivemind as other normalfags but you don't get any benefit from it, unlike robots who were never a part of it and have suffered at the hands of it.
please, post his reddit.
This thread made me very happy, but reading his reddit would make me cum handsfree
You've had a gf for a year, and have had sex with her I presume? Even if the last time you had sex was with a hooker, you've still had it with a gf.
Normalfags get cheated on, retard. You don't suddenly turn into a friendless loser when your gf dumps you well, unless it's one of those stories where the bf and gf share a friendgroup and she turns them against him .
Don't go around calling yourself an incel, which you shouldn't regardless. Stop trying to fit in with losers. You're obviously capable of being normal.
>and have suffered at the hands of it.
Nope. Not a robot.
I don't use reddit. Find it yourself
You are a normalfag, and no amount of mental gymnastics can change that.
I don't understand why they black barred his face. He posted his spic face all over the place.
Based non-spoonfeeder
>Most people here never were robots
I literally have no friends and barely leave the house
Good for you on accepting it. Now here is the formal GTFO.
>Normalfags get cheated on, retard.
I know, never have I ever said that this is an indicator of being a robot.
More so the way I got a gf is. And how I coldn't get another one since then because the planets never lined as perfectly as the one time.
>You're obviously capable of being normal.
I couldn't get any gf before her and after. I believe all incels here could get a gf magically like that is all the plannets aligned like they did for me (not talking in a litteral sense of course, it's just a way to say I was extremely lucky to find an extremely lonely girl).
Link his Youtube plez user
I think I may have had the same exact thing happen with my one gf. You're a failed normalfag at worst. Again, stop trying to be a loser. I'm a virgin, literally zero friends, and minimum wage job, but I'm still a normalfag cause I've had too many opportunities to be called a robot.