I'm 27 now. It's not long until I'm 30. All my life, just like other men I've fantasised about having a beautiful, youthful girlfriend, and doing all the fun stuff couples do together. But now I'm basically too old for any of that and the realisation is absolutely crushing. The only chance I have now is some gross 30+ woman who wants to focus on her career and wants babies immediately. I don't even mind having a girl who has fucked many other guys, but I am actually extremely sad about missing out on young love. I don't even care that theoretically I could get a young girl when I'm like 40, it's just not the same. They're just some stupid bitch playing out a daddy fetish. It's not the fucking same. I wanted a girl I could be proud to show my parents, I wanted a girl I could just drive anywhere with - we'd go on hikes into the mountains on a whim, we'd stay home and watch movies, I'd squeeze her ass in a playful way and she'd like it.
Is anyone else in my position? 26 + kissless hugless virgin? It's not even about the sex. We've missed out on something big, bros. I'll never get a young, thick, short-haired girlfriend I can actually experience things together with. At best I'll have some worthless slut I can fuck so she can fulfill her older man fetish.
It's still entirely acceptable to have a 23-yo GF at your age, and you can get away with 20-yo too.
Don't obsess over how you're too old at fucking 27. You can be lonely with that attitude at 16.
Lucas Murphy
Just get a younger gf, they love older guys anyways
Grayson Gray
whatever you can still experience drugs that's better than women
Jeremiah Foster
Stop being such a whiny retard.
t. 34 year old with 24 year old gf
Dominic Reyes
I'm also a 26 year old virgin and I absolutely regret never having fucked a 16 year old prime teen pussy.
It's over now, either I become the "pedo creep bf" or I become some sort of sugar daddy.
I just want a normal gf that's young and cute, one that looks up to me and wants to grow old together.
I guess we fucked up bigtime.
Cooper Wilson
I'm 30. My current plate is 17.
You will age, but your women can and should stay at the same age.
Colton Phillips
I won't even be in a position to get a GF for another couple years though. Ill-fortune has beset me and I must deal with medical and other problems first.
Already experienced drugs and find them fairly overrated.
A 24 year old girl is on the tail end of being young I guess, but you still aren't really equals in the relationship. You're so much more experienced than her, it's no longer really about exploring life together. She expects you to have a car, a house, a good job, and you probably do, but that's no fun. You're basically a provider and a daddy to her.
Dylan Scott
>A 24 year old girl is on the tail end of being young Lolwut. Are you 15?
Aaron Martinez
What if you want a girl to be more than a "plate"? Do you care that some sections of society perceive you as creepy?