>why dont you go out and just talk to strangers
>why dont you just go to pub and get drunk
*shouts at you and your friends that your birthday party sucks because you just sit there talking to other having fun instead of doing i don't know what*
Shit Your Boomer Dad Says
Other urls found in this thread:
>lmao user just install tinder
>you're not that bad looking of a guy
I know he has good intentions but fuck
My Dad doesn't really say anything
Same for me. When my dad's not working he just sits around in the basement watching capeshit on netflix.
> I'm proud of you son
I miss him.
>walk into room
>"you must suffer now to enjoy later"
>"a degree in business?! A farmer can do business, you do business at the store don't you?"
>"you know when I was your age...."
>"one day you'll understand why I'm so hard on you"
>"if you keep acting like this let's see who'll pay for your cup of tea in the future"
I love my dad, I hope you guys love your dad's aswell
My brother is litterly the 30year old boomer meme. Aside of doing hosework 8am on a weekday he always give these no clue advise like.
>why dont you just install Tinder and go on dates? just download the app and write to all your matches and ask for dates right now?
>implying i have matches, and get replays
I have a good job an apartment and normie looks but thats just enough in a western european country
>Israel is our greatest ally.
>Not ALL women are whores, you just have to find the right one.
>install tinder or grindr or whatever. just get out there.
My boomer dad just goes on these pointless, overly long tangents, stretching a point that could be made in a few seconds into a matter of a few minutes.
My dad shit posts on Jow Forums
>*While watching PD Live* See how the blacks find it hard to listen to cops? Its because they have lower IQ
>Now I don't blame the jews, I do blame the Eastern Europeans
>There is nothing wrong with having a bit of jungle fever, but don't go thinking you can dilute our bloodline
Tinder was such a gut punch to my self esteem. Only match with women I'd consider below my league and even then unless you pretty much danced like a monkey to entertain them they would stop texting within the day. I fucking hate that app so much.
>your job is trash. they pay you peanuts. it's not even worth it, you should just quit
*quit job, fast forward 10 months and 1000+ applications later*
>just get a job
>if you don't have a job, it means you're not applying
>well you need to do *SOMETHING* why not just get a job at walmart? (half the pay of the job he told me to quit)
god fucking damn
I guess I'm lucky that my dad is gen x and is just as jaded about boomers as I am.
>tfw dad is gen x too, but looks and acts exactly like a boomer
Are you the same user that fell in love with being a neet when your parents told you to quit your job and stay with them for as long as you wanted and you lived off your savings for 11months?
yep. now i hate my job and spend basically all of my weekends asleep, miserable
don't have energy or time for my hobbies/interests any more
I just rolled out of bed having beat The Hangover at what is now dead noon in the day. I saw my dad handsome gnarly sun burns on his back so I asked him if he was doing yard work. He had been doing work last couple days, but he said he was just going to have a lazy day, pay some bills, and chill.
Tomorrow I have to wake up and go back to the office (like he did for me for 35 years) and he gets to lay at home on retirement. I love my boomer dad.
>Only match with women I'd consider below my league
Might need to reconsider your league
Ohh, hey buddy how've you been?. Don't worry, we'll make it one day.....
My dad is literally a boomer and he's homeless and legless. I havent seen him in a while but he never really said anything about what I should do or how to improve since I'm better off than him.
My boomer dad made me play poker and now i make $15/hr with no boss taking money from boomers
>Ohh, hey buddy how've you been?
>Don't worry, we'll make it one day.....
maybe when my parents die and i can retire
>complains about his wife
>complains about when he was married to my mom
>complains about not having any friends
>complains about millenials cause he works for a company started by millennials
I can count the number of times I see him in a year on one hand. I dont like him
Same here. Talks about news or movies he likes. But nothing about how I should be as a person.
My father always talks about everything being expensive and about how poor he is.
"Why is this coat so expensive? Does it have a TV in it ? Haha. I can order this shit from eBay for way cheaper."(complains when the Chinese shit he ordered breaks Quickly)
He is really annoying. everything is about money for him.
My father is/was a successful aeronautical engineer with several patents, 3 houses, 5 sports cars, 4 airplanes, a glider, a house with a hanger attached and an RV. He told me that he has peed in every ocean (why?) and traveled all over the world.
He's a cool guy I guess but he is emotionally distant and it kind of messed me up growing up since my parents never really engaged me.
>"When I was 23, I had two jobs and an entire family to support!"
Yeah because you made wrong decisions at 16 (me) and at 21 (my sister) while also being dirt poor up until 2014. It's why I'm never having kids.
>There is nothing wrong with having a bit of jungle fever, but don't go thinking you can dilute our bloodline
My mom actually told me something like that one time. It was more like:
"You think you could love a black woman?
If we make a connection then sure, why not?
What?! I'm sure you can find a nice Mexican woman to settle down with! You wouldn't be wiping out our heritage!
Mexican women are too high maintenance and get fat and frumpy after their first child, no offense (we're Mexican).
Granted I was messing with her but there is some truth to it. And don't even get me started on how she reacts to me saying I'd date white or Asian women.