Why are men so fucking degenerate? It seems like I'll never find a guy who is at least normal and not with the mental capacity of an 8 year old
Just look at Pic related. This is the current state of men
Why are men so fucking degenerate? It seems like I'll never find a guy who is at least normal and not with the mental capacity of an 8 year old
Just look at Pic related. This is the current state of men
This is what he looks like
>seeing love as degenerate
just leave the board stacy, go back to plebbit
OMG! Hey Beckie, look at this creep/
Why are you such an awful person? There is nothing wrong with what he said or the way he looks.
bruh we all know that its you and you just want to feel better about yourself
If this was a woman, everyone would be saying how disgusting she is for being overweight
Were not talking about love here, this guy is clearly mentally deranged and borderline creepy just like 90% of men I've encountered, it's so fucking tiresome
He even says he refuses to be anyone's boyfriend, but I guess it's okay for a man to be entitled in today's society no matter how he may look
so what do you not like about him? there's a lot more degenerate shit than that desu. sure he's kind of a pussy, but i think his hearts in the right place.
>more degenerate shit than tjay
Like what? How much worse than this can it get?
Its so funny how women are naturally seen as more degenerate than men no matter the situation
if the dude was attractive, you wouldnt be saying shit
fuck off
That's true, I wouldn't. He clearly needs to get his together
And r9k needs to stop being so goddamn mysoginistic
What? I don't even understand what's degenerate about this.
no one starts hating anything for no reason
women are no exception
theres a good reason why men are hating women more
that's probably your looksmatch
you are overreacting
he is just trying
just that
it's a romantica approach whatever
Only awful people would say such things. You're the same kind of awful, you're just a different gender. Him being a man is not a valid excuse for making a thread like this. I'm not asking you to apologize or anything like that, just don't get sucked into this never ending downward spiral of hating other people for being themselves.
I don't think I have ever agreed with anyone on Jow Forums about anything until this very moment, but you really are a terrible person.
the format is different but is still a list of requirements
Feminists wanted men to act this way.
I hope you can find a better guy, capable of at least giving you a personality and human traits in his retarded fanfictions
Ew what the fuck. He should die
>its another OP is a piece of shit thread No. 9191920323
ya men should be focused on makinh money u right
But remember bros,
You cant fatshame women
You shouldnt judge a women by her looks
But in the case of this guy, OP is completely right in doing the same thing, unironically.
No joke
Exercise is not hard. It makes you feel better when you get into it.
>it's another Jow Forums switches gears into full turbo reverse the minute the notion that a woman is even the slightest remotely critical a man in any capacity no matter what the circumstances are
I could post this exact same thread (well, not literally of course) and we'd all be tearing into him and mocking him as a beta cuck he is and calling for his head in an incel fatwa but because OP has taken you on a ruse cruise by making you think he is a woman you smoothbrain faggots are lining up to defend him
Eh, his rant was pretty cringy and cliche, but he might be alright. Just needs someone to reality check him that saying shit like 'your eyes hold the galaxy' is embarrassing. Unless you're an awarded bloody poet/writer, don't try to lure women in like this, because they've heard the cliche shit a million times before, and it seems less and less authentic the more they hear it and the more men in their lives fail to live up to their promises. Just talk to women like you're all normal fucking people and it'll be much more successful.
That being said, OP is being too harsh here.
If chad was saying this you would eat it up
>like 90% of men I've encountered
I guess you'll have to settle for a creepy weirdo, lmao
>Calling half the world degenerate, because they are not the way you want them to be
fuck off