I'm paranoid. I think I'm being chased/watched and do my best efforts to hide myself. What can I do? What could it be?

I'm paranoid. I think I'm being chased/watched and do my best efforts to hide myself. What can I do? What could it be?

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Paranoid schizophrenia


what are other symptoms

well, do you do drugs? probably drug induced psychosis? either way you're a retard.

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You aren't. Stop being a dumb faggot.

i dont do drugs but i feel the same as OP

oh yeah its because im schizophrenic lmao

were you a naughty boi? yes we are being watched

I don't do drugs
Could it be anything else? Did it take long to diagnose?

seek a psychiatrist amigo also testing ignore tripfag

OP it's not schizophrenia cause it's just paranoia. how about you get on some anti anxiety or some shit?