INCEL thred

If you are an incel post your thoughts and feelings in here.

volcels and braincels not allowed

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I am not an incel so I apologize for intruding. I like the idea of you guys having your own thread, though, so I will bump your thread. I would encourage you to think beyond the realm of mere sex when it comes to understanding and discussing why you are alienated from mainstream culture and society - what caused it, and what you can do about it.

Or, more realistically, how you can get revenge.

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your identity is a meme
i want you to think about that

You're just upset that I am such a cool man. Thus you try to goad me into violence. But because you have goaded that makes you the violent one.

I am passive and peacful. I watch anime, smoke weed, game and fap. The trimverate of male prosperity. My serenity is golden and unshakeable. Nothing can escape my gaze. Nothing

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Do you think I am not self aware? Do you think I don't know how I came to exist. I have been browsing the chans since 2008. You are pitiful. I feel sorry for you.

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Why don't you guys become volcels
Just stop watching porn and start going to church

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Because I'm an atheist, that's why. Do you think I'm some kind of idiot?

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Incels are not a group we are all lone soldiers. there are no leaders nor followers.

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>I am passive and peacful. I watch anime, smoke weed, game and fap
woah i do the same thing dude except im not really an incel. am a pre boomer with bastard kids that barely know me and a bitch of an ex that takes my money. but im not so angry about it anymore. shit happens ya know i got a decent computer to play video games on, an external hard drive full of calssic anime and 80s movies, and a few ethots (all male i assume but i pretend theyre female) to fap with. we are not so different you and i

also coboy bebop is based

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I am so savage the world can not handle the extend of my strength or pain.

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