Please logically explain why you eat meat. give me your best logical reasoning why you eat meat and drink milk

please logically explain why you eat meat. give me your best logical reasoning why you eat meat and drink milk

animals such as pigs and cows are intelligent animals who can suffer deeply and have a unique personality, they are different individuals just like dogs or humans are. they dont enjoy being kept in a cage, being castrated, being raped, having their kids taken away from them, and being killed against their will. they dont want to die for your taste pleasure

all real robots should go vegan, because its hypocritical of your to complain about the suffering you endure in life, yet inflict much more suffering unto innocent animals for your taste pleasure and "yummy in my tummy tum tum"

its unethical for you to kill animals for your tastebuds. you dont need to eat any animal products to survive, humans can have perfect health on a vegan diet

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>you dont need to eat any animal products to survive
As a biochemist, this is unabashedly untrue.

Some species of plants have personalities and play with each other/mess with animals just for fun as well when young. Humans need to eat, so you're presented with finding a solution because we don't have one. You have to make a substitute that tastes like meat while also providing all the energy meat does, because good food boosts morale during the grind and meat is good. It also has to be mass produced to feed billions of people. It has to be just as nutritious and just as tasty, otherwise you have no argument because you provide no substitute.

Cuz I like it

shut up nigger if I dont stuff my face with delioucs steak done rare who's going to eat the cow. and we suffer in life so other animals shouldn't? I don't care about them.
You do realize everyone here is pretty much apathetic assholes right?

really though what would you do with all the cows that are farmed for meat or milk if everyone hypothetically went vegan?

I've also always wanted to try dog too I like to try new foods.
I feel sorry for you. You'll never understand the taste of a baked ham that's cold at 3 in the morning.

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>animals such as pigs and cows are intelligent animals who can suffer deeply and have a unique personality, they are different individuals just like dogs or humans are. they dont enjoy being kept in a cage, being castrated, being raped, having their kids taken away from them, and being killed against their will. they dont want to die for your taste pleasure
why is that the criteria to not kill something?

well, what is your opinion on the american dietetics organization disagreeing with you? they have a lot of medical doctors, not just people with a bachelors degree in biology. they say that a vegan diet is nutritionally adequate for all stages of life, including breast feeding mothers and infancy. human breast milk is vegan btw, because its free from animal exploitation

btw please explain to me what is missing on a vegan diet?

yes, b12 is missing, you need a supplement for that. ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING ELSE you can get from diet or the sun or from supplemented foods like almond milk or oatmilk

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how do vegans explain carnivorous mammals? Or that nearly every primate is omnivorous?... like humans, i see your point with factory-tier meat production, its unethical, yes
but eating meat as it is?... how is that unethical?, predators kill and eat prey, obviously that prey suffers when dying... that's nature

Me eating a juicy burger matters more than the suffering a sweet, innocent, suffering doe-eyed cow. If I had to kill the cow of every burger I ate for the rest of my life I'd still do it. I don't like how most modern farms are run mostly because of how overcrowded they are (and risk of disease) and I guess minorly the cruelty but point-blank. They are food. They only exists because thousands of their ancestors were bred for it. They are FOOD. Watch Silver Spoon anime and learn about food

>everyone goes vegan
>no need for farm animals now
>they all go extinct
wow vegans are truly the dumbest idiots

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