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Why do women hate Virgo men?
Grayson Edwards
James Reed
>cares about opinions of whores on Tinder
Samuel Cook
Fuck OP you are a virgo? Yikes
Logan Gonzalez
she was teasing you, idiot
Christopher Robinson
>he's a virgo
Jeremiah Brown
Parker Price
God you're dense, not surprising for a virgo tho
Lincoln Moore
Women have impossibly high standards it's impossible for the average guy to land a women. Virgos, leos, pisces, if you're any of these women won't even look at you. Meanwhile Chad cancer gets all the sluts.
It's so unfair, why are women such whores???
Bentley Reyes
Virgos are boring af and also not really good at showing affection
Julian White
virgo = virgin
now imagine being a virgin virgo. uh uh hunny sweety
Hudson Lopez
This is so retarded. Just don't bring it up. Never in my life have i actually been put in a situation where i have to reveal my inceldom.
Hudson Mitchell
Virgos are the best men.
t. taurus femanon
Logan Watson
>tfw cancer and no gf or matches
Dylan Wood
i'm a taurus (male) too, tell me some cool shit about us
Austin Gray
women are stupid niggers who can only understand a relationship in regards to sex. They're like rabbits in human form.
Jayden Gray
We're stubborn. This can benefit or curse us, we can be either extra productive and hardworking or procrastinating and lazy af.
Samuel Kelly
wrong those traits are aries
Matthew Rogers
Isn't Leo supposed to be Chad: The Type
Aaron Baker
Literally one of the most basedboy signs, the other being pisces
Carter Parker
Angel Morris
Aries are generally very kinda brash. Taurus can be pretty chill. But all signs with horns are stubborn.
Benjamin Bennett
Not really I mean aries can be kinda impatient but brash is all wrong. Taurus are pretty indecisive to tell the truth
Thomas Edwards
Dude aries are hot headed as fuck
Levi Martin
Taurus are indecisive BECAUSE they're stubborn.
Henry Nguyen
Fellas, how do capricorns fare here?
Zachary Brown
they're pretty charismatic
Nolan Walker
you can't be both stubborn and indecisive unless you stubbornly choose to not make your mind up on decisions. Only people with an actual ameoba eating 2/3rds of their brain are like that
Brandon Diaz
not seeing any sagittarius boys in here... how do i stack up?
Kevin Nelson
That how it be sometimes.
Bentley Carter
All or nothing. Masters of both instinct and critical thought. Mutable but grounded in truth and knowledge. Picky lovers. Selfless, representing everything after a cycle. The center of our galaxy currently resides in Sagittarius.
John Watson
Imagine believing in zodiac signs
Brandon Adams
so... pretty good?
Charles Johnson
Fellow Capricorn lad. Still no gf
Brandon Bennett
Every sign has good sides and bad sides. I'd point all the bad out, but I'm too lazy and basically pisces are the worst.
Bentley Hill
>tfw tauros BVLL
l8r nerds
Isaiah Sanders
Where my mf aquarius lads at?
Cameron Thomas
Virgo's and Pisces are the biggest overthinkers, Virgo is highly anxious and picky where as Pisces are day dreamers and don't seem all there.
Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius and Leo are the best signs.
t.Taurus Sun/Aquarius Moon
Nathan Morales
>mfw taurus BVLL
Jason Lopez
Well at least Virgos aren't manipulative and whiny, they tend to become pretty good once their self esteem is balanced. Pisces on the other hand are always willing to make victims out of themselves.
Easton Robinson
Another aquarius lad, I thought I'd never see the day.
Lincoln Ross
astrology is just bullshit.
William Ramirez
Julian Diaz
Virgin go away lmao
Josiah Green
Sort of, Pisces get bullied a lot but they play on it. Virgo's are more stereotypical nerds, both types are very creative and both are about service to others.
Gavin Allen
Clearly, but it doesnt stop me from being a dick swingin Gemini
Elijah Robinson
Ah a Gemini talking about muh dick, the obnoxious shit talking sign strikes again!
Luke Miller
>believing astrology signs
Ayden Parker
What esoteric bullcrap is that? Next youre telling me that blood types also determine ones personality.
Easton Diaz
Taurus sun
taurus moon
virgo rising
do i win brothers?
Luis Thompson
gemini here
where do i fit in
Evan Wood
:(( im virgo infp but I'm not virgin and have gf... she's also infp and a libra
Grayson Garcia
why are we so based brother? is it because we are born early in the year?
Oliver Lee
This is why I deleted my tinder. Too many thots and too many retarded superstitions and standards.
>you got to be my astrological sign
>you got to be well established
>you got to have time for me, in addition to work, school, friends, and leisure
>no conservatives
>no white men
>I also have two half black babies
Yeah fuck tinder. I really wish that half of their female userbase to die.
Luis Price
>once their self esteem is balanced
never had self esteem to being with
t. Virgo Sun/ Aries Moon
Easton Myers
Aquarius gang rise up. Virgo women can make for nice long term gf's until they get nagging and awfully paranoid
Kayden Wilson
>Air sign
Lucas Gonzalez
we are in the age of aquarius brothers. this is literally /ourera/.
Jace Cox
>being a gemini
>liking goths and alt girls exclusively
you're telling me buddy
Jack Turner
venus/mars in aquarius?
Colton Gonzalez
virgo males have it easy, depending on their rising and moon sign.
scorpio, leo rising, pisces moon sucks.
Jordan Cox
What are Pisces men like?
Justin Howard
forget pisces men, go for the alpha big-brained, big-dicked, and big-hearted aquarius.
Adrian Walker
Romantic, dreamy, a bit dazed off and somewhat feminine.
Noah Robinson
i dont know brother. i think astrology is wack. all i know is that being a gemini means alt girls and goths instantly think you're unstable and untrustable.
Logan Bennett
>tfw you realize MBTI is just zoomer horoscopes
Samuel Hernandez
do your birth chart
Cooper Parker
>all i know is that being a gemini means alt girls and goths instantly think you're unstable and untrustable.
just say that you're scorpio. it's going to work.
Robert Jenkins
Can someone break down what women think of different signs? It's incredible that a huge chunk of women in this day and age still believe in astrology.
William Thompson
>TFW blew it with Taurus qt
why am I so autistic? Literally all I had to do was not spam her with messages.
Just one of you faggots tell me that she probably would have fucking ghosted me anyway even if I didn't act like an autist.
Matthew Roberts
>TFW getting a match and having someone to talk to and get me excited on the prospect of a relationship is the only thing that makes me bother waking up.
I tried bumble but the stock there is lower but I could never get into Tinder standards.
Gavin Morris
>the stock there is lower
What do you mean?
Grayson Sanchez
Uglier? IDK, tbf unlike Tinder most of them aren't just looking for hand-outs or one night stands. I just felt really bad making a girl tell me to just unmatch here because I couldn't hide my visible disinterest when I saw her outside her posted Bumble pictures. At least it's not as bad as OkCupid's though
Jaxson Reed
it depends because they all go what matches with their sign.
Anthony Myers
she will concider you a homo
she will concider you as someone who is way to fucking childish
Beta, not sexual
Beta, not sexual
actual niceguy, but beta and not sexual
she will think of you as an Insane, crazed, deranged loonatic, sociopath or psychopath, little bit hot but way more hotheaded
she will think of you as a sociopath or psychopath but less deranged, and hotter than scorpio
Beta, not sexual
actual nice guy who looks kinda good maybe
Beta, not sexual
Ethan Perry
Thank you. Why is Libra different than the other beta signs? Why is Leo chad?
Ryan Stewart
>she will concider you a homo
James Green
t. aquarius
Austin Hill
it literally fucking equates to virgin lmfao I wonder why?
Brayden Collins
Most people who care about astrology are not even aware that September is the most popular month for birthdays because of reasons entirely separate from the 'astrological calendar'
It's actually amazing telling an astrology fan this tidbit of knowledge and to watch their brain put 2 and 2 together and realize that people are having kids because of CHRISTMAS and the WINTER SOLSTICE and nothing to do with Mercury Retrograde or some shit or whatever they're convicing themselves matters. The things that actually matter that involve the heavens are RIGHT FUCKING THERE ALREADY and integrated into normie religion/society/culture.
it's fucking stupid
t. virgo
Anthony Peterson
Never tell women you are a virgo. Just lie about it.
Nathaniel Phillips
nope, scorpio and life is suffering
Grayson Bell
>life is suffering
in what way?
Ryder Fisher
>not being scorpio masterrace
John Bennett
>actual nice guy who looks kinda good maybe
That's me uwu.
Joshua Butler
Sagittarius is the Chadest Zodiac.
Austin Brown
alphas are leos
Benjamin Thompson
Gemini are chads tho
t. gemini
Brody Gutierrez
what about gemini
Aaron Gonzalez
this girl told me people who believe in astrology are gay
Cooper Bell
>entire thread
>no libras
seriously anons, am I the last libra on earth
Jace Brown
We are the diplomats of the world, we appear only when needed to restore balance.
Caleb Stewart
try being a introverted Leo and you will know true suffering
Thomas Perry
any femanon want a taurus bf please say yes
Jordan Nelson
>Virgos, leos, pisces, if you're any of these women won't even look at you.
>tfw I'm a Leo AND a Virgo (cusp)
Jace Cook
>be leo
>be estp
It all makes sense now. Wow, magic is real!
Jonathan Foster
Because Virgo literally means Virgin in Latin. Youre sign represents a vestigal virgin but thats lost in translation by people into seeing you as something like an incel or "40 year old virgin".
Its pretty tough being a Pisces too. Most of us seem to be incels or gay or nerds to them, except the stereotypes tend to be more true