There are non-whites browsing this site right now

>there are non-whites browsing this site right now

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it's kind of creepy to think of
I mean, if it was mostly just western whites here, it would be like a comfy elementary schools
I was really into turtles, action figures and nintendo and sega when I was in elementary
most girls were smelly and had cooties

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I didn't choose to be born non white

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Do you believe in the boogieman and the Tooth Fairy as well, retard? They're just scary stories made up by mothers to scare their children into staying out of the city. You're buying a bunch of edited videos and Photoshops. So gullible.

imagine the non-white journalists angry but they need to do their jobs

Yes and originalio?

If you're not Dane, Swede or Norwegian you're a mutt. Deal with it.

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Ha, could you imagine the thought, fellow whites? Sheeeeit.

I'm a norwegian. Not a mutt, but I have to tell you that a lot of norwegians are mutts, even before the moslem invasion

I'm guessing you're from oslo