Why did this Incel killed his Thot girlfriend

why did this Incel killed his Thot girlfriend.

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Any more screenshots?

>6 sexual partners by 17
>hundreds of orbiters
>admits to stringing men along and using them
>admits to having sex for drugs
>admits to being broken and mentally ill
>opioid and benzodiazepine addict
>extracts money from men by feigning interest and/or selling nudes

I wonder why she died...

because he was a stupid looser idiot virgin who never desreved her attention in the first place.

He had a girlfriend but was still incel?

Can we have a selfie dump of her pls
For science


I'm compiling if you can help

He says why seething.

He wasn't her bf. She had a different bf. He stalked her while she went to a concert, ambushed and then killed her. They played a few games together online and then he got creepy and possessive and she tried to cut things off. And now she's dead bc he was a creepy incel orbitor.

right??? lolllllll

she probably only cheated because none of you were man enough to satisfy her.

Newsflash she was the soc whore, fuck off

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Are you dumb or something? You do realize I can see your name right? Are you really that mad that she's dead?

lmao you filled the name section without a tripcode... Is this the first time you're on this website Evgenia?

>because he was a stupid looser idiot virgin who never desreved her attention in the first place
Absolutely based and 100% correct tho, funny how so many robots can't cope with the fact that this guy was just a complete waste of oxygen

And one day, for no reason at all, she was killed by the people she cursed.

Either you're lobotomized,an user trying to get roastie targeted or a roastie fishing for orbiters. Which is it.

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the word incel has lost it's meaning long time ago

just shows why incels are incels


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He wasn't an incel. They were fucking and she was cheating on him. Or according to her, they were ONLY fucking and not in a serious relationship so it like totally wasn't even cheating. When he found out, she called him a replaceable nothing. This was the result.

All this plus boy's natural tendency to want to fix edgy qt 3.14 broken bridges is a recipe for disaster.

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can't see shit you retard

That is completely false you fucking faggot. She had consensual sex with him multiple times beforehand, and she willingly got into a car with him.

The word "incel" has completely lost its meaning.