
monday monday.
are you ready fellow wagies?

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My monday is already over and it sucked.
Wish you all the best user and every other user waging today

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>are you ready


Currently wage slaving but i'll he free in 3 hours

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>got an email from some HR person about a position I applied for at a gas station a week or two ago as well as a call
>call the number back, get taken to some other HR guy, asked for the person who messaged me or if there is another number I should call or something
>now I am just waiting for a message back
Not going to lie, I didnt think I would get that far with them. Anything I should expect for working the night shift at a gas station?

Bumping to keep the thread alive and get stories/advice from other anons.

taking my wagey lunch & shitposting
only 4+ more hours to go

I start a job nights at a gas station tonight, but its in their deli area and I have no idea what to expect. People don't buy deli food in the middle of the night from a random gas station do they?

who else is going to live the poorfag life until they can afford enough investment properties to retire?

my plan is:
cheap house - low insurance, property tax, maintenance, bought outright so no mortgage
no car - ride bike to store and work, no auto insurance, registration, gas, repairs, buying a new car every 10 - 15 years
solar panels - $10/mo electricity
no cell phone - $15/mo land line
no internet - i'm addicted to it anyway and it's slowly killing me

I think I may be able to live off only $700/mo. If I earn $15/hr, I can retire in 5 - 10 years

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