Ask me anything. I am bored as fuck and I have been using r9k for years.
I am the actor for AJ Soprano, Robert Iler
Other urls found in this thread:
Ever fuck edie falco while in character
asking for a friend.
Haha nope. I always had a crush on Jamie though. Never asked her out because I never thought she would say yes. I wish I shot my shot back in 06, she was single and I lost a ton of weight.
Is the show worth the watch buddy? Never really got around to see it.
Go ahead and watch it. I personally have not watched it since it ended but if you are into drama shows I am sure you will love it.
Are you depressed at all in real life?
Really? Wasnt the office hottie Adrienne?
Guess how I know you're a newfag.
Why haven't you been in any movies in the past decade?
Anyways, what's your opinion on mods shilling tranny threads and silencing original content?
Proof or GTFO googootz
If true I know you have an old script or something lying around. Podg some proof faggot
This is an interesting and hilarious LARP
So you're pretty much AJ irl too
Should I bother watching the sopranos before I try to catch up with breaking bad? sopranos was always on during the same time as soft core porn so obvious decisions were made to skip watching it pretty much always.
I like your performance as AJ. You said in your recent Sopranos reuinion interview that James Gandolfini would call your agent and make sure you didn't blow all your Sopranos money on stupid shit (or something like that). Have you kept alive his concerns? Are you doing well financially?
I have been playing poker mainly. I am pretty much retired from acting. I was never that great at it and I made all the money I need from the sopranos.
Yes, it's the best show ever. I watch it in full about twice a year. I've seen it 10+ times
what a coincidence. haven't been on here for years and here i am listening to the OST and by chance because of that dead girl i end up here and see this thread. if it's really you, thanks for the good times man... even though i hated your character
Thank you, and yes I have been using my money responsibly.
I would recommend both. Personal preference for deciding what you want to watch first.
mother fucking goddamn orange peel beef
It's great to know you're doing okay, man.
post some proof so I can ask you real questions
If I was larping, I would do it as someone who is super famous.
>playing poker mainly
>have been using my money responsibly
no, because then it wouldn't be believable. I want to believe you, post some proof.
Glad to hear I helped provide some entertainment for you. And a lot of people did haha
Post gabagool with timestamp faggot.
gabagoo? OVA HERE
I've made good money on poker. Plus my Sopranos residuals give me enough of a safety net. What have you done with your life, nigger?
why do you use Jow Forums? what drew you to this site?
I have been gambling responsibly
>What have you done with your life, [n-word]?
Hey, AJ. I know you're done with the whole entertainment business, but your life can still be destroyed over this. The media is ruthless! It's not worth it! delete your comment and apologize, immediately.
I wouldn't be suprised if this was real, you really give off the beta/weirdo aura on the show. Could see you sniffing Adriana's seat when noone was looking.
No offence of course, you seem nice enough.
>Could see you sniffing Adriana's seat when noone was looking
paulie already did that
I'm not worried about it. I don't rely on Hollywood money anymore, so they can't take anything away from me. Most of the cast said nigger on set. Of course the late 90's were a different time. Now if The Sopranos were on when that fucking monkey Obama was elected, well I can tell you that there would be some pretty spicy episodes about that!
Funny story, I think it was 2008, it was after the show ended and we were at some HBO event and some fan told me about Jow Forums. I dont use it all that much but I have pretty much been using it for the last decade off and on. You guys crack me up.
terrible larp, you blew it
>redditnigger is outing himself
Jow Forums is a forum of peace and tolerance.
>Plus my Sopranos residuals give me enough of a safety net.
Why did you have to resort to robbery Rob?
Dude I am just trying to do an AMA for the fans of the show on my favorite board. Dont act like a dick
Please explain this little incident, young man
I don't know, why did your mother have to resort to sucking black cock for money? Haha just kidding of course. I love interacting with fans of the show. I hope you guys are enjoying this too.
I was young high and stupid. That whole situation was extremely embarrassing and I hate that a lot of people thought of me as a bad kid for making that mistake.
Nice cope out, friend.
That wasnt me lol it is some dude who is messing around.
As I explained I am extremely embarrassed by that situation and it does not represent how I really am at all.
Please ignore this guy, hes pretending to be me even though I started this AMA. I'm not afraid to say "nigger" and I wont be intimidated by nigger-lovers. Anyone who says otherwise is an impostor.
How do you feel knowing that this scene happened in real life to you and everyone on this board?
How do you feel knowing that David Chase is responsible for James Gandolfini's death by encouraging him to overeat?
Probably the realest scene in the show lol, I love it. And that is a huge stretch to say David is responsible in any way. Jim passed away 7 years after we finished filming.
Do you prefer Nanoha or Fate(blonde)?
Why is paully the greatest character?
Nothing I can think of to ask you really. Loved the show!
Is it true that they originally shot the last scene as a death scene but then made it more ambiguous in post or wherever?
Haha, so defensive. Regardless of whether this is fake or not, it's entertaining. Thank you user.
Ya we rehearsed the final scene in the diner with blood bags bursting out of Jim's chest. It was going to be much more gruesome and definite. But the kikes at HBO wanted to keep the series ending ambiguous so they could make sequels. Obviously no sequels were made, but you know how money grubbing kike jew business types are.
can we get a proof with timestamp
was James Gandolfini anti-semitic
Nah, the realest is when Paule sits down with his adopted mom after finding out he has cancer, while they're both alone in the dark watching shitty tv.
The funniest though is the intervention.
I wouldn't say it's a huge stretch at all though. Compare Jame's weight gain in each season. Look at how he looked in season one compared to 6B. As the series progressed literally every single scene has him eating. I've been re-watching with a friend who hasn't seen the show, and even he started to notice it as early as season 4.
James went to David and asked him if him gaining weight was a problem, and David told him, no, keep eating. That's 8 years worth of being told that the bigger and fatter you are for your role, the better.
David wanted it to be open ended so Tony dead never gonna get a real death scene.
Jim knew that jews are deeply involved in the Hollywood machine, but never really made any overtly antisemitic comments to me. He was a really smart guy. I don't think he would want to jeopardize his career by speaking ill of jews. I remember back in december of 08' I was doing coke with him at a party and he mumbled something about a "monkey in the white house", but he never mentioned it again.
100% LARP, but how do you even relate to this board when you have undoubtedly slept with many beautiful women in your life during your acting career?
lol classic jim
If he was he did a good job of hiding it
While it is true that i've spent a good amount of time living the vegas lifestyle( gambling, boozing, having sex with many beautiful women) at the end of the day my white identity is something I take very seriously. Jow Forums is a place where white pride and white identity can be expressed without the jew-kike media disturbing me.
Holy shit I just watched your show for the first time a few weeks ago. That shit was great. I hated you though. I know that's not your fault but shit they made you annoying man.
Did being on that show get you into mafia shit at a young age? I bet growing up being on that show would have made me super into all of that stuff, like movies and books and documentaries about it and shit.
>having sex with many beautiful women
why do you come here? you arent a robot, you fucking turbo normie chad mr hollywood star
only the losers of society, the isolated, the depressed, the virgins, can be robots
why even bother coming here, you cannot relate to the pains of robotdom
How did you loose all that fat boy weight? Did you ever see Jamie's boobs?
After we filmed season one my mom hired a dietitian for me. I didn't really even start exercising, just some diet changes were able to thin me out. And no lol, I never say Jamie nude. She was always bringing guys to her trailer to "hang out" if you know what I mean. Many of them were black. Since none of my co-stars were my age I felt alone most of the time, to be honest.
Yeah definitely, it got me watching movies like goodfellas and godfather. And thank you for the kind words, I am glad you enjoyed it.
Why isn't this on /tv/?
It was in 2006 if I remember correctly. I wanted the relationship with Blanca to be more realistic so I asked them if I could lose weight for the finale season and they let me. I did a lot of jogging and eating bananas. And no but I wish lol
>She was always bringing guys to her trailer to "hang out" if you know what I mean. Many of them were black.
Who's the real
Me. The other guy is a troll.
Considering the fact that I was already thin by 2001 (check google or season 3 of the sopranos), its pretty obvious who the larping nigger is and who is real.
The real aj is a good boy and would never use the n word u forgot !
Sorry to break it to you, but AJ is a character I played, not the real me. In real life I despise niggers, spics, and jews.
How hot was she irl.... do you have her lewds?
explain the armed robberies bro.
where is my timestamp you little faggot
How can I quit burgerflipper job to bankroll and live off poker? Should I just bankroll 10k usd and just get good? I'm about a hour flight from vegas.
/tv/ is a shit board, into the trash it goes.
Dude, I lost some baby fat but I wasnt exactly thin. I didnt get thin until we recorded the final season.
Im not familiar with her.
I did earlier. I was young and stupid and I deeply regret it
Fake w/o any proof. Johnny Sack has a twitter and has been on the Cumia show, real boomer
AJ! hello from South Texas Brown Fags. Love the series and your work. What are some of your greatest memories with James?
I just remember him always being there for me. When I turned 21 he went out of his way to invite me to events with the rest of the cast which was awesome. Just a great guy overall.
What is this lovely ladies name
>91 replies
Based larper
Cringe anons
Is it really that being in one hit show makes you enough to be set forever?
Is there any possible way of unfucking the system and Hollywood at this point or is it all just ogre now take what you can get until the world goes up?
I saw you once on stage at a concert back in ~98ish. If you can tell me what concert that was, I'll believe you.
scratch that. It was 2000. Also happened to be standing next to people who were either your friends or people who knew you and were heckling you when you were talking.
if it's one of the most popular shows for six seasons and you hire a decent money manager, then yeah.
Well, that's too bad.
What was James Gandolfini like?
Nice guy? Professional?
Or was he kind of a self absorbed asshole like we hear so many Hollywood stars end up becoming once the fame gets to their heads?
He never let the fame get to his head. Great guy.
love james but i've read that he had some serious substance abuse issues that got in the way with the show sometimes. any truth to that?