>be me
>19 year old depressed neet
>spend 3 years of life on d*scord
>make friends closer than ever done irl and have one best friend to always go to when feeling really fucking shitty
>skip to 3 years later to today
>get banned from server that was enjoyed for 2 years while talking, playing and shitposting with friends because of drama about pedos
>lose all friends that i knew for a long time
>best friend always went to feel better cant decide whether he still loves you like a brother or not
>pretty much lose best friend that stopped you from kill yourself
So lads, other than helium what other affordable painless ways to die are there? I dont have any other reason to keep going and lying in bed everyday doesn't help.
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
bumper, need genuine advise
Last I heard they don't sell pure hellium anymore. Also don't do it
>because of drama about pedos
maybe dont talk shit about pedos in a server full of pedos
So, were you a pedo then, user?
thats why i excluded helium, and im afraid of fucking it up and bursting my lungs which is actually painful, also I literally have nothing else going for me my parents are constantly looking after me and I keep apologizing to them even when they say its fine, I just want out ive done nothing but cause problems for my family and friends
youre already on discord just find someone to slice your head off lmao
Im not a pedo but I got into some shit where I can't be denied as one at this point
>making ""friends"" on discord
You deserve it pal the only time i used discord was because some loli girl dent me pics but it hot boring so i ghosted her
by loli i mean that she was a goth loli dumb female and roleplayed as a loli.
None of them were thots actually since it was a Jow Forums based server and they were genuinely nice to talk to, even the mods were chill most of the time
I doubt they'd be happier after you end yourself. Ultimately it's your choice, but I think it's better if you don't.
>probably first time saying something positive on this platform
please don't do it
It was an option since my life in general isnt go so well as you can tell from having to wake up everyday knowing some furry owned social platform is all you have for social interaction.
Dont worry im well aware of the cancer of the site and why it's hated so much, theres some freedom of speech at least unlike reddit, not that I ever used it to begin with
If you want to kys do it big, jump off the biggest building in your country
get a job faggot lol
I had one at a warehouse but it was shit, back breaking and boring as fuck. It made me feel worse than I was to begin with and from there i've been so unmotivated to try working again.
I firmly believe that healthy people should not take their life. I don't think you can convince me it's the right choice. Not that you owe me an explanation. Just know, that you should not do it.
>painless ways
learn to read lmao
Is that you barlic?
>I firmly believe that healthy people should not take their life.
I completely agree but ever since I moved to a 3rd world country because of a parents job my life has been nothing but underachievement and disappointment, I even knew as a kid I would become a neet because of how im so incompetent to self sustain myself without being told what to do, how to do it and why I shouldn't do something. Even when I moved back home the downward spiral continued, I barely passed college and couldn't get a job without my parents help and it turned out to be shit. I want out knowing that nothing ive done for 9 years now has been of a positive manner to my family, friends or even my fucking self, and dont say basic stuff like finishing highschool counts because it means nothing.
Based quads discord trannies need to die
Dont worry im not a tranny im not that mentally ill yet
>drama about pedos
> painless ways to die
Fucking kill yourself, user. Be a man about it tho. Do a flip or some shit. Pedos don't deserve a painless death
you will die anyway just wait for something better to happen
hey user. i'm just another reply in this thread, and you've probably stopped looking at it by now, but i think i kinda need to write this to myself as much as i want to offer help by writing it to you.
no matter how much trouble you think youve caused your family, no matter how sad youve made yourself feel, no matter how much youve cried and felt down, theres always a way out.
climbing back out of a pit is much harder than falling in one. it takes time and effort, and you'll probably cry a whole lot more, and youll feel sad a whole lot more, and so will the people around you. but once you come back to the surface, all of that will be behind you. all of the pain that you've felt, and that youve caused your loved ones will be inverted. only you can make your parents and loved ones, and ultimately yourself, proud. don't give up, even when things are really really really hard.
here's some music to get you up out of your bed. excuse the fact that it's an amv, i know it's cringe. pull open your curtains, turn on all your lights, clean your room, tidy your desk, and get ready for the rest of your life
user has shit taste in music
^good shit
Blow up Google headquaters or something, faggot. GET REVENGE!
Thanks for the response shonenchad, it wasn't what I really wanted to hear but I appreciated the sentiment, Im really unsure what to do at this point, Its been so long since I've witnessed any sort of improvement with myself online and in real life. Also the song was nice dont worry about it.
Blackpill detected. There's only one thing to do that matters right now user: pastebin.com
We're gonna need every able bodied man in the days to come. So long as there's blood in your veins and air in your lungs, all is not lost.
Embrace the anger, the rage, the sadness. It will guide you. Think of what they took from you- what they STOLE FROM YOU! There's a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance. So you don't get to quit on us you fucking faggot. NOT YET.
you're welcome, as i said it was kinda for myself as well. i know that feel. i feel like i've been living the same year on repeat for about 3 or 4 years. i think it's important to take things one step at a time. you seem nice, if you want we can talk more on discord, my username is Raphael#6109 (but the e has dots on you can probably find it online to copy it, Jow Forums wont let me post it for some reason)
also keep spreading the good word
Hi user, I just lost most of my friends too! Just trying to survive daily life, I can feel reality crumbling around me. Add me! If you still use discord of course. I won't leave you alone until you bore of my friendship and leave ME alone. That's what usually happens, feel free to ignore this though, maybe you're not interested.
Disc: licht.sky#5389
Lmao what kind of retarded doubletalk is this? Are you a pedo or not you faggot
I think a bullet is quite a good option here. Just think about everybody who will clean the mess, and try to do it in some appropriate place( dunno, balcony). Also jumping off a cliff would be nice, I've always dreamed of flying before dying. Just here be sure to fall on your head so there is no way to survive as you dont want to survive after falling. Just trust me on that
I'm a bit too anxious to DM people but thanks for the offers, sorry for the late replies too was trying to get out of bed.
car exhaust
carbon monoxide poisoning makes you fall asleep painlessly
Dont have a garage anymore sadly
Anons i'm incredibly sad to hear you're feeling so low but i do get where you're coming from. I was pretty fucked up a few years ago and considered suicide myself (I'm 18) wondering if rope was a good idea or if i just wanted to go out all guns blazing- had a dad that beat me and i was fat with no friends and there were no one who ever really tried to help me. The only thing that really ended up breaking me out of the self depricating cycle (and that's really what it is) was i kid you not Jesus Christ. No one wants to hear it, no one wants to believe it- but he really is there for you and loves you more than anyone else does- He set me on the right course again- i was sitting on a bus with my school and suddenly i started crying as i stared out the window. I'm not saying it's a feeling that you get- you can't base your life on your feelings but i really want you to read the New Testament and learn first hand about Jesus- not from some pope, catholic school or a teleevangelist. Do it user i believe in you- God bless you
I'll be here if you have any questions
One, people are too retarded to throw your life away because of them, or the lack of them. Sure you'll be lonely for a while, but if you acquired friends once, you can manage it again. It hurts, but don't be afraid of being by yourself for a while, as long as you don't let it stay like that forever. It's clique but people come and go, you are the only constant in your life. Learn to enjoy the day to day, enjoy routine, enjoy variance, clean up your room and make it a nice space, seek out and appreciate little moments and small things. Being /comfy/ is how we survive here.
Second, not everyone is fit for a go-getter ranks-rising kind of job. Don't say that in an interview of course, but it's okay to find some random job that doesn't suck too much and save money while you're living with your parents. Just make to do research to steer clear of the real bullshit jobs like warehouse work as you've found out. Finding a job is hard but keep trying anywhere and everywhere, even if it takes months or a year, and if all you can find is some as-needed part-time work that hardly pays, that's still something you can put on a resume. As you build that resume up, hopefully you can get a somewhat easy-going comfy job you can live off of, and do something you actually like doing in your free time, using that money. If all you can do is follow instructions there are decent jobs for you.
Don't give up now. 19 is no age to die. We're still young fucking impulsive idiots. As a couple of wise anons once said,
>"when you play mario do you hurl yourself down the first chasm you see or do you jump the fucking goomba? you play the game because the game can be played, just fucking try being a real human bean you idiot".
>"I pretty much just said fuck it, the arcade game already took my quarter so I might as well play. But you know, with life."
I'm not always able to take the advice completely to heart, but you know what they say. "Believe in the me that believes in you."
If you'd like i'd gladly be your coach and help you get like on track