Operation fuck redditfags

Jow Forums will not allow all of these normies to start sending their normalfag compassion whenever we do something BASED
>we need to cleanse redditfags from this board
Jow Forums is edgy. Jow Forums always was edgy and always will be edgy
>we do not give a fuck about your sympathy for internet whores
Fuck off to reddit and give me back my board

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So when do we ban incels?


I don't think you have to be a moralfag to think that it's a bit of an overreaction to ritually murder someone who blocks on you discord.

lmao have sex
this is pathetic

We hate roasties

i propose operation anti virgin incel freak

have sex

You are acting like a fucking manchild fuck of with that
>buhuuu gimme back my bord
bullshit you autistic ass child


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and for the last fucking time

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I don't know user. I find it hard to relate to some discord emo fag. Not /our/ guy is what I think

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That's what makes it all the more annoying, nobody is defending the emo fag, anons are just running wild with the shitposting.

When you make amends with your father, axewound.

Hey is this one of those things new fags would say threads?

make Jow Forums an /otaku/ board

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Hey redditniggers, you can stay mad all you want but it won't bring your disgusting filthy whore back from burning in Hell for eternity

That emo cringelord wasn't a robot

You stopped being edgy the moment you actually killed people. That's several in the past year alone now. Faggot.

You possibly couldnt be any more rigth

I sincerely hope they recreate your home on r/incel, incel.

imagine unironically empathising with the killer and calling it "eDgY Xd" fucking incel losers

people are acting like this is anything new lol... this attitude towards people like that dying predates incel culture

If you actually kill people thats unironically edgy.

Edginess is rooted in impotence. That's why people laugh at it.

How is it rooted in importance?

Nah man, Jow Forums does it for the lulz. If you do this shit out of genuine hatred that's boring because you're in for your a bloo bloo and not laughs.

Being edgy in itself is an act of overcompensation. Edgy people all have some things in common. They are powerless, they are afraid, they are unintimidating and a lot of them are being walked all over by their peers.
Going on the internet to vent about how you would for real slit my throat without hesitation or remorse is a perfect way to feel like less of an impotent prey. So is laughing at tragedies and proudly claiming you feel no emotions.

>If you do this shit out of genuine hatred that's boring because you're in for your a bloo bloo and not laughs.

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If you do this out of genuine hatred it is more rewarding.

I see. But if your are what you say that doesnt make you edgy anymore does it?


We were always edgy because it was funny. Not because your retarded ass has a mental breakdown every 30 mins from not being able to get your dick wet

Yeah welcome to Jow Forums friend. You should have joined 15 years ago when being edgy was still funny, but you weren't born yet soI can't blame you.

all incels should entertain that nagging thought in the backs of their heads and commit suicide right now. nobody will miss you. you don't matter. do it, stop being afraid. do it.

who HURT you SWEETY? Im LITTERALY SHAKING rn, its just called being a DECENT human being. You INCELs are so PROBLEMATIC that Im losing ALL faith in HUMANITY.

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why not both, it is the internet hate machine after all.

>wildly misusing greentext
>operation fuck redditfags

someone gets murdered and how is shit storming on here supposed to help? The guy who did it has been caught.. seem like you just want attention and feel the need to nag about nonsense. but go on....

get help or kill yourself. pic one. you provide nothing to the world, you disgusting faggot. either try or end it

sure, as long as you go 1st.

Stfu go back to 2016

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>sending their normalfag compassion whenever we do something BASED
fuck off newfag zoomer.

if youre under 18 i can get why youre apathetic because she was close to your age. but srsly, 17 year olds are just kids. no one deserves to die like that despite thottery. if youre over 18 pls check in a mental asylum and get off my board

Just so you all know, she was dating a Jow Forums user. Wanting to warn other fembots out there what kind of people are on here. If you meet up with them, it might be your last day on earth.

typing this is actually gayer than fucking another man in the ass, please administer air bubbles into your carotid as soon as possible.
>operation fuck redditfags
holy shit kiddo did you hear about Jow Forums from a fucking 2013 Instagram screenshot or are you an FBI agent that hasn't fully understood the language? either way please fuck off

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tfw no gf was a joke, user not a manifesto

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otakus are incels

He'll have to wait two months until the raid on [REDACTED] occurs, the only current time machines are located there.