Why would you be pulled over user?

Why would you be pulled over user?

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>helpful police officer notifies me my tail light is out and tells me to have a good day
Y-you too.

Probably speeding through a yellow

Because I am the only one who does not drive like a fucking deranged maniac in this town.

You one of those niggers who think they're driving safe by constantly stopping completely at every turn?

Probably due to speeding slightly or doing something spiteful to another driver like deliberately speeding up and cutting them off after they sit up my ass for 5 miles.

For being nonwhite

Speeding at 4AM on my way home from work
Sometimes I forget theres an occasional speed trap on one of the roads I take. Only a matter of time before I get a ticket

for being high probably

For burning that synagogue down

>humorless pig tickets you because your tail light is out and he's under his quota for the month

l'm white though.

for driving too slow

Fuck I am always worrying about this. I drive a hybrid so instead of turning the engine off I switch into electric mode so it is silent. That way I can drive away if I have to. I keep a gun in the glove compartment. I am just always worried that they are going to power trip and try to kill me or arrest me unfairly or something. But I have never been pulled over.

I'm not interested in talking about that subject. Delete this thread.

I know what you mean bro. You're right to be paranoid, I was killed by a police officer once

I've never owned a car

I dont even know why I feel this way, I have only had good experiences with police. Police in my town are all nice asian guys.

it takes a lot to get pulled over in phoenix even if you are a shitskin. typically requires speeding at least 30 over while weaving in and out of traffic

For speeding. I dont know how I haven't been pulled over. I go at least 70 on every road

Music to loud

Where I lived previously I was never pulled over and I driven 50+ over the limit, sometimes stoned, sometimes with no lights at night. I moved to the capital and those fucking negroes pulled me over cause I had faulty position lights in a rental. Well then I had to explain myself why I use stolen drivers license. Turns out couple of years ago I lost my wallet and reported it. Then it was found by someone and I got it back from Lost and Found. Signed papers that it is no more stolen. But turns out I have to go personally to the police station where I reported it for them to scratch it off the records. Yes officer, will do. Never did, I hate bureaucracy. So I roam the streets with my own stolen drivers license.

Would also have a gun concealed in a car like you muricabros, but nanny state here so no no only police is trained to possess guns amirite.

it's rational to be a little afraid of police. they have the power to completley fuck your life and it's not that hard to become a cop. i know i wouldn't trust a rando with that much power over my life

So I would be pulled over for driving with a stolen driving license of myself. Honk honk greetings from EU circus.

My radio stopped working a while back, so now I listen to music through wireless earbuds while I drive. I'd probably get stopped for that.

I speed a lot.

driving erratically/reported stolen.

I'm a mentally ill neet without a license. Who would let me drive a vehicle? Perhaps i stole it, in which case i plan on crashing it into a wall of concrete.

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Doing 100 on a 45mph zone. Again. I can usually outrun the pigs' cuckmobiles though.

He probably wanted to check THESE DIGITS

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