>tfw live in a country where everyone hates sluts, faggots, trannies, etc.
I think my pond has more of the fish that we seek.
Less women become roasties here.
I'm far too undateable for dating. My body is ridden with blade scars. My thighs...
I wouldn't sweat it. Not all of us can control what we are given. But the fact that you recognize there's something wrong is a step in the right direction.
We may not be next to you, but we're with you
I've done that years ago. It was a bit unorthodox of an experience. At the time, I saw a bit of myself in those I helped.
Okay. You send this picture to a girl. You say "This man totally looks like me right now"
Do you think she is going to instantly orgasm or do you think she'll be super creeped out and block you?
shut the fuck up retard nobody cares about your stinky ass mental problems
Cringey as fuck user I hope you dont unironically believe this
I actually believe this, is it not true?
Not OP, but r8 my scars
I stopped self harming over 5 years ago but I forever get weird looks from people if I leave my arms exposed
Of course it isnt true
Just shitty myth that guys perpetuate over the internet because it is easier to believe women are shallow than actually examine the real reasons they are undesirable, which almost never has anything to do with looks, money, height, etc and everything to do with being an unpleasant person
>what is a reaction image
>what is context?
I bet you also think that grabbing your own dick is gay, it's a dick after all.