>tfw no INFP gf that is actually just a depressed ENFJ EDITION

is overexposure killing these threads? should we take a break and only make threads every few days?

>previous thread:

>recommended reading

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>depressed INTP is actually ENTJ
>depressed INFP is actually ENFJ
>depressed INFJ is actually depressed INFJ

>tfw no ENFP gf
t. INTJ, the superior race

I'm a morbidly depressed INFP male just wandering and wishing and daydreaming until my counterpart falls into my arms. Which might be never. And yeah these threads get flooded immediately, it's such a big topic now. Even my psychology prof at uni had everyone take an mbti

How do you know if you're a real INFP or just a depressed ENFJ

Take a break, I came back here after five years because I knew these MBTI threads would be constant and cancer. I have also dropped, planted and cut up more trees than anyone who replies to this garbage ass faggot tripfag of a garbagedump thread.

Theyre daft cunts

INTP here and I'm justl ike to dispel a myth about my kind.
there's nothing rational about buying into 'objective systems' uncrtically--it's the complete opposite and it just makes me so mad to see all this ---


INTP here, learn English.

[2011 voice] it's a meme you dip

I keep getting different types in the same general area. REEE


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>INTJ superior race

Introverts = Autists.
Extroverts = Retards.
So basically everyone is a retarded piece of shit. Game over.

baaed on functions only, which type would like to be more submissive in bed?
the only I chad is ISTP

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ENFP how you guys doing?

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And ISTJ. My dad is an ISTJ lawyer and he's badass and my hero.

Did you make that image? It looks new.

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How do I expel the autism from my mind? I can only make two faces, stone mask, and "creepy grin."

>Doing things because they can.

Borderline INFP with a psychopath ESTP bf here.


has he ever caught u when ur about to stab him in his sleep

INFP male here. How can i accquire an infp gf

I am too much of a pussy to actually do anything like that. He would probably be more likely to actually stab me since he is so emotionless and impulsive.

A lot of them are shut-ins but you may find some hanging around at gigs, goth clubs, bookstores, art galleries, coffee shops etc. INFP girls wont open up unless you show them attention and make it obvious you are attracted to them first. They are too shy, self conscious and proud to approach first. Even the cute ones think they are ugly.

I don't usually go witchhunting on threads for that specific thing, but goddamn do I hate MBTI. It's literally horoscopes for pseudo-intellectuals.

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Yeah but im like that too. Im too much of a pussy to make the first move and carry the conversation maybe im better off letting the girl make the first move but it's hard to count on that happening, though it has happened in the past.

Any other INFPs constantly horny all the time? No amount of masturbating seems to satisfy me. I am horny again 10 minutes later. They say INFPs are dreamers well yeah, all I seem to dream about is sex.

Yes, male here. I get into weird ass fetish stuff too, and end up regretting the atrocity id just done. But I can't seem to stop going deeper.

I thought as much so I am sorry to hear that. Two INFPs together could turn dull and depressing very fast, unless she is one of those bpd INFPs who is always pulling psychobitch shit (like me). You would be better dating an extrovert because they pretty much run the show.

I watch really degrading, rough, fucked up shit too which is weird because we are supposed to be high empathy. I guess it feels like strangely indulgent when watching that shit.

What type would you say the guys who star in and produce the facial abuse videos are?

And what about the roasties who let them do it?

Yeah i think im in love with the idea of two INFPs together, the image is beautiful. But I'm not a realistic person so its hard to ground myself or even make a relationship like that work. Unless the girl was a bit more outgoing than me. And extroverts seem to have life together better and help introverts break out, but not too much out of their zone where they're uncomfortable.

I always get INTP. Im a relatively alpha guy with a beautiful white wife and am ober 6 foot and have a handsome face. Did bad in college but make good money. This is the biggest astrology for men bullshit of all time.

my instincts tell me life shouldn't be this horrible

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I know exactly what you mean, and it makes me feel terrible but i just cant stop.
Youre right. But theres a lot of research being done about this topic and its an interesting little thing to banter about. I dont think theres really that much factuality to it but its cool.

>star in

>tfw trying to make friends with qt INTJ
>tfw you suggest chatting
>tfw they run away

You can't win them all. Anyone else here need someone to talk to?

There is a definite psychological drive behind those videos so I would wager ENTP for thinking of inventive ways to humiliate women and ESTP for taking morals out of the equation and doing whatever feels good for them in the moment. ESTPs are very sadistic, impulsive and also pretty shameless so I assume most of the dudes in porn are probably ESTP.

>wake up
>i'm still intp
>not an entp yet


I know what you mean. INFPs love emotional intensity and the only MBTI that could really provide you with that depth is INFP. But the practical side of the relationship soon gets neglected because you are both so busy living in a fantasy ideal. Two INFPs might be perfectly okay with that though.

Are you retarded? Intj here, broke up with enfp gf. You dont want that shit breh

i had a 24 year old english teacher who i think had a thing for me but I had a hard time reciprocating even though i really wanted to. I was pretty depressed and closed off and just couldnt hold myself up and just hid myself to not let anyone down.

Are you an autist IRL or just lazy? You might actually be one you know

You need to work on your self esteem. Most INFPs are betas and become good with ladies because their art, songwriting or acting abilities bring them fame and money. Focus on yourself and strengthening your own talents and work on trying to feel more secure in yourself. Women like men who are busy doing their own thing.

both im pretty sure luuul but im pretty sure by functions im a Ti dom and not a based as fuck Ne dom shitlord so i dont think im gonna wake up any time soon

How emotionally intense are INFJs?


if i regularly score 50/50 on one or more category does that mean im both types or neither
the only things i get 100% is thinking and introversion, and i dont need a fucking quiz to tell me that

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You already know we store sound clips in our head like fucking paper, are you trying to clue in the rest on the joke?

I was INTP, got rid of depression and became INTJ. The more I hang around outside with other people the more I'm becoming ENTJ.

>people think enfjs have everything perfect
>constantly overthink everything and anything
>able to hide the pain

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Are we INFPs the biggest meme of them all

You might be ok. ENFPs are the real shitter imo

ENTP-A bros report in
INTPs can suck my fat cock

take a function-based test like sakinorva.net/functions. 16personalities is rubbish, and 50/50 means nothing coming from there.

INTP here. i used to be pretty good at talking/ debating but after having no friends and being a fat loser my brain has turned to mush and i just can't turn my brain on anymore. i used to be able to remember tons of shit about a lot of shit and be able to make good cases and point to things and stuff but now that my brain is fried i'm just a bumbling retard and i can feel that my brain isn't active and i just end up looking like a fucking dunning kreuger retard with weak points even though in my head i see a big web of why i think what i think

i hope i can activate my brain again one day


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You always were a retard user, you just learned how to stop lying to yourself.
It's important to see yourself as honestly as you see the rest of the world, even if that may feel bad.
If you're a Dunning-Kruger retard, you just have to learn humility and subsequently stop being retarded. I'd gladly humiliate you intellectually, but I have better things to do right now.


What's killing those threads is all the namefagging/tripfagging attention whores. You should stop answering to them and chase them away.

>tfw ripped INFJ
>tfw hermit who will never have a qt to flex for
Sometimes I wonder what's the point of being so sexy if I'm never going to date again. But it's all for the sake of self-improvement.

Here's the problem I have with the way functions work: according to MBTI theory, I cannot have both Fi and Ti. However, my Ti and Fi scores are both extremely high, and my Te and Fe scores are fairly low. Thus, no type really matches my cognitive functions. Is there an explanation for this, or is it a typology flaw?

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INTJ should be changed to, "You have low cognitive ability and are useless." Lol
Why would you spend so much time trying to make others happy and content? It seems like quite a bit of waster energy and potential. Why not focus on yourself and let the world around you match your improvements?
Quite literally force yourself to focus on only (and I mean only) doing your own thing. Do what you do best and what you enjoy. That's when the best results happen socially for us. When we DON'T try.
I think a good way to catch the attention of that qt would be to do/say something completely outrageous (like that you want aliens to come to Earth and only be interested in pinecones, completely ignoring all other terrestrial life) then go from there.
Outlandish discussions for INTJs are like what snacks are for fat people.

xD, i get it

Everyone uses all 8 functions, the stacks are more like ideal models for type development and balance.
With that said, some questions for Ti are also really biased, asking shit like "Are you very smart or very retarded?"

no i used to be not as retarded. honestly i think it has to do with spending so much time with sensors. i never have intuitive conversations with people anymore. i grew up with an INTJ and an ENTP and every time a debate came up everybody spoke the same language. people could take ideas and see where they were going and make some leaps in arguments and take certain things for granted and continue on because it made sense later and could read between the lines and all that great N conversational stuff.

debating/discussing with sensors is a fucking trainwreck. every little detail of every step needs to be explained to them and i need so many sources for every little comment. there's no connecting any dots for them and they don't like playing with or discussing any ideas or anything abstract. everything has to be seen to be understood.

and i understand sourcing things is incredibly important but when you just start making a point and the first thing is "these claims are outrageous back them up" and it just spirals into me spending the whole time looking for sources for everything and then they still dismiss the point or just lose interest it's just annoying.

i think i've become more of a retard i dont think i was always this retarded, at least compared to my teenage years where i had more energy and people understood me more. i wish i had intuitive friends again. i miss the autistic depths of N conversation.


Function based tests are stupid. You can't type somebody by saying they're 34.26% Fi, it's a meaningless metric.

what about ISFPs? I like to imagine we're better off than them.

come on user, it can't be that bad .Your instincts are probably right because you're probably wrong about things being bad

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Indeed. I've calmed down a lot over the years.

So now you're saying two literal children used to think you were smart and cool but now you have a hard time talking with adults? What would you call an intuitive conversation? What's something that you'd consider to be a deep concept?

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autistic INTP here, just wanted to say that everything is a farce. carry on.

>tell me something that is interesting or important to you so that i can tell you how retarded you are for thinking that

I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment.

yknow what I'm reading between the lines that will surely make sense later?
You seem like a narcissist, except you're too retarded for all the good manipulative narcissism shit and you just make yourself look like a smug retard instead.
Some kids thinking you're smart is completely meaningless, it's expected. Impressing children should be natural.

You sound like the kind of person who'd get offended at the idea of the burden of proof.
You've not become more of a retard, but less if you are now seeing the light. Lose some weight and have sex.

PS: There is depth in all interaction, you just can't understand the game.

this unironically has made my day a good day. thank you user.
i'm sorry you have to deal with this inane and absurd bullshit too

>you just make yourself look like a smug retard instead
>Lose some weight and have sex.

You too, man. We have to find little ways of making the time seem worthwhile, even if it's all illusory and fleeting in the end.

ime it means you tend to change between types depending on the situation. im one of those too
how do you type people then?

i'm always happy to see other people put within a 16 division boxing spectrum thing that archetypally is on point see exactly what I see about the world

jung understood on deeper levels than most of you people know, please read into him

good night, I love you all (even if you are dirty sensing types)

Take in account that freely discussing ideas and casually debating are NT exclusives.
NFs either get triggered easily or will just turn the discussion in trying to gain moral high ground.
SJs don't argue, they believe they have fully figured out everything in life and if you disagree then you are wrong and inexperienced by default.
SPs have no time for that in first place, they are more quick to act than anything.

So which one of those tests is the "best" one?

>SPs have no time for that in first place, they are more quick to act than anything.

I would like to hear your reasoning on this.

ENTJ in the 3rd density instance of reality we are experiencing here on earth

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this is accurate. it's a shame that this board is mostly populated by anons that either:
feel empty and can't understand that they don't have to
think having sex/gf will solve all their problems.

i feel there was a time on this board when anons would post about those little ways and little things that make their days or lives interesting more often.
but now it's all the All Crab Revue, sponsored by Parrot Memes

note: Jow Forums was never "good" but it was certainly less shit than it currently is

organic portals are npcs

Se high in the stack makes you much more quick in taking action, especially cause you can "perceive" when's the right time to make a move.

no i'm not saying people used to think i was smart. i'm saying that the communication was there and things could be talked about easier because of it.

something i would call an intuitive type of conversation would be something that plays around in the realm of ideas like the stereotypical intuitive shit like religion, political ideologies, basic philosophical shit like morals/ethics. things that aren't in your face reality and aren't set in stone material things and have a lot of ideas baked into them that aren't exactly settled and can be open for interpretation and has lots of room for opinion vs facts.

as an analogy, some shit like chess. discussing the strategy around chess. you can look at someone playing chess and think "well people are just moving shit around" or you can discuss the deeper mechanics and reasoning. the higher level/background/underground whatever stuff going on. the idea behind what's in front of you.

or mechanics or something in a video game. you aren't just running around swinging a sword there's patterns and strategies and mechanics underlying that is the real game and real interesting stuff

and the underlying stuff is what i would call the intuitive conversational stuff. one step removed and discussing the idea behind what you are looking at and trying to figure out the symbolism or meaning of what you're seeing/discussing to try to get as much as you can out of it.

i'm ok with the burden of proof. if i present an argument i expect to have to make a case and prove my point. but if nobody even cares or is really stupid about "source me source me source me" then there's not even a discussion it's just reading what someone else is saying and there's no conversation anymore. or if i explain something and they don't understand how that connects to other shit i've said it's really frustrating to have to explain everything that seems obvious to me. OR if nobody even cares about a logical point i make is annoying to me.

Why yes that was my plan, how did you know? Clearly you're not as stupid as you think that you are.

At least it's a farce with gfs in it. Or at least theoretically it is anyway.

If only I knew. I don't have the answer for that one yet.

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Pure sex come for the best nudes, hott femaless and traps here.

discord gg/dmB39ty

That's what I miss most about the internet, really. Now we have to go online and hear the dullest shit about everyone's day, get bombarded with pictures, and have a forced consensus where you can't say anything fun anymore. It used to be you could come to Jow Forums and laugh about wacky shit like some guy making a sex doll out of garbage bags and an iPad. Now the kids who use social media to whine about shit are using Jow Forums to whine about shit. It's a fuckin' shame dude.

>Why yes that was my plan, how did you know? Clearly you're not as stupid as you think that you are.
I am not the user that you asked the question to, I am the user that pointed out your loaded bullshit of a question. The way I knew is by being here since the board was created (the first time) and paying attention while being an autistic INTP.
You are the same as most other current posters; disingenuous and acerbic for teh lulz or trollan le virgins or reminding everyone how cooler you are or whatever it is you think you're doing.

I don't know the deeper knowledge on this but it makes sense, I guess I always project from an NP perspective.

NP means Ne, and Ne is all about the ideas more than actually acting them out.

Have you done the deep dive into Jung?

oh i know this one, this is the part where for a few seconds i think
>this user gets it, i'd like to talk to this user more about stuff, outside of this thread
then i remember that the odds of that happening are nearly zero in most cases, the futility of everything creeps back in, and i go back to listening to static while slowly rocking and coding.

i hate the irony of being autistic yet feeling alone on Jow Forums so fucking much

fight fire with fire

logical proof is largely meaningless and highly aribtrary. It is useful when talking to useless autists like you, but it generally is not the sharpest tool you have available. Arguments are far more subtle and more about swaying people's opinions, recognizig their feelings and emotions. Rather than attempting to browbeat them with "epik facts and logic". Because the truth is, your feelings don't care about the facts.

Post-truth is the name of the game and it's an exciting one, if you even realize it exists.

>more smug retard posting

>more smug retard posting
he says as he smug retardposts

I have, you get a much better explanation of functions and introversion/extraversion, but not sure you can believe anything else.
Fun things: Jung felt the need to mention Ti counts as Thinking and not Feeling during Te's description.

>Post-truth is the name of the game and it's an exciting one, if you even realize it exists.

do you have a source for this "post-truth" existing, ben shapiro?

a wise user once told me to fight fire with fire