>depressed INTP is actually ENTJ >depressed INFP is actually ENFJ >depressed INFJ is actually depressed INFJ hmmm
Aiden Hernandez
>tfw no ENFP gf t. INTJ, the superior race
Cooper Scott
I'm a morbidly depressed INFP male just wandering and wishing and daydreaming until my counterpart falls into my arms. Which might be never. And yeah these threads get flooded immediately, it's such a big topic now. Even my psychology prof at uni had everyone take an mbti
Ryder Johnson
How do you know if you're a real INFP or just a depressed ENFJ
Charles Taylor
Take a break, I came back here after five years because I knew these MBTI threads would be constant and cancer. I have also dropped, planted and cut up more trees than anyone who replies to this garbage ass faggot tripfag of a garbagedump thread.
Jacob Bell
Theyre daft cunts
Andrew Mitchell
INTP here and I'm justl ike to dispel a myth about my kind. there's nothing rational about buying into 'objective systems' uncrtically--it's the complete opposite and it just makes me so mad to see all this --- SHOUT OUT TO OTHER Ts WHO DON'T BUY INTO