>Tilly said something like "I'm sorry but if your uncomfortable now, wait until we lez out and instead of licking you have to suck." The same friend asked Tilly if there was something wrong with her and Tilly admitted that she had been doing cocaine since early that afternoon and was sorry that it was all gone (none of us do drugs).
partaking a "sexy sleepover" seems like a common fantasy for these trannybros, they really exaggerate what goes on at girls sleepovers the only sexual thing that probably happen at one of those is comparing tits and that's only for the junior high girls trannybros think that these are super sexual events because they're basically perverts who turn themselves into a simulacrum of a female because the thought probably gives them a raging woody lmao trannybros crazy as fuck, but they are great athletes check this one, 6'3" (190cm) and 250lbs (114kg) absolute unit in my opinion
Looks more like a tranny than the actual tranny tbqh
Chase Nelson
Becoming a tranny is literally a get out of virginity free card for incels you can unironically go into their change rooms and watch them change and make them uncomfortable. And they can't do shit. The law is on your side. It's hilarious.
In my world AGP still stands for accelerated graphics port.
Adam Jackson
>guys' sleepover ???
Evan Parker
Not sure about the graphics part but most trannies seem to wish they had an accelerated port.
Aaron Hill
>get out of virginity free card >go into their change rooms and watch them change and make them uncomfortable This is not how losing your virginity works.
Most "trannies" aren't actually trans, they're just going with the flow and choose to identify as trans for bonus brownie points rather than the gender they try to pretend to be. Most discord trannies are just bad caricatures of females.
A true "trans" would never identify as trans but as either male or female as they believe they were born in the wrong body and usually pass decently enough but they're few and far between.
Jaxon Thomas
Good point. They can all identify ass mental patients for all I care.