The absolute STATE of white women lmao
Muh 14/88
>thicc meme
Now actually i wouldnt. You are only attracted to this because you havent met a "THICC XD" white female before.
>And she is willing to go out in public dressed as a slut what do you even think you are able to salvage?
That's just what society has told her to do.
She probably just wants validation, and flaunting their sexuality is the only source of it for girls in our current culture.
I find it hard to hold it against them.
White women are obsolete. They are washed up and complacent
I once dated and fucked a girl whose body was quite similar to hers.
Asian women are materialistic whores as well user.
You ade making excuses for her.
What part about me saying she's showing bad behavior by wearing skimpy clothing for nerds, especially when she is overweight?
You are saying she is salvagable when in fact she is clearly not. You dont give drug addicts second chances too,do you?
Why do threads like these always fucking turn into a race war. For fuck sakes