Escorts have pimps?
Why in the fuck did i spend 200$ on a hooker? I almost got robbed last night
well prob not. maybe hes their driver. or maybe an ex bf or ex customer. either way, cucked him
If whores didn't have pimps, there would be no pimps, and pimp wouldn't be a word.
a lot of escorts have another woman that has their back. male pimps exist but only for the lowest rung of escorts.
male drivers are not pimps
If you think a whore's everyday male driver is just a driver, tell him you're going to leave without paying her, see what he thinks about that.
he would probably advise against it
Anyone of you guys have more fucked up stories?
While cracking his knuckles.
no. he would be smoking a cigarrette. "bro thats not cool you should pay her shes a nice woman."
ya. i fucked one woman and she screamed so loudly that the cops came and knocked on our door. i kept fucking and they left