What would you do?

What would you do?

>Kissless virgin
>Hs dropout
>Drug addict
>No future
>Die alone

The only life I would really want is to be able to fuck girls and have a real job that makes good

Since im a dropout ill never get a real job. Im not ugly and have had chances to be able to fuck a girl but im to chicken shit to ever do it and it kills me inside everyday

Im a heroin addict and taking a one month break at the moment so I will have no tolerance and be able to finally od.

What would you guys do? (impossible to lose virginity because of my fear so you would have to live with that loneliness forever) U wud also have to beat a heroin addiction and find a real job with shit backround. Stay or bounce?

TLDR: Die a miserable virgin 50 years later or use drug addiction to end it all now

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only crypto can save you at this point,there is a project that ive been waiting for its release for almost 2 years,its called tangram,this currency will be delivery for free,few people knows about it, do your own research

discord /nygadJ9

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get your ged and go to trade school

Unironically this. It might be your only saving grace and Im not blowing smoke im being very serious

>hs dropout
How though? This was easy as long as you did your homework and got D's in your classes.

stop asking retarded questions and help OP out cuck

I guess i could have thrown in im a ged dropout. Ged is not getting you shit but some slavewagecuck tho

Pull up google and look up if you even need a ged for technical school
Right now.

Please don't undervalue yourself user. The fact that you've been able to keep off heroine for one month is amazing in and of itself, and its a testament to how strong you are as a person.

I think you should definitely stay. Life is unexpected, and you never know where you could end up.

You deserve true happiness in your life, and I will be rooting for you.

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My bad I meant it as i dropped out of hs but have a ged

>Ged is not getting you shit but some slavewagecuck tho

Oh okay so will you consider applying for a technical school? If youre still unsure sleep on it and come to a decision tomorrow

more info on Tangram
it will be the first crypto that is anonymous and feeless and also having smartcontracts
member of IOTA talking about it :
www .youtube.com /watch?v=swE0wggBvVE&feature=youtu.be&t=1345

Its really hard to do that. My self esteem and ego are fucked. Everyday is a long lonely drag. An since i spent 10 years doing drugs (heroin only 3) i rarely get pleasure from anything.

>You deserve true happiness in your life, and I will be rooting for you.

thanks i wish i could find happiness but i just dont see it happening with how bad i fucked up in life. Theres alot more details but i didnt want to make a long ass posr no1 would read

I tried to read about Tangram but honestly have no clue how that works and how id make money.

sleep lol.. u mean insomnia

but yeah it would be very hard to do that my self douibtfullness.. and if i slip up once and go back to drugs i would lose it all anyway (im not a functioning addict)

ok,ill explain,most cryptos need to be mined,but tangram uses DAG tecnology(same as nano),nano was distributed for free and many people got rich with it,so you will basically make thousands of dollars or even millions with the future valorization,im not trying to scam you or something,its a legit opportunity
telegram group: t.me/ Tangrams

>What would you guys do?
Considering that you're me, minus the hs dropout, continuing my waste of a life. I'd say though you may as well stick it out. Like, you'll die anyway in the end, so who gives a shit?

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u do heroin?

becides that dont u worry about not having any income and ur mom possibly eventually kicking u out? whats the point of us sitting here miserable when we could go now.

i can only imagine 35.. that would be real hell if things stay like this

Dunno, maybe you kick the habit like I eventually did, or maybe shit gets worse. Might as well try to fix what you can, considering you have nothing better to do.
Though pro tip, if you can islote yourself for at least a week following a cold turkey quit, do so. Shit will be terrible beyond words.

Damn thats a bummer I guess theres only so much one can do through a screen. Gl with whatever you decide to do user

i have cold turkey detoxed over 30 times by now thats the easy part (suboxone for 5 days)

the hard part is not letting the gorilla on your back bring u back to the trap wen ur 2 weeks clean

Christ bruv, only did it once, you have will of steel to do it that much. Look at it this way: You've managed to detox for 150 days, right? That's over 4 months, so why not try for 2 full weeks?

the longest i ever stayed clean was 21 days. I dont know how you didnt relapse after you were through detox. Thats the true will of steel. The mental cravings and obsession is well over 9000

Maybe find out if you can resume high school. Not sure how it works where you're from, but here there are evening classes for dropouts. You'd have to ask around a bit though, I have no idea how it works.

Honestly it's not that hard to find things to live for, even if it's as simple as playing vidya. The thing is you have to learn to enjoy small things again and it can take a while for your brain to recover properly. And don't worry about the sex thing, just focus on day to day stuff to get your shit together and eventually you might get into a relationship which makes things far less awkward.

Bro....ive been in the drug scene for a while and honestly all you need to do to get laid is go to a coed rehab and your set its mad easy and after you get out go to AA or NA meetings and find a quite somewhat antisocial girl (also not hard) and badda bing badda boom. Hint... I lost my virginity from going to an AA meeting. Try it bruh!

Mate, I understand your drug addiction. I don't blame you. I wish only the best for you, fren. Godspeed.

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just go vegan and prepare for the singularity and the birth of god. maybe jesus will come back, maybe not, we have no idea. but god is going to be born soon

im basically like you except im 28

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Thx man its a vicous cycle
I hope u beat ur addiction
nobody deserves the hell

Hello brother

>Never had a gf or experienced love
>Only sex I get is with escorts
>HS dropout
>Drug addict
>No future
>Will probably die alone

some kind of life isnt it? Hope u get out of it one day bro

Nah i'm too far gone. I'm looking to get into a wageslave job for extra $$$ for my addictions however it's not easy because I got a shit job history and last job I had which was 2 years ago I was fired for been drunk and reckless

God you're fucking stupid and all the people who talk about singularity and AI surpassing human intelligence without having even worked a year in the field are fucking stupid as well

>when double-digit iq retards tell me that im stupid despite billionaires and ai leaders saying the same thing as i am

i hate dumb retards


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