Jow Forums
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Anecdotes #541
Tell us how pathetic you are
Imagine 35,000 pathetic, egocentric people who want you to stop having babies because a dangerous ideology
I did not care for Neon Genesis Evangelion
I'm really unhappy with myself
I hate you all, retarded incels
35 years old
Is trade school a shitty scam pushed by Jow Forumstards and "the red pill"tards...
The psychologist is in
Wagecuck thread
Have you made any progress since you got started with your hobby?
Actual fembot/fujoshit here
How happy is the man in this photograph on a scale of 1-to-10?
/asmr/ the premium app saga
Never trust a religious person unless you share the same religions...
What is exactly wrong with liking tall men as a short girl? We want guys who make us feel safe
This reality sucks. I'll make my own
This is the person who calls you a nigger on Jow Forums
What games are you playing right now Jow Forums ?
It's such a nice day to fap, right anons?
/nwg/ - Non-white general 001
Have gf. ama if you want to know what kind of shit we do or whatever
What the hell is it about masculinity that's so difficult for far too many damn guys...
Hey frens, do any of you make music or interested in making music ?
Was gonna take some more time off drinking but /ck/ let me know taco bell is getting rid of some great items...
How many femanons slept like this last night? why are you so pathetic
Weekly Family Thread
Why are you guys so obsessed with how many partners a woman has had...
Is anime the real reason why so many anons are trans and gay now?
Be me
Be female (girl)
Why is there so many girls that look like this now ? And on Instagram they all talk like they are black
Tfw no cute croatian bf to dress up as schoolgirl
Who else /sad/ here
What's your eye shape gaylords, and what eye shape do you find attractive in the opposite sex?
Finally! a movie for me!
This board is literally driving me insane...
How come some people can just walk up to a qt and talk with her and then bring her home? I don't understand this
Am I white?
Why don't you just settle for 6/10 asian girl like pic related
Is Jow Forums finally dead?
Who else here /livincheap/?
Smoke weed with some stoner friends
Dads already starting to ask me when Im having kids
What do you do to fight the emptiness inside?
A memorial to my cat, Ozzy
Fellow robots. I'm drunk and I just spent the last 5 mins with a gun in my hand contemplating suicide...
Friend fucked the girl I liked
NOOOOOOOOO! You can't just organize without the government or your employer! Ukranians were hungry mid-20th...
Why don't you workout, user?
Whats more based being a serial killer or being a school shooter?
Why do women only want badboys? Prove me wrong
Ok Jow Forums, let me hear your arguments against this
Mentally Ill Girls
Is there anything more satisfying than eating the ass of a young 10/10?
Are you seriously still fighting the urge to become trans? Tell me, why is your masculinity so important to you...
Why are people seething over a happy american family?
Do ethnic fembots ever get jealous of white girls for being the most desirable women by far?
How many dicks do you think the average woman has sucked in her lifetime?
Why do incels get so angry when you try to help them?
User have you evern been to a club or a party?
Why don't you just travel to asia and get yourself your free pharmacist or scientist gf?
Conservative 16 year old kid gets dumped for 'slut-shaming' gf wearing this dress to prom
She found another guy while we were in a relationship and sent her friend to break up with me for her...
Musicians you think robots mainly listen too
My 13 year old sister is pregnant. How do I handle this?
Tfw no robot gf/bf who wants to put me on hormones and manipulate me to their liking
ITT We Rate Eachothers Handwriting
How did you imagine your life would be like as a kid? Where are you now?
So user, I guess I'm your government assigned black metal gf. What do you want to do, like...
Where do I get a clingy autistic emo bf?
Just poured this glass of chocolate milk. Don't spill or drink from while I'm at the store
How many electrical outlets do you have in your room?
Hitting women, is it ever justified?
Whats the best way to painlessly kill yourself?
Hello, hi, I don't have a lot to say right now
Red pill me on gentle/mommy femdom
Who gets more sex? Left wing or right wing males?
Good morning eurofriends!
I have been friends with a girl for a year and a half, lots of flirting, a few days ago I confessed my feelings for her...
Suicide by shotgun
Why are you not eating rice, tuna and mayo right now ? What is stopping you ?
Have you 25+ anons truly, truly given up on finding love?
Should I commit myself voluntarily why or why not (i am suicidal)
You are offered a choice. A short but fruitful life with plenty of mutual love and plenty of money...
Should all non-Whites (except East Asians) be exterminated? If not be exterminated...
Celtic Britain
Failed normie faggot needs advice
Be black
When did you realize you don't belong here?
Reaction image thread. Dump em
When he has a deep masculine voice
Taxi Driver
Back in 2015, zoomers born in 98-99 were universally hated for being "fake 90s kids"...
It's even over for sub 10 chads
How to be a good fighter I'm done being a pussy boys
Is there really anything wrong with incest?
Anyone else here a misanthrope? I've always fucking hated humanity they are nothing but cattle to me...
Women are evi-
Fembot blocks me when I ask for nudes
Poorcel thread. What makes you a poorcel?
No girl has ever shown me any affection. I just want someone to like me
Is there any possible chance for someone to find someone who truly loves them and is loyal to them...
Why are girls in today's society so intimidating? Was it always like that...
The Grand Fall
Do you love your mum r9k?
ITT: Times you felt intense disappointment
"Hey principal user why do you always stop by my class? I never see you talking with miss O'Walsh."
Do you play as the girl in vidya? Don't lie
Tfw no e-bf to feminize me and feed me pills
Suicide is the biggest killer of adult men and hypermasculinity should be held responsible for it
Just join a club! Do something you enjoy! You'll meet people you like along the way!
When do you plan to kill yourself user?
Why are black people allowed to exist and reproduce?
Why are blonde white women so desirable and given to miscegenation?
Why are so many people so mean, Jow Forums? Even people on this site...
Drawing Request Thread
Post your recent call history
Aww you'll find someone eventually user, there's someone out there for everyone
Whats your mile time you queers, currently able to jog a mile in 9 minutes
Since trannies and nazis have their own flags, what would a robot flag look like?
Be honest, this is you isn't it?
Was a feminine boy as a kid, got bullied for it constantly
What would it take for a robot to date a tranny?
To whoever keeps posting under this avatar
Have cat that's been in family for almost 2 decades, she's 18 years old
Have you considered moving far far away?
Why don't you just date single mothers, robots?
Drunk General
Women in 2019
Hiro should nuke this site just like infinity chan desu. We would all be better off not coming here anyway
If I dump my 5 1/2 month pregnant gf because she is giving me a daughter, would that make me a nigger?
Anger Thread General - Fuck off trannies edition
Kappu is bakku!!
Just went on a tinder date. properly the worst experience i've ever had
Hey guys! Letter thread! You know the drill! Write a cathartic letter, vent, get stuff off of your mind and chest!
Ideal Partner
Why dont you just get a 7/10 gf anons?
Found out girl I liked made out with a black guy at a festival
Will she ever do a BLACKED scene?
If you had a put a warning on your tinder profile, what would you put?
C'mon user try licking it!
This just happened
What would you do if your son came out as trans?
Post the last text you got from a female (to whom you are not related)
Thoughts on the state of modern women?
Active shooting in Texas
Post some green-flag, keepers
/SIG/ Self Improvement General
Reminder that you should start blueposting and spread the word that trannys are not welcomed here and in the real world...
Is there anything worse than a failed normalfag?
I fucking hate my life lmao kill me niggers
Why are pregnant woman so hot?
Imagine burning your cigarette into a femanons forehead and watching her quickly flinch away and whimper
This is why I would be to scared to get a girlfriend. What if I got cuckolded in front of her by a stronger man?
How do you feel about this pic of the kardashian klan?
Are racists all actually just gay...
What do you robots do for fun or in your free time...
I can count on one hand, the number of true crushes Ive had in my life
Prove you're a virgin RIGHT NOW
White women want you to fuck them
Transition because it killed my depression
Tfw no dick
Do you pop your collar?
This picture literally disproves racism
What does this feel like from the girl's perspective?
Why do ethnic minorities obsess over white women
OK, I'll show you my bussy... but you have to tell me what you want to do to it
Attracted to what people call "ugly" or average
Why do women play video games for basement dwelling losers now?
What are you guys listening to right now? I'm using to find new stations. There's a few cool ones in Japan...
Saw a little girl today
3 stripes
Imagine being an actual fucking manlet
Are there any pure guys in the world?
Which one eurobros?
Trannies and faggots ruined anime
Mfw my college anime club excommunicates me for not liking normalnigger tier anime
Fucking kill me
Wake up, have to pee
Yo, white boy! You wanna fuck this bitch with me?
Wow holy shit
/sg/ - Sissy General
You need to work to survive
Has any of you ever had sex ?
How do i get this 'good personality' people are always talking about
He uses proper grammar on instant messaging programs like Discord
Has anyone in the world born after 1990 done anything successful in their life...
"It's too bad you're not gay user, otherwise I'd let you play with this! Ha ha oh well!"
Haha no user I'm not joking I really am a boy
Waifu General /waifu/ #233
Greatest zoomer so far
What do i need to get a cute girlfriend and quit being an incel at once?
What food is easy to cook? I'm home alone and my mom will be away for 2 weeks. I already made some boiled eggs...
Why does everyone hate billie ellish. I get not being into her music due to personal taste but isn't she...
/r9gay/ - #823
How do you avoid old man mentality Jow Forums...
The Golden One sucking Contrapoint's dick. Posting here since it would get banned on Jow Forums
"You there! Squire, come attend me."
Hey user! Would you like a free donut?
DM random girl on reddit and ask for nudes
I choose to believe in god...
Why haven't you fucked an Asian girl yet?
Just imagine. Taking hormones. Being a girl. People admiring your adorable fun exciting new body. Sounds amazing...
Everyone can get a gf if they try
Whining about not having a job or gf
Now if only the mods enforced the same logic for tranny shit outside of /b/ and /lgbt/
Genetic diseases - if you dont have any, you are a normalfag
I arrived in Moscow, trips decide which escort i fuck
Ask a psychologist anything
How do random women react when you catch their eye contact in the street?
We all know how male racelets feel
Ask a girl that's destroying her life in college to try and cope with the fact her own father pumped and dumped her and...
Since when has this board become a normie hub seriously fuck off this is my happy place
Entry-Level Job
You are now a stacys ass slave
What do you do if you find suggestive pics of your friends crossdressing online?
I want a mommy to dress me up in pretty clothes, force feed me HRT, lock my penis in a chastity device...
Does anyone else feel like people are constantly laughing at you? I don't mean your friends or relatives...
Is there an ideology that can save robots?
What is this feeling?
Is my Dad a faggot or is it me?
At what age did you realize its truly over?
Do you live in the suburban sprawl of a declining post-industrial city?
28 years old
Are you seriously still fighting the urge to become trans? Tell me, why is your masculinity so important to you...
Why are women such manipulators?
How come jews are 2% of the US population and half of US billionaires
What do you want user?
For all of you fags that think life revolves around just sex and women
Be me
I don't want to be alone anymore
What did she mean by this? I'm sure you have the equivalent male childhood memory!
Tfw going blind
How would you react to a 20 year old woman told you she had a crush on you if you were 16/17?
Live in the most racist country on earth (South Africa)
I've come to realize that it's most likely I will never get a girlfriend in my life
The following things are better than being born in a small town and trapped by god
How do I find a qt black boyfriend who wont leave me alone with a child if I got pregnant?
Would you date a schizophrenic alcoholic anorexic girl with BPD who cuts herself...
What's a girl gotta do to get a bf around here?
Hey im a femnanon. respond
It just hit me i have no friends
User, you ARE going to take the pink pill right? Surely being a khv forever isn't your plan right...
Be me
Got my dick sucked, not a virgin anymore. Cya you fucking virgin losers
A thread for fembot feels
I've always been lonely
Be me
Imagine being some literally fucking deformed looking chink...
2nd day of uni
Bf looking for new gf?
Why do men feel the need to man spread...
I've been neglected for so long I no longer legitimately care about other people
Femanons: Why the fuck do you hate short men so much? I mean...
Where are my ethnicels at? All non-whites welcome
What is your favorite topic of discussion?
Would you die for your beliefs?
Any fellow schizoids on here want to be friends?
So here's the deal...
Is life easier as a white man or white woman?
I feel stupid for falling for Boogie2988's "nicest guy on YT" persona
"Girls, you remember my brother the Incel."
Do you think that hell might exist?
Bout to go to basic training in a few days, anything I should know?
Sloppy Job Trannoids
So who would you rather be in pic related?
Why do people just be mean for no reason?
Attention all femanons!
Drunk General
I don't want to get a job
Stop making theories the reason why you all are 25 and still virgins is cause you are misogynistics lol
I am pretty sure i am just fucked
Would you live in northern Canada if you had eternal NEETbux?
You had so much potential user how did you end up here?
Fuck off the board whites
ITT: post what your attracted to
Be hispanic
Why are the lives of white men and white women so different in todays society?
What's holding us back?
Can we get a milkers thread going...
How to make money bros?
What is ur weirdest fetish?
Woman Falls 80Ft From Balcony While Attempting Extreme Yoga Pose
Just work out
What are your thoughts on (((Prager University))) video?
Complete this:
Tfw no bf who wants to lock my thing up and feed me pills
Sloppy Job Trannoids
Why don't robots just settle for a black girl? They're desperate because black men don't want them...
Someone with many orbiters and been confessed to many times ama
Why is the number of partners a big deal to men?
What's everyones kink that they're ashamed of?
I would trade 10cm in height (if I became shorter proportionally) for 0.5cm in dick size
Fembots, what's your dream guy?
/uni/ thread
Death isn't harsh enough for these people
Hello fellow robots. I wanna have a talk with you
Ass or tits? Lets debate
A life with a femboy/trap who likes to wear makeup and girl's accessories/clothing, with a surrogate mother for kids...
What do you do if you find suggestive pics of one of your friends crossdressing online?
Why is misogyny so hot?
What does Jow Forums drive? you CAN drive, right?
How do fembots even compete with this?
Be fembot
Tfw neet fembot and make several femanon bait threads multiple times a day claiming I'm this and that doing this and...
ITT: Times you acted like the Joker
I need to get this off of my chest lads. I can't improve myself, I have no skills, I'm lazy and weak...
Be with gf two years
They gave out academic awards today at school...
How old were you when you finally gave up
Eugenia Cooney would look so much better if she gained we-
Tfw im a brown eyed med and I will never look like this
Whatever happened to the sexually deranged furfag? He deleted all his social media
What in the kentucky fried fuck
Cutehouse shills
Wagecuck thread
Tall Girl
Mfw im so poor that i just had to cancel all of my insurances
Rate this bank teller who handled my money today, she had her name on the table so I stalked her
Who is your favorite twitter findom?
Daily look for my brazilian bf/gf
Why did virtue as a concept disappear?
Well, boys. I'm 19 today. No party or anything, just me, alone, in my room with a bottle of Vodka
Post your room
Ask out girl
Do you like thots? I like thots. They're pretty and they make my peepee hard
Asian female hate thread
Can you truly be a chad if youre going bald?
How do black people feel knowing the "n-word" is getting destigmatized and in less than a decade will be said casually...
Femanon here. How would you rate my cooking?
Redpill me on travel. Why do normies love it so?
"Hey loser, entertain me."
MBTI: ESFPs Are Not Sluts Edition
Have gf ama ifyou want
My mom took my laptop from my apartment and refuses to give it back to me...
Hello user, let's go to the pride parade together~
Your daily rent?
LOL another idiot roastie getting her come uppance :)
What do robots think of Ella Hollywood?
Dude just talk to girls bro it'll be fine bro just go get a girlfriend dude
How come WoW Classic is still going so strong?
He got a new job!
Turns out his stoic personality is just sociopathy/autism
The average cost of a date in the United States
Femcels don't exi-
Daily reminder that if you are under 5'8" as a male...
Any shut in hikikomori types want to chat?
I am a 23 year old guy who will kill himself within a few months because of antidepressants...
I hate brits
How do you feel about gigastacy, Jow Forums? what are your experiences with them?
Kenya trip general
Why I am so submissive? I'm a guy, it's not normal to be so submissive like that...
Blackbots what the fuck is wrong with you and your people...
Be honest r9k
Downalod fake gps app
What the FUCK
Why do men lack empathy and compassion?
Why aren't you orbiting e-girls right now?
Reddit zoomers routinely score 9/10 qts from Minecraft
What does it mean when girls look at you...
You are reading this!!
Tell me robots, left or right and why?
Wagie hate/self loathing / NEET supremacy thread
This world is so fucking unfair. Many men can get hot women fucking easily. But I'm 35 and I never had a girlfriend...
Can we have another one of those "ask the other gender" thread?
Money can't buy happiness bro!
Why do you guys hate California?, I've been living here for a year now and it doesn't seem like a bad place to live
R9k bf (moved in together a few years ago) just cheated on me with a sex worker while I was out of town. AMA
Thoughts on attractive girls who act really awkward?
"user you've got something on your face, let me get it for you."
Why don't you simply get Jow Forums?
How big is your dick
A young scholar posted this on RockChan 6000 years ago. do you agree with what he said? pic related
Your girlfriend suggests an open relationship. How do you react?
Have you had your coffee yet friends?
Blackpill thread
Gf monkey paw you tell me your ideal gf and i give her a fatal flaw(s) and you decide if you still want them
I'm not socially awkward and yet I still don't have a girlfriend
Why do european women have such a high body count compared to american and asian women?
Why do they like black guys so much?
Animal rights
Do women see you as a man?
My body is tatted up. I'm thinking of getting face tattoos
I literally feel more like Joker every fucking day. Fuck this life. I'm an outcast in life and I will be in death...
I'm going through my image folder and deleting all of the old stuff. Oh the memories I got from people here
What are some of you guys' favorite blacked raw scenes?
Hello anons, give me your strongest arguments against trannies, gays and the like...
This actually happened lads
Femanons, would you ever date an Indian guy?
Why don't you be more realistic and get a 5/10 gf like this...
Pause a movie 5/10min in and other robots guess the movie
Is getting fit just so you can fuck women really worth it?
Would you refuse to date a woman if she complained on the Internet in her free time, felt entitled to sex...
3:30 in the afternoon
How do I respond to the "others cant love you if you dont love yourself" argument?
Why do you come to Jow Forums?
Anyone else want to marry their therapist?
Robots how do i motivate myself to lose wait?? Any tips for getting my fat ass up and about? Pic related
Found out gf is talking to someone
Hello r9k! I am planing to go Walking around and just ask random women if i can massage theyr feet...
Be me in Europe
Moral dilemma
Fuck women...
Tfw you don't wear bras because you enjoy making guys flustered by having your boobs bounce around
Take the semen retention pill
Why I became celibate in my twenties
Tfw i want nothing more than a guy/girl to pinkpill me and put me on hormones
Why do you always react this way Jow Forums?
Fembots describe your ideal man
Why aren't you studying Aryanist esotericism and training your body and soul for the race war?
Don't fall for the pink pill meme, I've been in RK9 for about 3 years now, I know it's relatively little...
I refuse to speak to any females at uni
Everyone thinks their women are the worst in the world and the women from some faraway country are perfect
Genfemdom pt 2 noboogaloo
ITT we post proof that there is no god
Used to teach english in korea ages ago. i know most of you are more interested in japan but ama if you want
Gretas climate genocide
For God's Sake Don't Do It
Fembots post your 3 sizes, ill start:
No smol black nerdy gf
ITT we'll create an incel starter pack, I'll start:
I think sex workers whether female or male are literal degenerative waste who couldn't find a place in society to put...
Do nothing all day everyday in my parents house
Do you guys like jontron? personally i find him hilarious
How do I get a gf with wide hips? They drive me wild, they make my mouth water. I need this shit where do i find them?
Do women like uncircumcised cock?
25+ NEET thread
Got myself an asian pharmacist virgin cutie
Can we have a Beatles thread?
Webms and pics that really makes you think
Do you know anyone that this describes?
Be me
ALL females will mistreat you
God, I really do fucking wish that were me
Claims to have "depression"
Women are not the answer to all your problems
Have you ever met a woman who was anything more than a walking vagina? does this unicorn even exist?
Am i still bad if i like crossdressing but i am completely straight man and not some tranny?
Do women have any value other than their vaginas...
*Crack open a Bang's root bear*
Post yfw BPD ex
Fun fact
What does it mean when ima 20 something female who relates most with an imageboard for 30+ virgin men who are depressed...
I think I fucked up bros
I-Ill never be a girl
Gynecologist said im so fertile I can get pregnant just from precum
Take the juice pil
Late night letter thread
True void
Give it to me straight lads, I can't take the suspense and anxiety anymore...
Can trannies decrease female hypergamy?
Suicide Thread
Authoritarian parents
Post vape
Tfw no ramona flowers gf
Anyone else find it strange that women would rather spread their legs as early as possible so that chad can pump and...
Have a nice day
Can yall recommend me the saddest, most depressing songs you know to make me feel even shittier and more depressed...
At what age did you realize life isn't meant to be taken seriously and anyone who has a meltdown over some...
Finally got my bladder ful. What should I do with it...
The fuckin climate change is killing me bros
Just Breed
I don't know where else to post this. I'm furious
Soon the sound of cicada rattling will be gone. I do love autumn, but I'm going to miss those cicada rattles
Where is my retarded neet torture toy bf
Extraordinarily sad
Wageslave general
There's such a tight knot in my chest in regards to the future
Have severe oneitis 3 years ago I met in high school
You are now thinking about trannies
GOD DAMN! Why are you White Humans so Intelligent?
Please help
When the fuck is cripplechan coming back? and how did this place become 50% r9tranny
Be heavy into film
Bebinator thread
Pls gf hnngghnnghhh
Alright I'm gonna head out guys. Any last words you wanna say to me?
/r9gay/ - #822
Have you ever been raped by a girl?
I need a long haired boyfriend
Do people really get dopamine rushes from (You)s?
Any other robots developed a crushing ntr fetish as a natural follow-up to realizing there's no way a woman would ever...
How will I know that you're into me if you don't tip?
If I can have sex then so can you! I believe in you
AOC can sit on my face
Your life sucks because you're a horrible person. Prove me wrong
Should robots breed with black queens to cure their inceldom?
How many fucking sleeping pills does it take to off yourself? Apparently 100 isn't enough
God damn it this city fucking sucks
Who's that retard on here who thinks that when we die our life starts over again with the same memories
I painted my toenails Jow Forums!
Im a female, how do I know if Im ugly or not?
Women Love Thread
What good is hate
This shit is bananas
/THG/ #2
I was born in the year (2000). Ask me anything, r9k
Childhood Abuse
Asian women LOVE thread, post pics of Asian women to remind white girls that they can't compete
Posted on poll but it was deleted
Any other paranoid schizophrenics on Jow Forums?
White women love thread
Fuck trannies. Fuck women. The patrician's homosexual fetish is a skinny twink who has been feminized. No fake tits...
Why does everyone here speak like a nigger all of a sudden?
Doomers talk to me
Nudist World Isekai
Daily reminder that if you are under 5'8"...
How do we fix this problem? Can we fix it?
Its such a nice place you got here anons
Why do women get so traumatized over rape?
Nobody cares about your life. You are expendable. People only care about themselves or their idealogy...
Alternative to suicide
>It was an accident! He's just trying to be positive, to make light of it! Stop kink-shaming!
How do depressed people cheer themselves up?
How's that youtube channel going user?
Would you date a picky eater?
Would r9k date a tranny if she was based or nah
Pick a Side
Please give me my brazilian autistic bf/gf to fuck my female(male) virgin butt and play card games afterwards with
Is it me or are the fembots more hostile than usual today...
He thinks canada has a right to exist
You take your dick out and stick it in the hole. Why is that so hard for you incel creeps?
All men want is sex and its disgusting. Thats all they think about
What does it mean when a girl has weird hobbies?
/Dicklet general/ 5 inches or less edition
How does a zoomer cope with the notion of being part of the worst generation there's ever been?
Bing bang boom zoomer scalp flies across the room
Live in apartment for 6 years
Ask a guy named "Niggins" anything
Should i end it all? Im planning to do it october 20
Mgtow thread
Why do women act like children?
Zoomers pretending to care for environment and the world
TSwift: Fugly, Tranny, or Other?
Do twin girls ever lose their virginity together?
Long Distance Relationship General
Schizoid personality disorder
Asian female hate thread
How many do you usually have?
I want to be a maid for user
How do I join /cutehouse/ discord?
America is not a country, is a fucking continent you fucking pinches gringos
Despite not existing, time is the strongest concept we have
So smelly!!!
Mfw so socially inept I can't barely even talk to an AI
We only know what 15% of the Universe is made of
Is he/ourguy/?
Fembots, do you have a picture as to what your dream bf is like?
What are you listening to ?
How the hell was he able to fuck a 10/10 like her while I'm still a KHV?
I just love making sjws and trannies seethe with this, they cant accept the fact that he was innocent...
Why haven't you committed suicide yet?
Is it better to have an abortion or to be a single mom?
What if you met a girl who had good values, had a good job, had a good education, had a good personality...
Be me
Tfw no homely looking trans gf
What does the offspring from a mix of south east asian and whites look like?
When the fuck is penis enlargement surgery going to become a thing...
Fembots, as bussi technology advances, are you worried about being replaced?
How's college going so far lads?
You guys blame your genetics for your lack of sex?
I lent my friend 100$ for a 2 days trip and he was acted very strange
What did you eat last night?
What is it about Asian women that makes white fembots seethe so much?
How do I stop being scared by men?
What makes a girl cute in your eyes?
I can't take it anymore. My fucking hairline has DESTROYED my self confidence. Growing my bangs out isn't helping...
There has to be at least one girl in the world who would find you attractive and liked you for who you are...
Why don't robots just settle for an average girl like pic related?
Fembots how hard is it to abstain from sex when you're not dating anyone...
What makes your life worth living, user?
ITT: What You Want to Look Like
Could you do this to a girl, if she wanted you to?
Haha weed dude 4/20 bro
How tall girls do you like?
Suicide should be illegal and people who attempt suicide should face prison time
When was the last time you were hugged?
Bro just go to school for 17 years so you can spend the next 50 years wageslaving then die in a retirement home
Rate my gun Jow Forums
Tfw no qt e-gf to play WoW classic with
Imagine having a big penis
Place yourself, and tell me why anons
Why don't u just breed a negress user?
Must of the shit incels here say about "roasties" is mere projection. You are trash people and that's why you're alone...
Bros, I really wish I had a big dick
Red pill larping alphas will tell you its all about confidence
So i got myself an online dating profile on saturday
The cutest girls live on the other side of the fucking planet
What do you think about ProJared's response video?
Why are asian guys so much better than white guys?
If you hate women so much, why havent you switched to bois?
Vocaroo Thread
I want to wear a girl's dress and suck a cock while in it but Christian education makes me feel ashamed and afraid of...
Another job i fit every qualification for
Fat guys have gfs
Post your gender and your favorite film
Message to the Transexual community of /r9k
Imagine horsecocks
The lesson here is never trust white women
Wwyd if a cute girl like her did this to you?
/uni/ general
Reminder that Jow Forums is an inclusive space
Sup fellow robots
FBI arresting people because normies don't like them
I Pretended To Be A White Guy On Tinder And This Is How Kenyan Ladies Threw Themselves At Me
How are Americans not terrified 24/7...
Just put yourself out there
I've always seen this little yellowish fur around Brazilian women's bodies and I never knew what it was. Apparently...
People with low iq have more sex
Tfw no tall psycho chad bf who abuses drugs and beats me during sex
Fembot Thread
Why does it feel like the majority of incels here are american? Is it just because there'S many americans here...
Current State of r9k and Discord
Do you hate her, user?
Is this a good tinder profile picture?
What does it take to win your heart?
Anybody else refuse to chase/approach woman? I think its too demeaning
All incels and introverted autists should be forced to become women...
Little brother is a trans girl
This is what you're missing out on by being an incel...
Waifu General - /waifu/ #232
I look exactly like this and I'm still a virgin
My parents just stopped giving me an allowance and now I know why we need Universal Basic Income
If you ever see somebody saying "stop blaming your parents for everything" it's just cope coming from a shit parent...
Why are femtoids like that?
See mom and daughter outside
"Yep, they're yours white boy! Feel like a stud yet?"
I genuinely don't understand how people can work a job...
Which major is the least roastie friendly? I am sick of being near them
ITT: Post your dream car
I want to find an 18-21 girl with gluttonous tendencies and than encourage the behavior. After she eats a lot...
Dating a BPD girl right now, my first girlfriend even
He/she has or used to have casual sex
Fembots why aren't you cute and french like Alizee
Tfw have been in chastity for 4 days
Catfish Thread
/trannyhategeneral/ #1
People making fun of me
Is this really what goes on in American universities?
Most BASED fetish
American here, AMA non burgers
I'll never play catch with my son
Bpd gf calls again
How do I get an Asian gf?
You will NEVER be Scott Pilgrim
This episode fucked me up beyond belief
Where do I find a wholesome boyfriend with no hatred in his heart for women...
The majority of you are going to die alone
Calories in calories out! that's the way to lose weight!
No hope general
Animal rights
You wake up tommrow as madoka
Have you ever made a girl cry, Jow Forums? no family people
At first, robots were all incels. Even though some normalfags claimed they were robots because they were a bit sad...
19 yr old Matthew Bernard killed his mom, sister and her baby. Tell me again how robot incels are not a menace?
Mental illness is the ultimate blackpill...
I can't get along with people who hate cute things and can't process strange ideas. Unfortunately...
Another night of self hatred
It'll get better after high school
Hey, hellooooo, hi, hi, say something about your day and I'll respond!! (probably)
Do you use Jow Forums/the internet as a substitute for real life social interaction and friendships? If so...
What's the shittiest city you've ever been in for a long amount of time? For me it's San Antonio, Texas
Post your computer specs robots
My mom just gave me a 1 week deadline to stop being a neet and do something with my life
Please tell me you are not one of those weird ass americans who put ranch dressing on their pizza
Just bought pic related, cant wait till it gets here...
You will be taking your future daughter fishing with you, right?
Well boys, my time here is almost over. I move out of my parents house next week...
Wagies, why don't you give in and become cute NEETs?
Dubs will name my daughter
Jeff the Killer - unphotoshop version?
What kind of femboys/traps do you masturbate to?
Would you date this person?
Tfw projared innocent
Hey, user, I'm proud of you
Fembots, do you let guys cum on your face? If not, why not?
What's he up to now?
A girl will never love me because i'm schizo
Ultrasound results came in
Why are millennial men paying to stand in internet lines in their free time instead of lifting?
Share anything creative in this thread
Do you still think about her, what she's doing?
Having no close friends means that even if I do find a boyfriend and if I do get married someday...
What's you favorite medieval fantasty weapon robots? I like maces and curved swords
Today is the day boys. I've taken 200 100mg pills of tramadol and am about to drift off forever...
God I love women with huge asses
Write a letter. Include initials if you want
Asian female love thread
Who else /outcast
What age did you stop giving a fuck about society?
Ugly fat white guy sitting on the bus on the seat in front of me
First day of school
Why is every r9k discord trash
Date guy from here
So basically
Why do roasties like to murder babies so much?
Be me
Can loneliness turn me into a bisexual in the long run or have i become prison gay just temporarly?
Current Jow Forums hobbies
Pabst is the best shit-tier beer prove me wrong
/Lonely/ General
Mfw no hairy girlfriend
Here's my favorite candy. What is your favorite candy?
Fucked Up Shit
Have any of you dated anyone with a personality disorder? What was your experience?
What is your point of view?
A girl in the college library called me pathetic today after i got a boner after seeing her bare feet
Will a smart samsung tv with xbox one x have better graphic and draw render distance than a sony monitor tv with xbox...
Black woman hate is self hate, we all originated from africa
Good fucking lord, these normie threads are fucking killing me... Lets have a real fucking robot thread...
How come you refuse to change yourself and become a better person?
Why do normalfags hate based wasps so much?
I slept with my ex bf
What would you do if you got to heaven and all the girls there were chubby to fat...
Check phone usage statistics
I'm really fucking depressed lately
Used to be chad; now a fucking loser
Fembots, have you ever shared a cock with your girl friends?
Anyone else here lied to their entire life?
Masculity and machismo (and not being a manlet) is the key to pussy
Drops beta orbiter to be with abusive chad and now regrets it
Im bout to do it
Be 19 y/o girl
If you ever get the chance to lose your virginity, would you tell the girl that your are still a virgin?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship