Why did we stop doing this?

Why did we stop doing this?

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because wars today are often being fought with something other than guns, tanks and planes

Because of mutually assured destruction and today's economies being so entangled, that any war between any of the big players would be economical suicide for both of them, long before the guns and bombs do any significant damage.
Sadly we won't see a full scale world war for a very long time

Because Jews already have all the control the need. No need to risk it all on war that's unpredictable.

This world is not worth conquering or saving anymore. There is no point

Does it really all come down to what Jews want?

Yes. When they got their own country despite being a minority of only 20 million people worldwide, it should become very apparent they have Paramount global power.

The A bomb mostly.

Why the Allies didn't immediately traitor the Russians and conquer the world when they had hundreds of A bombs and impunity to use them until 1949 is perceived morality and probably more likely Jews.

Why would they allow for aristocracies and monarchies to exist then? What would they benefit from having all these kingdoms of generational wealth and influence continue?

Well they got Prince Harry to marry an American mutt, so I would say they don't allow them to continue.

I always knew it.

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because the jews have already won
any war from ww2 onward has only served to maintain the new status quo of world jewry

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Harry was always an eccentric person, why would marrying an American suddenly end their bloodline? For all we know, she could be related going far back? This also doesn't explain why these monarchs are still scattered throughout the world

She's 1/64th black so this is literally hwite genocide.

Finns are native there, and they don't segregate other people in the country.

Because she's not English? Is that so hard for niggers to understand?

you glow in the dark you kike

God forbid a non-English person marry into the house of Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha!

Funny how Jow Forumstards still think the world can be saved. One of primary reasons I stopped using that gay ass board.

>implying the house of Windsor are even English

the magna carta was a mistake

Don't worry, with the inevitable war of NATO v Russia-China-Iran we are gonna see some shit pop off. The Euro nations think that they can neglect their armies and all problems are solvable by embargo, as a result the Euro armies are laughable compared to their old standards and the expect Burgerland to take care of them. The Russians showed that they could do modern warfare extremely well, with their EW and IPB capabilities they are surpassing the US in experience when it comes to conventional war. Burgerland has been chasing goat farmers for the last 20 years and now nobody is ready for conventional ops. WW3 is coming and it'll start with Russia annexing the Baltic and Balkan states. The US will mount a weak offensive with almost no coalition support (maybe 20 soldiers from Germany, a British regiment, France donating one torpedo boat), and then the Russo-Chinese alliance will be smoking burgers the first year of fighting. America may or may not catch up, we are the #1 economy on Earth and back to back world war champions. But with education now the lowest in the first world and obesity the highest in the world the sun might set on the American empire.
If you are a healthy Euro join your army and lobby to meet the 2% GDP minimum to be in NATO, don't accept a cucked military because you are guilty for once being Nazis. If you are a burger lose weight, join military, use benefits for free college in a STEM degree. Unless you wanna be speaking Chinese in 2025, which sucks cuz our language learning ability is notoriously bad

i have no idea, we (the british) could have longed this out had alot more fun, then the americunts had to get involved, bunch of twats

Because of one game changing thing, nukes

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>british could have longed this out
you lasted as much as you did only because mutts were pumping convoy after convoy to your shit island
you ran away from france leaving all the equipment you had on mainland
where in the fuck do you think you would last if not the mutts, india where you got smashed by japs of all the options?