
>need to stop drinking alcohol
>cant stop drinking alcohol

anyone else know this feeling?

Attached: drank.jpg (1170x700, 66K)

you can if you have to, you just have to commit to it
I lasted 1 year and 1 month without a single drink, but life's been too much lately

ye i cant stop getting drunk every day.
and when i try to stop i want to kill my self

I'm 18 years sober now, you can do it too user.

Just need a reason

you did not have a single drop of alcohol in those 18 years?
teach me your ways

Yes i do.
Prolly there is something that makes you awfully depressed anxious and it's your mind triying to cope with it.

can confirm, being sober as a NEET was easy
but I resumed uni and it's the only way I can deal with the stress

Well... yes, I'm 18 years old though.

just wait another 6 or 7 years. Unless your life is just peachy you'll be drinking soon enough.

I hated alcohol when I was 18. Life didn't go to shit for me until I was 22 and met a guy in university who was addicted to anything he could get his hands on. We started day drinking together and the rest was history.

Eh, I'm not planning to ever touch alcohol and threads like these strenghten my conviction. I don't experience a craving when I've never even known what it's like, as a person with anxiety I think that's for the best. Alcohol or drugs don't pop into my head when I'm struggling. Good luck in your fight against it though.

Good for you, keep at it. Drinking adds so much unnecessary bullshit to your life. It's like a rabbit hole that once you crawl in you can never truly crawl out.

I know that feel bro. Alcohol is the easy temporary fix to a longer term issue. Find out WHY you drink and try to find something constructive to do to take your mind off of it instead of drinking.

how is alcoholism even real bro just don't buy more drinks lmao

you just don't want to stop buying more drinks

I drink alone but I never overdo it. 2 nights a week most of the time, 3 nights occasionally. I just don't what else I'm supposed to do when I have no friends and barely leave the house apart from work.

hate alcohol but it's legal and cheap.
if i could i'd iv heroin 24/7

yep. been drinking every night for the past 2 or 3 years, if I dont get anything to drink i end up staying awake for like 48+ hours. tried to quit a few times, obviously failed. I have cancer too. Life is great.

Mondays are a particularly stressful evening at work so I often have a little drink or two beforehand. It seems to work but holy shit I know I'm on a dangerous road.

I wish I could get my hands on something that blows anxiety out of the water like alcohol but isn't extremely bad for you
I tried chamomile tea and other shit but it all almost seems like placebo

have u tried xanax
I used to have anxiety when i was a teen and tried mild xanax and worked

try phenibut

although if you have troubling holding your liquor I wouldnt recommend it