
First Day Edition

Discuss your days at uni/college with your fellow robots. How was your day?

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My uni starts tomorrow, I'm fucking scared.
I'm so fucking scared.
I'm really fucking scared.
I've failed two classes and I'm about to retake them. I have confidence that I can pass them but the idea of failing just fucking scares me so bad it temporarily halts my hunger.

every days like shit

I started a week ago. So far it's go to class, go sit in dorm repeat

being scared won't help. Now you will think "no shit sherlock-2 but I don't think you really focused on the matter. Did you do your best? Then you could do no more. You have to worry and blame yourself only when u don't do it

Started last week for me
Work sucks
A couple of my professors seem really good, one is outright terrible already
No gf (per usual) but a guy got my # at a party and I'm probably going to see where this leads
One year left, haven't decided if I'm going to do a masters or accept a full time offer

What is there to be scared of
>go home
You aren't required to talk to anyone, ever.

What if u want to find qt gf?

Wait, holy shit, you're literally right. What the fuck, why am I scared, it's literally as you've said.
>Go Home
>Do Academic-Related Shit
>Jack off/ Spend time with friends
Holy shit user, I'm not being sarcastic or anything but, thank you.

first day and already tired as fuck. tfw it doesn't get better.

Not OP but this is what I'm afraid of, I want to talk to people but I know that I won't if there is no real reason to get to know people.

Made a fren by bitching about robotics during high school being a shit show and everyone else didnt know what they wer doing
>pic related, album i told him i like

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I have no passion on anything I can think of, I have no long term goals, all I want to do is play videogames all day and browse Jow Forums, that's literally it, yet I'm studying a STEM degree in college because my parents wanted to but honestly I don't believe I can make it to the end, I wish I was a net but my parents will make it impossible to achieve that dream.
What should I do?
Originally ordered

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grit and fucking do it lmao
i'm in the same position, i want to fucking kill myself and switch to a easy major but if i do, my parents going to fucking kick my ass out. we literally can't do anything other than grit and just fucking do it

Honestly dgaf. Its my last year and im ready to get my degree
What are anons going to college for?
>tfw doctorate in aerospace engineering

electrical engineering, im gonna kill myself but if its for the money and for my family to fucking live in a better fucking place i'll do it

no problem I guess.
meeting people is easy, just talk to them. I don't understand why would you be afraid of coming up to a random guy and talking with him.

If only you lads knew how bad things really were. I finished my degree about a year ago now, and Im working a shitty two bit job right now until something better pans out. The two main jobs that Ive applied for seem to be progressing nicely, but they are both jobs in or related to the government so the application process takes forever. Enjoy your university days guys, because wage slavery thereafter is soul crushing.

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electrical engineering pays well? I heard all engineering fields are over saturated now and its hard to get a job

a foot in, can't go back out anymore, but yeah it pays GENERALLY higher than others. you're not wrong about saturation desu, every 'high stem' major is saturated as fuck at this point

>I heard all engineering fields are over saturated now and its hard to get a job
Not in CS, there is far more jobs for programmers than there are programmers ,atleast here.

>have an online course because I don't want to drive all the way down to uni and to avoid interaction
>professor asks everyone to put up a discussion post introducing yourself
>that's fine, whatever
>then asks everyone to schedule a face-to-face webcam meeting to introduce yourself again
What the fuck? I finished the meeting and I could tell the professor is a good guy with good intentions, but why do you do this? People take online classes for a reason.

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I literally can't wait for my uni to start ( 1st october) because it means my shitty wage job will stop. Learning>working

I get you man. I only went into aerospace because i knew i could do it and if i got a job with nasa the pay would be insane. I have maybe 3k in scholarship money left to last for this whole year so im trying to figure out whether to bite the bullet and take a loan or to make sacrifices. Hopefully this all pays off and i get a good job. Best of luck to you fellow engineering bro, dont let the tough shit keep you down.
Also, not sure if you know, but get to know your teachers, even if its just cleaning after class, it shows them you care, and they most likely have connections. Its a pain, but its worth it.

It's not that I'm afraid of talking, it's that I find it hard to talk to people if there's no reason to. There's nothing for us to relate about, what am I supposed to talk about? The weather?

Well if you are talking to your classmates, I guess whatever you are studying is a good way to start off, then you just ask them questions about themselves and once they answer, you answer the same question you asked them.

I'm not sure if I'm anoying to people, probably to some(maybe most, hope not though), but it gets you further to making friends than keeping to yourself and being quiet does.

Yep. Went into finance purely because I was ordered to. Hate it, but I rationalize that everyone hates what they do.

I like programming.

Anxious. I don't want to deal with normies again.

I'm sure you'll make the decision that best fits you bro, just make sure you're sound when you make the decision. As for your advice on teachers, thanks bro, I'll take it to heart, thank you again. I wish you the best of luck as well, just fight on bro.

>I rationalize that everyone hates what they do.
Not everyone, but most people do. You think we actually want to tackle something 'hard'? Fuck no, we're here for the $$$, liking what you do is a major boost but a lot of people don't have it so, yeah, keep on hating it but don't hate yourself for it.

Oregon orega

I live alone and only have 2 classes on campus. I can't take the isolation anymore boys, I really can't. I've only been here for a week and a half.

I don't know where it all went so wrong. I was semi-normie (i.e. not completely friendless) in high school. It was still pretty shit, but at least I had college to look forward to. I couldn't wait to move out and make new friends. Everyone says that college is the time and place to bee yourself and make friends so I thought even I could make it. I spent my first year on the edge of a mental breakdown, lived at home and did classes online for a year after said breakdown, and now I'm back at it again. It's a different college, but the same shit. I don't know how to describe my disappointment beyond that. I don't know why I thought I could be normal, I should have stayed at home.

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>4 years at uni
>made no friends
>can't get a job
>no gf
Everything is not going to be okay

Guys I really fucking hate college bro I seriously want to be a neet forever, I want to play videogames all day, I want to take long ass naps, I want to watch anime until 5:00 AM I really wish I could get the chance to be a neet but my parents would make this impossible, I really don't have any passion, I can't understand how people can enjoy working or studying, it's all so tiresome, I pick the first STEM degree I could think of just because my parents wanted me to study something that could pay well, man I seriously don't know what to do with my life now

Heh, my uni doesn't start until 1st october.
>still fell for a meme degree
>hate my course
>sees no future in it
>made no friends
>only go outside for classes
>deeply regrets not picking literally anything else
>starting 3rd year, already too late to change
I'll be fine

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it's starting in a month and i am dreading it. i am a complete autist who can't even go to the shop alone without having a panic attack, also i am afraid that even though i got into a mediocre university i will fail it because i'm too stupid

We're literally all strugglers of fate, fight on bros

Oregon orega Oregon state on Saturday

I'm a senior that's going to graduate a semester late if i dont fuck it up this semester. Just had this conversation with an acquittance after class was over
>oh yeah, why you are still here
>"I'm retarded"
>well, that sucks. don't let it get to you, user. most people fail a class or two. was this your last class?
>so what're you going to do now
>"go home"
Was he trying to ask me to hang out or something?

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Not startin yet but a miracle has allowed me to get into pharmacy in a decent uni, feeling decent about it

>last year
>go to uni
>meet this girl
>she's decent lookin, nice tits though
>is kinda annoying
>kinda crazy
>honestly worried she'd kill herself (or me)
>despite this she was my closest friend
>started enjoying her company
>probably the best chance I had at getting a gf so far
>she transfers to another school
>first day of uni today
>am now completely alone

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>Now at year 8 of uni
>Never changed major
>Just failed classes and overall retarded

Your fine user. Just don't fuck up as bad as me

Starting my first year on the 4th, pretty excited but nervous about meeting new people. Most of my friends except one have moved away and I'm commuting to a somewhat sleepy campus.

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Any lawfags here? In a couple of weeks I will be starting.

Congrats on getting to law school.
I hope to get their when I graduate.

The reason I don't is because if someone did that to me I would hate it. I don't know, you look like a bitch, and you have nothing to offer nor be funny.

danger sense was in overdrive
I thought engineering students being autistic was just a meme, I shoulda picked a different minor
I dont even want to post the encounter because it would identify me to them and they are the people I imagine browsing this board but basically an extremely strange person told me details that were way to specific and personal in a very bizarre way just because we waiting for the same class

I graduated law school in 2011. What school?

Prepare to get absolutely wrecked with studying all day every day. It's nothing like undergrad.

How's your current life now that you have graduated law school? Was it worth it? Do you enjoy it?

y-year eight? what major? is this across different schools?

It was a wash. I went to a school ranked about #20 nationwide, but didn't get a scholarship. So I financed it with debt and worked really hard. I graduated with Latin honors, did well in moot court, all that shit. I then did pretty well after graduating, lived very frugally, and paid it off in 6 years, which is quite abnormal. I'm now okay financially, but I'm constantly brutally tired and am definitely burned out. I often wonder what things would be like if I just went into a "normal" field and had a normal life.

This was also during the worst of the recession, so in school I was constantly worried about not getting a job and having student loans I could never repay. It occupied my thoughts all day every day during my 3 years of law school. To be fair, some of my classmates are just utterly fucked. If you're in the bottom half of your class, you may as well jump off a bridge because your life is ruined.

I also hated every second of the material. I now do litigation. They teach you almost nothing practical in law school that translates to private practice. It's a total joke. Instead of real skills, some asshole professor grills you about the intricacies of some case from 1930 that he's read 100 times over the past 20 years teaching the same course.

>uni took in 500 new students despite being an institution of around 1300
>there is nowhere to park anymore

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how do you anons deal with giving presentations? we have one due already and i feel like im gonna pass out from the anxiety

Talk slower than you're thinking, otherwise you'll spill spaghetti and mispronounce every other word. Practice several times over beforehand and think about which words and body movements works best in given contexts.
What also helped for me was the "25 words" method. When you practice, try to concise every bit of information (titles, information, transitions, etc.) into just 25 words in a list. Divide that list into notecards respective to your presentation's slides, and try to recite your entire presentation from just those words. Revise that list according to your needs as you practice over and over; eventually, you'll have the whole thing down without even needing the words.

Honestly practice meditation before you go up. Focus on your breathing. Try and view the world detached from your body. I used to be really bad at presentations but I at least gave a normie level one last time by doing that.

This guy here: I'm a weird and unpleasant guy, and I frequently do court hearings and 7-hour depositions.

Realize that there are classic signs of nervousness. If you don't sway back and forth, wring your hands, play with your hair, or speak too quickly, nobody can tell you're nervous. They don't know. Just control your external signs. If you do, nobody is the wiser. This is powerful. Speak slowly and don't fidget.

Also, realize that many people are nervous. It's not just you. It's fine. Most people hate public speaking.

This is my last semester, supposedly the hardest semester from everyone I've talked to. Granted I quit my job right before school started so I have no schedule to plan around besides school. So far it's kind of underwhelming. When people hype a class up to be really difficult it almost never lives up to what I expected in my head, and I end up getting disappointed. First test is thursday so I guess I'll see what kind of start I'll really have.

>Started PhD today
>Get first homework assignment
>Can't answer a single question
Who let me in this again?

My day was decent. Had fun in Calc i, lost my concentration in US history because I find it mind-numbingly boring.
My first two weeks were uneventful. But I know the rest of the my first semester of college is going to go to shit.
The only class I like is calc i. There's no stupid-ass research papers, the problems are fun to do, the text book literally tells you what shit is important, etc. But the main reason I like it is because I'm a math major.
But I hate my other (required) classes. College Composition is gonna kick my ass because of so many essays and research papers, and my prof is a conservative boomer always complaining about identity politics. Comm 1 is a death sentence for me because I'm a sperg. And US history is just mind-numbingly boring, and the textbook is incomprehensibly dense.

I don't even want to be in college right now. I'm at a community college because my last year of highschool was so depressing I lost all motivation to apply to any decent college and find some careers. I'm not even that good at math. It's just that I'm not a brainlet at it. Like fuck, it feels more like a 2-year extension of my life since I originally planned on killing myself after graduating highschool. I'm just afraid of the process of dying.

Holy shit im in 4th year and already wanna kms. I know a retard at my campus who is in his 10th year since 2009 and doesnt even have a bachelors. He even had a few newspaper articles about him.

Sounds like me. Except I made one friend who is like a brother to me (+ two other good friends) and we go on crazy long nightwalks.

If it weren't for him I'd probably not have made it to third year

Calculus I, US History and 2 English courses seems a bit odd for someone wanting to major in math. I mean sure, get the general courses out of the way but wouldn't it of been better to take COSC/PHYS 111 or some other course you might enjoy and one English course? That way you aren't stuck with a really difficult semester later on.

Constant pain and suffering with heavy amounts of alcohol and mild amounts of drugs to crush the pain. I then had the most toxic slut of a girlfriend twice, and proceeded to have a toxic slut of a phase myself.

I really hated myself in uni, and I really hated everything around me. Then I graduated with a degree in engineering, and now I'm facing a much happier/healthier lifestyle. I'm glad I went through uni though as I learned almost everything I know about people and the world there.

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My anxiety was fine all summer but now I have to go back to school and my heart is racing and I'm catastrophizing everything

I'm pretty natural at talking in front of people and thinking on my feet so presentations came rather easily to me.

I will say, if you're feeling nervous, just think about it like this: that sensation you get when you're nervous is the same feeling as when you're excited. Accelerated heart rate, tingles in your stomach and trembling is all linked with both states of mind. So if you switch your mentality from "ah shit I'm so nervous about this presentation" to "ah shit I'm so excited about this presentation" you might find a sense of excitement/thrill when approaching a group of people.

My days at Uni were actual hell. I felt more and more insane every day. It didn't seem to get better after...even with a relatively useful degree, I couldn't find a job. I searched and searched and fell into depths of depression.

Until I found one, by my own volition. It actually had little to do with my own degree, but a combination of my interests and my education. I felt blessed, finding a job where I could follow my dreams. Honestly, I don't know about the rest of you, but a little faith in anything might help.

I start next week. I am not used to having friends irl since i used to be the weird fat kid k-12, but got my shit together and got Jow Forums. Will people want to be my friend or do i talk to them? how do i know if i talk to much or to little? how can i tell girls im not interested in them cause i just want to learn without them getting offended.. FUCK im stressed out

>ignored everyone who tried to talk to me and be my friend
Yup, gonna be another fun semester alright.

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I'm coming back to university for the Spring semester. I dunno if I should bother studying, but it's been 4 years since I went to college.

user, why? don't want to make friends and be included?

if that's what you really want, that's fine. I suspect it isn't. Don't do things you don't like. The solution is simple. Even if you're still ignored, at least you're trying (and being a try-hard is better than being a try-less.)

s-should I drop out of my math PhD?
i'm so down rn

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I have very bad anxiety and project a lot of my insecurities. I know most people aren't that bad, but I can't deal with it. My voice starts to stutter and crack. It's easier just to be considered that weird guy.

the only kind of people i attract are weirdos, schizos and numale gamers does this say anything about me?

>girl talks to me in my first ever class
>never spoken to again the rest of the semester
whatd i do wrong

have you taken any therapy for it? considering that people were willing to talk to you, you would probably fit in well if you didn't have your anxiety.

I tried briefly, but I stopped going. He told me what I knew already and to try cognitive therapy, which I did. It improved a little bit, but I think most of my issues stem from just growing up in a poor social environment. Read none expect a crazy mother

Who /graduated but has no chance of getting a job/ here?

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>"first day"
>still waiting to submit my thesis and escape this hell

Let's see your resume user. I'm sure we can spice it up a little bit.

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What job did you find?
I wish someone would try to be my friend...
Are you a normalfag?
Why don't you have a chance?

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I just zone out and talk while staring at a wall instead of paying attention to the rest of the class

I caught some Arab girl looking at me a few times. What do?


>used to be able to get over assignment / exam fright by getting drunk
>these days getting wasted just means I end up slacking off instead of getting shit done
I don't know how I can function anymore

>second week and second year at uni
>anxious in class bc agoraphobia
>went home immediately after classes and took a nap bc I can never sleep at night
>wish I was outgoing instead of shy and quiet so I could make friends
>fearing the future

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im not a normalfag, im very picky with potential friends and ironically i am presented with undesirables

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You should be their friend. I wish I befriended the undesirables that wanted to be my friend because now I have no one.

Pretty good, I am majoring in mathematics and im almost ready to transfer to a university from community college. From what I have heard from people from the local universities the community college I go to has more difficult stem courses than the university atleast in terms of what can be offered.

>see a qt talking to her friends
>she's so innocently laughing, so lost in emotion didn't notice i was staring at her for 5 minutes straight
>she gives me a weird look and starts laughing with her friends, i go to the bathroom to cry

when will this end

>someone stares at me like an autist when im trying to talk with friends
Notice someone is looking at me find it a bit strange that have been staring at me from across the room. don't want to be rude
>stranger leaves when I make eye contact and wondering why they are staring
>stranger runs to the bathroom probably to jackoff to pictures he probably took or go to bathroom
>go back to talking with friends
>find out he posts on Jow Forums

I just started my second year of college. It doesn't feel like much has changed sincd I took German classes all summer, so i only got two weeks of break. I'm starting calculus which is a necessary step toward getting my physics degree. The big problem is the freshman composition class I have to take. It's everything I hated about highschool English only I'm paying a bunch of money for it. It looks like I'll enjoy microeconomics tho.

For what subject is the PhD for?

No, you'll regret it in the long run.
You can do it my man

Yeah maybe this feeling is temporary. Feel a bit
burnt out honestly. I'm 2 1/2 years into the program and I'm pretty sure I won't a faculty position. Better start finding internships...

>found a flat goth doing the same course as me, she's like 5/10 on an average day
>get a copy of the class lists
>search every name until i find her social media
>find out she posted some real personal shit
>overcome with a desire to protect her until the end of time
>completely unlike any kind of attraction i've ever felt
>never spoken to her
>the concept of starting a conversation is completely foreign
think time

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I used to get nervous talking to girls too, but then I found out there's nothing to be afraid of. If I can do it, so can you

I went to my only class today. A class that fills a requirement to graduate
Wall to wall group work. I left after people started introducing themselves.
It's my 5th year why did I waste my money on this?

Anyone going to a community college, my classes start next week, after being NEET for 2 years since high school i hope i can make something of myself with an assoicates.

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