What did y'all get on your SATs

What did y'all get on your SATs

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I think you mean gcses , I got one A*, two As , two Bs and a C

1460/1600, did worse on the other section tho can't remember exact

not fair man... Checking the questions now and they are unfairly easy

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Wouldn't American SATs be equivalent to A Levels? of which I got three Cs

Not that great but more than I needed.

kys brainlets

>ridicules people for failing a jewish test designed to artificially stratify society

Very funny goy

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didn't take em. fuck that.

based and truthpilled

I took the newest version and got 1520/1600. Perfect score on math and 720 on Reading shit

1360/1600, it's a useless test though

>got a 1200-1400 on the practice test
>never took the actual test
I am in my early 20s, dunno if I should bother now. I already know I will not be becoming a dentist or surgeon or something because I dont have any connections or nearly enough shekels to foot it all.

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Dunno dude, you should probably take it before the residue knowledge is trashed. If you start learning now again you'll have a lot of old "oh, right" moments but those will be gone soon.
Finishing it looks good on every CV. It's like a certificate that you are slightly less retarded than everyone else.

Arent there other tests schools give out in place of it though, especially for adults? Dont plan on doing anything graduate related, and I doubt that an SAT is going to make a significant impact on my resume anyways. Plus I was planning on starting with a community college once I save up to that point, dont think an SAT/ACT would be a huge deal for admission but I guess I could be rather wrong.

1300, but that was 3 years ago

Never took it but got a 25 on the ACT with an hour and a half extra time...

No. A levels are much harder; GCSEs are the equivalent level of SATs. That's why standard undergrad in the UK is only 3 years long, and we can legally drink for all 3 of those years.
9A*s, 2 As, and 1B (English Literature was a shitfest and I hated it).

please do it for your future user! I trust you!

Like 1250.

A 1080 the first time and 1090 the second

Never did SATs due to different educational system and switched between different types/voluntarily dropped out before I could even find out.

Why the hell would you take SATs after high school? Is it even allowed at your age?

In my country we have a college entry exam different than the SAT, I've just looked at the math test and jesus christ that shit is retard level. Please tell me that the other tests are not like that or that I'm searching in a wrong website.

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I didn't even do the essay .

Anyone who's older than 6 that can't solve that question should be executed. Even Americans aren't that stupid, which is saying something.

IIRC I got a 1570.