Anyone else have BBC genetics but is white?

Anyone else have BBC genetics but is white?

>long wingspan for my height (5 1/2 inches longer than height)
>genuine 7.8 inch thick cock.
>can easily dunk despite being only 6' 1/2
>build muscle easily due to naturally high test levels. (Tested at 1080 ng/dl)

Attached: 6c430e5.jpg (1080x1070, 102K)

ummmMMMM drop your fuckign. Discbord then

You're a tranny. Discord tranny.

>tfw no BWC chad baller bf

no my dicks small and its my biggest insecurity.

I am not and I will show you my pussy if you can prove you are not LARPing.


Damn OP you won the genetic lottery. Nice for you

I was always a fast runner.

I smoked all the other white kids and was competitive with the fastest 2-3 black kids.

Real girls dont say that. Tranny.

Not at all. I'm still a khv with possible autism and I only have a 115 I.Q with ADHD.

Based. The fastest High school sprinter in history is a white kid with BBC genes too.

Attached: download.jpg (275x183, 9K)

Lonely fembots who want Chad do.

Ok but what is your eye/hair color?

Dark Blonde/blue eyes like the pic in the OP.

that's brown hair/eyes though

There are no fembots on this fucking site. Just trannies. Sure, there are girls on r9k discord but they don't actually browse this place regularly.

Meant to say I have hair similar in color to pic related but blue eyes. His hair is dark blonde not brown.

I am in love with you user.

Prove you're not a tranny. Orginal.

Why do you come here Chad? Just to antagonize us?

Well If it makes you feel any better I have never even come close to using my dick. I'm still a khv dateless touchless.

i don't quite agree on the hair colour. Post an example of what you'd call light brown hair

Sure, if you add me on discord. Not letting incels see my tits.

I'm not a chad at all. No friends, khv, can barely talk to anyone irl.

This is a good chart comparing what light brown vs dark blonde looks like.

Attached: main-qimg-c00ff34279ef382c620e7e3880aa9ec1.jpg (602x291, 64K)

Do you have the tism sir?

Only trannies use the word Incel. What's your discord then? I can prove that I'm the op.

Not diagnosed but most likely.

>dark blond

Kino hair color.