I'm pretty creeped out, guys. Not sure what to sure do, if anything

I'm pretty creeped out, guys. Not sure what to sure do, if anything.
So yesterday I was walking my usual route in this wooden area. There is this short off-trail part that people don't go on often and on the side of it I found this large bag.

I left it alone. Went by today and it's still there. I poked it with a stick. It felt heavy. I can hear the sound of plastic shifting when I press on it with the stick. I took a few pics and just left.

I am too much of a pussy to open it in fear I will find a corpse. What should I do?!

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If you're a normal hike that trail at night, if you're a loser avoid that area for the remainder of your days.

Actually this is a pretty nice place. Lower your phone and center the bag, Voila. You'll get a pretty nice shot
Aside from that, was there a smell? Discovering theres a corpse in the bag would be better than seeing it often and thinking about it

I don't understand what you mean. But... I guess I'd be considered normal. I went back there again. It's not even far away from houses nearby. It's right off the main bike trail. It's like they didn't even try hard to hide it. It's creeping me the fuck out.

But if I'm normal go there at night, what?

Pic is from today. Still there... Should I call the police? My curiosity is getting to me bad.

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Just go there and open the bag if it's a corpse who cares just call the police and be done with it but i guarantee it's not.

Open it, maybe its a cocaine drop and you've just become everyone's favourite hiker

That's too big to be a corpse anyway it's probably just a load of trash.

lol probs just some illegal dumping

>calling the police for this
OP open it already

Just take it lol
But don't sell what's inside

No, no, I'm saying go there at night if you are normal. Tie some glowsticks to a backpack with your favorite rapper's face. Run in circles screaming "I think I know who did this he's gonna rot in jail hahaha." Do this for an hour straight each night for a week straight.

Yeah, been walking on it for years. Almost daily. It's not a very long trail. Only a little over a mile and it's right around homes and a creek is directly behind the bag.

I got my face close and no smell and no flies. Wouldn't there be no smell due it possibly being in bags? I will go back tomorrow and I will be brave and bring thick gloves and... I guess open the damn thing.
It's not very big. I wish I put something near it for size compassion. Looks like it could fit a child.
Im not going back up there today. I'm going to ask my brother to come with me after work tomorrow and check it out. I'm driving myself mad with curiousity.

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Someone died there hurry and loot the bag you dingus. Its like you dont want to win this battle royale.

There could be ammo and some healing pots. Gogogogo

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Im not driving up there today. Sorry to disappoint. I will make another thread tomorrow around this time if I end up having the balls to open it. What's is possibly full of?! Why has no one touched it. Perhaps I'm the only other to have seen it.
Oh you're not giving real advice. Funny though. What's the idea behind all this?

>i saw a bag so scarye guyse

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> not driving up there today

Fuck you you pussy larping bitch. Dont ever post on Jow Forums again

Oh. I just got back from the walk. I kept thinking about it. My bad sorry to disappoint you user.

I wish I was brave.
Hahah make me laugh thanks.

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Well you see after outing yourself as a normal I'm trying my best to get you a bag of your own.

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Do you seriously think I should stay away from the bag though? I said I'd be seen as a normal. I'm far from it.

It's a homeless person's shit

They're trying to hide it so other

Bums won't steal it

This actually...makes a lot of sense and make some not even wanna open it anymore lmao. I feel they could've hidden it better though.

its just a homeless guys stuff leave it alone mviii the homeless guy is already in a dire enough situation you dont want to make his life any more miserable

Think of it this way. Weigh the pros and cons of this bag in accordance with your life. Does the bag provide you with any benifits, no, no it does not. Does the bag possibly have negative effects tied to it, yes, probably. Now lets see what this bag can do for you either good or bad

Possibly money but no one would leave a huge garbage bag of cash in the middle of a trail. That wouldn't make any sense.

It could be a body, in which case you'd be viewed as a suspect and if by chance normals fuck up their job you could spend your life in prison. Could be drugs at a droppoint, could be linked to the cartel or a local gang. Could be a bomb. Could be hazardous waste.

Now then, with that sorted what do you think you should do in regards to said bag? Or hiking in that area in general from now on? Don't even call the cops. If you do you'll be viewed as a possible suspect. Stay away from that area so you aren't tagged at the scene of a possible crime.

too late now to open it and call the cops if there's a body inside. But, it's never too late to kys.

Its probably just trash people dump shit illegally all the time in woods and parks to save money, or it could be a homeless persons makeshift tent. Either way don't be a pussy and find out whats in it tomorrow I'm curious now too. Go during your normal hike during the day but bring some sort of weapon just in case like a decent pocket knife or a baseball bat, maybe pepper spray anything you feel safe with.

When you get there announce that you're there and that you hike this trail often and you just wanna see whats going on, just in case a bum did make it his home, also don't mention cops or law at all. Wait a minute or two and then just announce you're coming over to check on it, I can almost guarantee its just garbage dumped illegally to avoid fees if it was a dead body you would smell it and there would be bugs all around that, I don't care how many plastic bags its wrapped in the smell of death is very strong. Be brave user and report back I have faith in you also I expect to see an update thread tomorrow when I get home from work user.

>Too pussy to open it
Call the cops or something then

If it's a corpse you should probably stay away from that area before you get killed and bagged.
They might have just left it there temporary and gonna move it later.
If they find out you saw it your dead maybe.
Better make anonymous tip to the cops and never go back there again

You're not trying too hard apparently lol

Hey, OP here. I just got to read this. It's fucking well thought out great advice. I am going to just delete the pictures and ignore that part of the trail for now on.
Being tied to a crime of any sort, especially murder, scares the living shit out of me. Each time I poked it with a stick I tossed the stick in the creek because I actually thought about being tied to a crime.
It won't benefit me at all opening this bag except to sate my curiosity. Which isn't worth it.

My mother told me to anonymously report it but I told her no way. I don't want to be involved in anything. It could be a trap.

I intend to never go that direction on the trail anymore.

Why dont you wanna do an anonymous tip?
They can't link it back if you use a proxy

Sorry to disappoint you guys but I'm taking the advice of and just leaving it be and avoiding the area. I know, I'm a boring pussy. If by chance my brother goes out there I will have him takes pics. He wanted to go out there tomorrow but now I don't even want to find out. Could be trash, could be something illegal.

user I don't know that kinda shit and will probably mess up and it will be traced back to me lmao.

Dont let your brother go there alone he will be killed if there is something weird going on there

Oh shit. Yeah true. I've been going there for years though. I like that spot. It's kinda hidden and it's by the creek with a log you can sit on. Ah well.

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>kinda hidden
You mean good spot to hide body

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But it's not that hidden you know what I mean. Like if he put it a few feet further back I'd never have found it...

Here is the trail leading to it and you turn left and the bag is there.

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