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those are two different things. the proper steps are as follows:

1) know what you want to do before you go to college
2) ???

It doesn't matter. You're probably not getting a job in it anyway.
College is a scam, pure and simple.

I'm a trade CHAD

I'm definitely not doing that. I'm just going to coast, I guess.
It's impossible to get a job anymore unless it's a nepotism thing.

College is only a scam if you're a low is brainlet or decide to major in something stupid like photojournalism or graphic design.

>know what you want to do but also make it something that has high demand and good pay.
The follow your passion thing is a meme, thats why most of the debt happens.

I majored in STEM and it was a total waste of time and did nothing for me. Hated the college too.

Trades are a fucking meme. Have fun crawling underneath some rednecks trailer to fix his sewage pipe in 40 degree Celsius heat while making barely above the wage of a burger king manager

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Only go to college if you can't study your subject of interest at home.

Uh huh, sure you did.

I had a scholarship and went onto Computer Science and despite it being full of normies I still got a job like a year after graduating.
I'll say this again since you appear to incapable of understanding,

College is only a scam if you're low IQ and major in a worthless field of study.

>single digit brainlet

Comp sci's a meme. Enjoy being a code monkey and training your H1B replacement next month.

I just put doors in buildings dude.
Nothing that really that complicated and it pays pretty good.

Maybe so because I fell for the college meme. But millennials as a whole are struggling for work.
College is a scam, sorry.

>competing with pajeets
Lmao college cucks just can't stop BTFOing themselves

Whatever you say, seething retard.

Tell Pajeet 'hi' for me after he's doing your job next quarter.

>I'm not mad! You're mad!

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Do you people have anything substantial to say other than memes and shit about my field that hasn't been relevant since 2015?

I'm not competing with any poo niggers you utter dumbfuck.
I have an actual salary and no one that works at my company is Indian.
They are all white normies and Chads.
this is getting pathetic.

Fuck comp sci, I recognize it's field well (live in silicon valley) and turned 360 degrees and walked away. I don't want a brain death by the time I'm 40, I'd rather continue working and still be able to actually enjoy my life currently and after retiring. If you can do it congratulations, it makes me a bit concerned about you but the work is soul-deadening and requires a dead soul in the first place.

What am i supposed to do to earn money then?

I chase people who don't pay their bills and service electrical meters. I make $27/hr. Could be worse.

Only a scam if you're retard, which you clearly are.
College isnt for everyone, especially since most Americans arent cut out for higher academics.

College, in its current form, isn't a good deal for anyone even if you do get a job. The debt is enormous for a job that will probably barely compensate for it.
Fuck college and fuck apologists like you who continue to peddle any sort of justification for the outrageous (nondischarchable) costs they coerce kids into just to be entered into the wagecuck lotto.

What do you do and how do I do this?

Based. Just got my electrical apprenticeship a couple weeks ago. Fuck college

>Just got my electrical apprenticeship
Why will I never be this lucky

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Damn now i want mcnuggts THANKS user...

I will NEVER do a trade as long as I live. That I assure you.
I hve zero interest in this.

I'm a field services tech for an electrical cooperative. So I service >277v meters all day and since my service area is the size of Delaware it's literally driving around 99% of the day and spending at most 3-5mins outside the truck unless I'm doing hirise condos.
My old company literally hired any retard off the street to just do revenue protection in which you just cut power all day I did that for a year and landed this career.

I have a MS in biochem

Do I get the PhD or the MD? I want to go big dick

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A lot of idiots think going to college means they'll get a job when they get out and they'll have nothing to worry about.

College only gives you the tools you need, it doesn't give you the job for those tools. The first point of college is to learn what you need to, the second is to make connections. Work while you're attending. Shadow people under the same job, get apprenticeships. If you just go and do nothing but what you have to, then you might as well have never gone.

And don't forget trades. You should at least get one after getting out of college so you can fall back on it.

you sound like a fucking normie
off my board pls

Best post of the entire thread.

It doesn't matter what degree you do or how employable it is. What matters is proving that you're more than just an information dump and actually have a drive for the material.

For instance, I'm currently in school for Geography with a specialization in Geographical Systems Information (GIS). I bumped into one of my old lab instructors who's a PhD student and decided to catch up with him. The moment he found out about my new major (I previously was a biofag), he offered me a position to help construct maps for his dissertation when I reached a comfortable point in my education. We only have 10 people specializing in GIS within the Geography department and it's common for other departments to seek out the most prized of the lot to do paid work for them. In the past, those who have gone out of their way to do this (As well as supplement their education with some CS and Databasing) are basically guaranteed well paying jobs straight out of school as opposed to someone who simply filled in the check boxes and went on their way.

I also feel it's definitely worth spending the year at a CC to acquire a trade certificate to fall back on if there isn't a physical conditioning issue preventing you from doing it. However, I do understand the aversion to the trades by the university educated. The trades, rightfully, have a reputation and if your IQ is above room temperature it's an absolute ball ache to be around such people.

It's definitely not worth wasting the time to get a trade. I will not be doing that.

Life is like walking a tight rope. Going to college will make the rope a bit more thick, but it's still a tight rope. A trade is like a safety net to catch you if you fall down.

College is a scam. It should be training young people for jobs. It has failed at its most important function and has left an entire generation with debt they will never be able to pay off.
The truth of the matter is, most of the curriculum of modern college has absolutely no bearing on real-world work. This needs to change.

>tfw got a painting job with my friend right out of HS
>tfw when making $12 untaxed
>tfw when going up to $25 in less than a year

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Natural selection. Those who picked meme degrees would never have made it. They didn't think in the future, they thought of now and what people will think of their gender studies. College is a tool that gives you tools. You've gotta use the tool wisely or else in the end, the tight rope shrinks.

That's ridiculous and makes society and everyone in it worse off. These people will just vote in Bernie and take your money with a gun to your head instead.

How about we focus on making everyone's life better instead of trying to trip them up because of some social Darwinist Malthusian nightmare fantasy?

not everybody is fit for education :)
somebody has to do the back-breaking wagie work


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debt cuck cope

I'm taking I.T college classes wish me luck

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Believe it or not some people go to college with absolutely no debt. I am one of those people laughing at you

You mean you are just getting paid cash? Dumb fucking cuck that will never appreciate and you don't have any legit benefits or insurance do you?

I'm thinking about becoming a plumber myself, getting paid to learn on the job and making more and more with time, perhaps eventually owning a company. I hear many people go to college for years and then can't find a job afterward, even worse if they have debt. This is a much less risky route to take.

A lot of boomer plumbers are retiring and the young fags won't even consider such a trade because it's not "prestigious" enough (basically normalfags that care about status). Because of this, demand is increasing quite a bit and the pay is expected rise as well.

Reminds me of the Combine in HL2. They take everything and treat everyone else like shit.

>what is the stock market
>what is financial literacy
>what is a temp job
Fuck off, you disgusting bootlicker

exactly. passions are what minors are for.

I agree. Nobody cares, and nobody bothers to help those kids transition into the workforce. And the whole "you're 18" bullshit isn't an argument. Boomers had role models and guidance to follow. We never did, because they didn't care about returning the favor.

And we get labelled as "selfish" when we decide to go our own way and make up for what they refused to teach us as kids. It's a joke, and we've become their babysitters instead.

I hate this, I floundered getting an Associate's because I didn't really know what I wanted to do. Thankfully I only ended up 3k indebt opposed to 30k like some people I know.

Took sometime to reassess what I really wanted, and started back in at school at 27. I graduate in May with my BA, I got financial aid and a scholarship through the state education major and I genuinely enjoy what I'm doing.

i wanna major in econ but i dont even know what econ majors do besides teach econ and maybe write books
Can you make money from it?

>the system worked for me and therefore it is not broken!

jesus christ you absolute fucking sperg.

That's what you get for going to college in America.

Godspeed baby

I agree with you. That's the same type of selfishness that's ruining our society.

I tried to compete without using nepotism but then I realized everyone else was doing it instead so I caved. Made me feel better.

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Could I theoretically teach myself something, get a fake degree from somewhere, then get a job with it and have no one notice because I know my shit well enough?

If you're a robot, college is fucking pointless, networking matters way more than how effective you are, I envision those STEM dorks scoffing at the chads and stacies muttering "pfft... enjoy your pointless spells of pleasure, one day i will be rich and all you party animals will be broke and homeless mwahahaha *tips fedora*"

Yep. You need to get a "fuck you I got mine" attitude or you won't get anywhere in life. You either take what you can or you settle for scraps.

The "system" works for anyone that has a IQ above room temperature.

I'm about to blow your mind right now, kid.
I graduated college with zero debt, and actually managed to get a well paying job in my desired field all thanks to lots of planning and a little common sense.

That's all it takes.

This shit is the worst. I don't know what I want to do. Don't want to gamble on college. Don't want to gamble on not going to college. Don't want to get a job doing something I definitely won't give a shit about. Don't know what job I would even want to do. Don't want to get a job for the time I should be spending thinking about what I want to do. Sitting around without my mind made on any of this shit is just bleeding time and probably making my situation worse. I just want to be a different person.