*deprives you of your human rights*

>*deprives you of your human rights*

Attached: Sup Anon.jpg (612x612, 77K)

>that one guy without the glowing eyes

>>*deprives you of your human rights*
the strong must fear the weak

Human rights don't exist

aIl white people look the same

good point. there is no absolute foil proof way of enuring a person's rights. If i violate you will the ground open up beneath me and swallow me? will god strike me down? Is there any all mighty force that is omnipresent that is there to ensure it? then no. Your rights aren't ensured.
>the strong must fear the weak
or what?

>white people
they're normies, that's the normie look. I've seen normies of other races with those faces.

normies do have a specific look. maybe it's just their expressions?

it's the lack of stress on their faces.

this, my eyes always have bags under them from crying all the time

tfw no glowing eyes

el diablo blanco

Hold on 4 males and 6 females? What kind of company is that

i've been told i look sketchy. People throughout my life have likened me to mythical creatures like elves or vampires because of my angular, gaunt face and pale skin. when people turn corners and see me they may jump or get defensive. No matter how cool i feel i always look off putting. Not that i'm ugly or anything. my brother's friend said i was model tier. But i just have a strange look and demeanor. I remember the one time i didn't feel nervous outside i walked down the side walk and a couple said "are you ok?".

why do you act like this isn't a simple camera fault?

Lmao cope. Be a little less envious

i wish my eyes could brightly reflect the camera flash

eyes are the windows to the soul

white people have no souls

they have the most soul

>*deprives you of your human lives*

Attached: JWWUCHRXQVBFVOJMF3BFGCRG3M.jpg (800x450, 74K)

why do all normalfags look the same? oh yeah because the npc meme isn't a meme

added to my name filter

You should hide behind corners and jump out at people.

youve said that before.

Cope. This is so sad.
Blacks and Asians unite! We will defeat the superior white man one cope at a time.

>tfw no nosferatu bf
Don't get your hopes up, im a tranny.

why are yew trying to instigate fights? yikes!

>be me
>be start as a barely sentient mammal
>theres this big dude talking to my gf n shit
>gf asks me to eat this apple
>god is all mad and shit
>what'd i dew?
>get kicked out of my home
>but at least he gave me clothes
>i til the earth then i die and sht
why was god so mad? i dindu nuthin

>muh rights
You only hate the right to die. And still only by natural death.

you know he was hideous and a metaphor for jews, right?

Attached: MV5BMTU5MTcwNDkwMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzYzNzEwMzE@._V1_.jpg (1000x691, 78K)

Found the white supremacist trash

Whites have the highest level of psychopath of all races, its exactly why these have committed the most atrocities by far. The only thing that makes humans truly unique is our ability to process complex emotions like apathy, pity, remorse etc and whites lack that the most. Whites are literally subhuman.

The real crime here is everybody's fucking eyes. Holy shit, they're boring a hole through my chest.

so what if im subhuman? i was made like this i make the best of it

Human rights are an abstract concept, and exist just as much as gender, money, and language exist.

Race is a construct

Death is my race

>the strong must fear the weak
Remember those words when you are crushed by a nuclear blast

Das right! Das right! And Shakespeare was most definitely black!

is that tom daley? damn he hot