Onions made a new reaction lmao

Onions made a new reaction lmao
youtu.be/NepcvPq0HP4 [Open]

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he did it again, the absolute madman eric butts did it again

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Seems like an okay guy, a bit scatterbrained and autistically fixated but we all can be

This is honestly the best way to summarize western society today

it really is time for another dinosaur-killing asteroid to pay us a visit

I would fuck his wife so hard it would leave a crater in the ground beneath us, holy shit.

Can you retards just allow this guy to be happy? He has something and someone that he loves, which is way more than any of us can say. If watching Star Wars trailers gives him genuine joy, what's the issue?

His wife is fucking disgisting lookimg.

Can you retards just allow this guy to be happy? He has something and someone that he loves, which is way more than any of us can say. lf watching Star Wars trailers gives him genuine joy, whats the issue?

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This guy has a modestly attractive wife while incels are all alone lmao

Pics of wife where?

>modestly attractive wife

hes just hamming it up now, fucking sellout

Even tho I agree it's stupid as shit to get excited for another trashy consumerist movie, I don't see the purpose behind bullying him for these retarded vids. Just leave him do his shit and rot. Let these people die instead of giving them attention.

god i wish i had a bf like this >_<
soooo cuuuuute

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>I don't see the purpose behind bullying him for these retarded vids.

Yeah what's the point of having any moral standard, who cares about anything. He's being bullied for a good reason, he's fucking pathetic. Actually, I hope people ignore him completely altogether, the guy is playing it up hoping he causes another shitstorm so he can get his 15 minutes again

Making fun of somebody for getting excited over a movie isn't a "moral standard". Get off your high horse, you fucking porn addicted leech on society. He's excited for a Star Wars movie, not the latest Peter Scully film.

I'm not even making fun of him. I couldn't care less about insulting him, but if you don't see this faggot as a sign of the degradation of our society then I guess you're just another NPC too. Grown men are becoming harder and harder to find

>you're just another NPC too
People who don't see the irony on using this meme deserve to be hanged
>Grown men are becoming harder and harder to find
He says, posting on Jow Forums

>He says, posting on Jow Forums
Who cares if I'm being hypocritical? you don't need to be a grown man to see that society without morals is suffering. Without any societal customs a lot of people fall through the cracks and end up in places like this user.

You're just regurgitating platitudes. Beside arranging intellectual-sounding words together your post has not contributed in any way to the thread. I bet you think you must be smart for making posts like this

>income inequality worse than ever
>drug epidemic
>porn addiction
>misuse social media
>cities without clean water
>government rife with corruption
There are much bigger signs of the degradation of society than a guy enjoying a movie. People like him have always existed and they always will. Grown men aren't hard to find, you just spend your time on the internet, surrounded by childish people.

And I love how you're implying you're one of the "grown men". You post on an anime image forum, on a board meant for virgin stories. Get over yourself.

>Onions made a new reaction lmao

Sorry, I didn't mean to debase the thread like that, I should have taken into consideration the high-IQ discussion that was supposed to take place here

and you haven't really argued against me, you've just tried to insult me in a few different ways

>There are much bigger signs of the degradation of society than a guy enjoying a movie. People like him have always existed and they always will. Grown men aren't hard to find, you just spend your time on the internet, surrounded by childish people.

But you agree with me that this is at least on the lighter side of the same spectrum? great, that was my point, thanks for agreeing with me

>And I love how you're implying you're one of the "grown men".

aaand you're a retard, you should really read things over before spouting your mouth

No, it's nowhere on that spectrum. It's a guy who likes a movie.


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>No, it's nowhere on that spectrum. It's a guy who likes a movie.

I don't know why but I like soiboys now.
I find their overreactions to everything hilarious.

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>Average robots always complaining about being bullied in society and in their past
>Also average robot: this thread.

The thing is, although I find this dude repulsive and the energy he puts into mass produced trash/how caught up in the marketing he is, whenever I add and talk to robots you're always dregs just the same obsessed with other surface level shit like weed, pussy or shit AAA videogames.

>weed, pussy or shit AAA videogames
Those are incels and deadbeat teenagers.