ITT: Post suicide fuel

I'll start with a classic trope

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>ywn be called cute
>ywn be short

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>another thinly veiled virgin lanklet thread

>suicide fuel

Gender disphoria

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>thinly veiled

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That's right, baby! Enjoy.

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At 5'2 it is confirmed that Im genetically worthless i should just kill myself now huh

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Yep! I might join you in fact.

I mean there is nothing veiled about it. Taller guys are objectively more attractive than short ones.

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it just keeps on getting worse

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>push you around in a stroller
Tfw unironically would want this

pic related
Just dry ice your shins off.

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Any real nigga would be able to flip through around and make a witty comment. PUAs used to call this a shit test.

>Getting married in 2 months
We're all gonna make it manlets

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>girl called me the sister she never had
I'm a dude, this is probably one step further than friendzone, isn't it?

Thats either her saying you are gay or she wants tp dom you

>cash transaction
W... What? The fuck?

She had 62 cash transactions over the course of six months, which is roughly 10 men per month.

Somebody is paying. Over a tinder. For sex?

That's how it appears. Older (less attractive?) men want sex and have money.

Holy fuck. Okay, now I feel definitely better about myself.

imagine not leaving after hearing that shit lmao, what a bitchmade nigga

Do you not understand the nature of a sex worker's business?
Nah, you're still a loser.

this is the Key to success with women.
i dont know why they have to do this, but If you act confident they will get more attraced to you

>If you act confident they will get more attraced to you
not necessarily. it's not as black and white as this. they definitely see you as more of a challenge than 80% of the men they typically interact with though. just imagine that most every dude you meet will just lay down at your feet and essentially transform into a "yes man" and you finally run into someone that gives your forehead the nickname mt. vesuvius. who do you think they're more likely to be intrigued by?

To be fair Im kinda a turbo normie fucked maybe 20-25 women and Im 5 ft 8

I am being picky here but that is only true up to a certain point like 6'4 or 6'5 (unless the girl is freakishly tall). Just like bigger boobs are not always better. There is a sweet spot. Although taste in boobs varies way more than ideal height and a few guys like em small whereas very few women PREFER short dudes although some genuinely are more or less indifferent

>tfw tall but small dick
It's like God is mocking me

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Does this imply that men who did not pay her did not receive anything? Even Chad? Fucking phenomenal

That's objectively false. It has been scientifically proven men shorter than 6' are more physically attractive to women.

6'4 is perfect male height imo but anything higher is fine too since i have a fetish for it
also imo guys' height isn't an issue unless they're literally midgets lower than 5'3

What a major whoooore, women are fucked in the head. Dump her.

Hahahahahahaha *breathes* hahahahaha

Come one man. I am 5'10 and even I know that is a massive cope. However, height is not as important as the aspies on here and fit make it out to be. But there is no doubt that the sweet spot is like 6'2-6'4 or at the very least definitely not below 6 foot

Gay opinions don't really count for this as they are much different to women

Sweet spot is 5'9" to 5'11". At 6'2" you already lose at least 3 points in looks. 6'4" is way too tall and you have to compensate with something else like money.

While I disagree with that guy too, you sound like an insufferable faggot from Reddit

The theory is that they do it to make sure you're actually the guy you're portraying yourself to be. If you're acting assertive and confident but you break down and get defensive and your ego is shattered when a girl makes fun of your height, it's obvious that you've just been faking.

Please stop. You are making us manlets look like pathetic copers. I suspect you are a tall guy trying to make manlets look stupid

>Just lift and be confident, bro. Works for me

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I do use Reddit actually, you gonna do something about it? Huh Incel?

Yeah, I can imagine. You're definitely a basedboy numale, which is probably the only thing sadder than an incel

When have you seen an attractive 6'4" guy? That's right, they don't exist.

>turbo normie
>At 5 foot 8

Why do you need to come here to lie?
Does it boost your fragile ego?

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What third world midgetland are you from? 6'4" is turbomanlet height. Most women are taller than you. You have to be at least 6'10" to have any hopes of scoring a girl.

Shut up, you virgin lanklet

That's a pathetic shoop. Must have been a bitter virgin lanklet doing it.

Francisco Lachowski is 6'4-6'5

And he's gay and attracts men, not women. Case closed.

The amount of cope is pathetic.
Also even if it was true, you said name an attractive 6'4 man. Gay or not it is true. God I cannot wait for Summer to end

Not everything is falsified to make short men look bad. They do it to themselves on a daily basis

Fuck he makes me depressed when I look him up, life would be so different if I looked like him

Yeah dude. Jordan Barrett is another. Although he is not as universally attractive he seems to live an even cooler life

It's crazy, I try not to compare myself, I have a loving family and try not to be down around them but I was born with a lot of facial and physical deformities and it's just nice to imagine how things could have been different

Why did you name him josh. Im not a fuckin tranny. >:(

Theres not much to lie about most women only want a guy whos taller than they are a girl whos 5 ft 4 is happy with my height plus if your a half decent fuck they come back

A family as in wife and kids or parents and siblings?
If you have a wife and kids despite being ugly then count your blessings

> just use your mouth user

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>biggest dick 16-17cm
That's not too bad.

Nah parents and siblings

>my gf said she'd be willing to leave me
>is this a red flag?
Holy shit, this girl's pussy must be amazing beyond comprehension if this man isn't willing to leave her the second that shit comes out of her mouth. That, or he's just a retard. Pro tip, if she says she wants to leave you, leave her first.

Oh okay. Well don't feel bad man. I am genuinely very attractive and even I daydream of being those guys.

What? he is a male model that your sister mother and aunt would fuck all at the same time if he offered them, what are you on about? there's videos on youtube where hes' talking in portugese saying how many women hes been with.
hes a legit 6'6 in shoes irl, the modelling agencies might even downgrade his height, he TOWERS over 6'1 sean o'pry, and makes everyones skull look miniscule.
there's plenty of these lmfao, there's plenty of attractive 6'6 + men too.
Like I'm talking gigachads. Good bone structure, not the usual high set jaw and bug eyes of tall phenotypical people.
Google fabien pelous(6'6)
google chico lachowski
google tyler maher (6'6)
google Mike Thurston (6'6)
giordano mazzochi (6'6)

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>Implies 17-18cm isn't big.

Ffs I'm fucked then if that's not considered big. I'm 5 inches diamond hard

Are you a brainlet? I never said tall me were unattractive, the other guy did. That picture you posted does not even get close to Lackhowski, dude looks like half the guys I see at uni except they are more like 6'1 on average here

I can become content through escaping in my books and games, hurts that I fairly regularly make little kids cry but I know they don't understand any better

Now this is TRUE. suicide fuel.
I can post more, dating statistics, messages, my own messages from when I looksmaxxed, recordings, pictures, screenshots from dating apps, more giga-chads... etc
Don't get it TWISTED though user. Height is nothing. Height is a meme, those guys I posted would be extremely good looking even at a mere 5'11.
What truly matters is size, and FRAME.
As in shoulders, bideltoid and biacromial.
Subhumans on Jow Forums and other looks forums love to obsess over height implying it will give you good clavicles or a good bideltoid.
Lmao no.
Bone mass = everything
you can be 7 foot but never be as attractive as a 5'11 guy with wide clavicles, bideltoid and good facial bones and orbitals.
bones = everything
dimorphism = everything
frame is everything irl and in pictures.
bones are everything in selfies.
orbitals are everything for first impressions.
don't be sad because you're 5'6. Be sad because your FACE is missing mm of bone. mm of bone is far worse than something so far away like 6ft barefoot.

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Mike thurston 6'6?

lol he's 5'10 max

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>That picture you posted does not even get close to Lackhowski, dude looks like half the guys I see at uni except they are more like 6'1 on average here
Either confirmation bias on your end, an influx of frat chads, or environment of some rich kids, because you're fucked.
look at the guys face, insane appeal to females.
tall, wide chin, wide palate, tall upswung maxilla, wide jaw, lots of angularity, huge positive canthal tilt, hooded eyes, tanned and broad framed and muscular.
He would be good looking even at 5'11.
I don't think you're delusional about the peoples looks at your uni so its safe to say its true, so yeah you're probably fucked if they look like this gigachad.
this guy is at least 85th percentile in real life.

It is big but not gigantic. I am 17-18cm and 15 around. Most girls are very happy. Only one girl has said I was the second biggest she has had (out of only 5). But most girls I sleep with are not sluts so they have not seen many cocks.
At 5 inches diamonds you are on the smaller end. But not like it will send a girl packing once she sees it, should not make much difference at all and maybe you can try anal, I have asked several girls and they have all said I am too big.

Nvm my bad wrong name of the dude, its this guy in pic related, I used the wrong name.
Mike thurston is like 5'9.

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One of the best unis in my country (Australia) with a lot of rich rugby players. I actually do just fine because I regularly get compared to Barrett, run badboy game (taking and dealimg) and I play guitar

Adam Collard, nuclear mogger at 6'6 ye

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another aussie ''gold coast'' type claim
everyone in australia claims they're chads
plenty of tinder experiments and irl scouting confirmed all aussies look like inbred bug eyed subhumans.
> I regularly get compared to Barrett
Nobody in real life knows, let alone gives a fuck about Jordan barrett, he is beyond irrelevant to people outside of sites like lookism lmfao.
larp of the century.
Also barett is subhuman
his chin is recessed and his maxilla is too forward grown, makes him look feminine
he is undimorphic
before all, theres a good reason women fuck the shit out of the type of guy i posted in the tinder screenshot.
that phenotypical WASP chad look is what women like.

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thanks for the name, forgot.
Yeah, roided, tatted, tanned
and insanely DOM looking.
His parents are ironically subhumans. He is unmoggable in any real life situation. Even on social media, nobody mogs this guy, but its safe to say not even hes that relevant

Gold Coast is a cesspool. I live in the eastern suburbs of Sydney.
People in Sydney definitely know who Barrett is you retard.

how to looksmaxx?

Normies and people on the outside do not obsess about autistic looking male models period
it's not that simple of a question
the face has many parts
there are many supplements
many surgeries
pretty sure youre being ironic though

My heart skipped a beat, he's soo hottt
wanna get on my knees and suck that dicc

Mega cope, manlets are getting more creative with their made up buzzwords though

My dad is 6'7
both my uncles 6'8
most of my family well over 6'3
They were all subhuman facially.
I'm only 6ft
with a chiseled face and hunter eyes and 99th percentile facial harmony
guess who proves the face theory?
If you think height can EVER beat wide shoulders or good facial attributes you are beyond delusional.
if you're so convinced your height is the reason why you're not getting laid, gladly add me on discord and post a picture of yourself so I can convince you it's because of your subhuman face.

No one said obsess. I have friends who have met him. He is regularly in Sydney and obviously somewhat of a socialite. Back to your basement and circle of neckbeard friends in bumfuck no where USA

Why would barett ever hang around sydney which is where every single asian, indian and other ethnik subhuman wog immigrant hang around lmfao, what are you on about?
hes the very reason why people think gold coast is gigachad central

You are not 99th percentile. Next.

Because he is Australian and Sydney is the largest city where his friends live. If you look on his Instagram he literally posts from there every few months. Not all of Sydney is ethnic. Eastern suburbs are rich and white but you would not know because you are retarded.

Nah bro I actually do pull girls very easily, though I also have a nice face, broad shoulders etc but to say height isn't one of the big three is retarded. FACE HEIGHT FRAME.

Given the choice between a man with all you listed but to have him 5'11" or 6'4" most girls will pick 6'4"

Bro you only know about Indians so much because you are one. You even write like one. Fucking disgusting, you know you smell like shit right?

how much do you want to bet on it?
you can add me on discord or anything.
you will never see anyone with my face + t + frame + height + voice
betting on the fact you are afraid to dm. That pic was a drawing of me, lower third looks better in the pic tho.
my discord - Fifteen#1484

face frame voice body
Lmfao I'm definitely indian, though this drawing is of me Keep coping you utter subhuman. I mog this whole website and Im here giving you advice from facts, reason and experience.

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ancedotes are not easily accepted especially on anonymous forums
anyone who wants to try to refute me can dm me still
face>frame>voice>hormonal profile>status>money>literally everything else>height

Short girls are so fucking judgmental about height for some reason

Gib contact to mommy gf pls

This pic hitted me more than I would like to admit.
I need to actually dump this bitch and move on with my life.