Why does society worships talented people so much? They have no control over it. They didn't earn for it...

Why does society worships talented people so much? They have no control over it. They didn't earn for it. They didn't do shit. They were just lucky. It's like praising someone for being born rich or winning a lottery.

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You realize that talent shows are all about practice right?

Just because you have talent doesn't mean you can get anywhere with it unless you practice. You can have an amazing voice but if you're retarded and can't keeo track if lyrics or keep a certain cadence you'll sound horrible.

Everyone on these shows work incredibly hard bro.

Such thing as talent doesnt exist retard. You arent born with abilities to sing, dance or play istruments. You cant be born inteligent in this way so learning will come a little tiny bit easier for you, but these people spend years of training. So shut up crybaby who didnt put effort to anything and blames it on lack of talent.

>Why does society worships talented people so much?
What kinda dumbass question is this? Even if it were true that people with talents didn't do anything to earn their abilities (which isn't true), it would still be impressive to see people who are able to do things that others can't and they'd still garner just as much attention. Normal people find excellence entrancing.

This, people say that my friends is talentef with the fiddle because he's studing at the Stuttgard's famous thing, the truth is that he has been playing the fiddle since he was 3 years old

because eugenics retard.

Talent is real but to a very small extent. It just means you naturally pick up things faster. It's only really noticeable right at the start when you shoot past everyone to pick up the basics, and amongst the highest professionals when certain people's neurality/physicality makes them just better at it.

Most people who do things, are not the best of the best nor rookies. They're good at what they do and that's it. So everyone, including the talented people, worked a shit ton to get there and there's no way of telling who's who at those levels.

Also we don't praise them for having the ability. We praise them because we like what talented people can do. They create something we appreciate.

Finally I see someone who talks sense. I am a pretty good mathematician. But guess what, I also work very hard and spend a lot of time doing mathematics. Now, I still think you need talent if you want to be on John Nash/Von Neumann, Terrence Tao levels but even they need to work hard.

That he has a talent for*

This, but how is talent different from inteligence? It also helps you pick up things easier and faster than others. Also there are a lot of kinds of inteligence; like social, musical, mathematical. So you can be good at this one thing and average at everything else. I get talent is term for that but people are using it wrong.

>You arent born with abilities to sing

Yes, everyone can sing like Freddie Mercury if they just want it hard enough.

Are you for fucking real?

>born hyper precocious
>do undergraduate mathematics at 7
>apparently wasn't born with this
lol gigacope

talent isn't a real thing. were you born understanding english perfectly? no

Another massive cope from a person to lazy to practice anything

Another massive cope from a person who can't deal with being born a brainlet.

People with a talent for languages pick them up easily and are capable of knowing a lot of languages fluently.

lmao its not just practice, anyone telling you this is an idiot and obviously doesn't want to acknowledge the fact some people are extremely gifted at certain things and no amount of practice will get you on their level. these people obviously still need to practice, but if you think you can practice writing music and end up on mozarts level you're fucking stupid.

But they weren't born knowing all languages.

what kind of retard argument is this? no shit they weren't born knowing all languages. what they were born with was the ability to pick them faster and more efficiently than you.

Because they're exceptional at things that most people are only ok at. It's not society that likes talented people, it's all living beings. Lions praise the strongest lion in the area by giving him a harem of whores.

in terms of being able to play mozart, yes almost anyone can do it with enough practice. some take longer than others, but that's not necessarily a genetic thing. in terms of being able to become a creative genius in anything like mozart, it's luck based but not something you're born with. you have to meet the right people and have the right influences. and you inevitably increase your chances of finding your niche if you practice.

Of course not. Who said that? A talent exists but it can go to waste if not used. They do have to learn the language, but it will be very easy for them to do so.
However, if they're not exposed to other languages or get a chance to try them, they may never discover they have the talent and it will be wasted.

and yet the only people who learn a lot of languages and are good at communication are strictly people who spend a lot of time on it.

Okay, how do you measure talent? One guy complains after two days of failure vs one guy who has discipline and spends 3 years getting good at something?

if it's not something you are born with then why aren't you a mozart in anything in life? i'm sorry to break it to you user, but you're probably still only mediocre at whatever niche you decided to pursue just like everyone else on this board. you can't just decide to become someone like mozart, that's mostly the point. there are plenty of very gifted composers right now, and even they are a joke compared to him. that's just how it is

Thats only a half-truth. Talented people have more sensitive perception and understanding also genetic factor like voice, height, speed and etc. There are a lot of talented people who'll never realize their potential and a quite a number of people who developed skills through hard work.

user, there are people within that group who pick it up faster than others. are you not understanding this?

>b-b-but you!
what? there are various studies on how world class performers get to where they are. it's far more complicated than "muh talent"

out of every 10 super talented people i grew up with who "easily" (not really, just seemed that way) developed certain skills like in soccer or tennis or basketball or music, maybe 0.5 of them ever even became professionals. most people i know who did become professionals in soccer/music were just mediocre in high school, often very shit. there's this one guy who we all laughed at and he grew to be a very dominant player.

maybe you have the excuse gene or the excuse talent but that doesn't mean anything about me or how people learn. if anything, natural talent makes it psychologically more difficult to pursue highly competitive goals.

Yeah according to you, I suppose. There's also something called regression to the mean.

That's not really how it works OP. There are creators and consumers. Consumers like creators and gave them money.

There are plenty of very very talented consumers.

so in your mind there is no such thing as people better than others and everyone is equal and its all just a matter of how much you practice? lol. thats just very naive and childish. talent and practice is superior to just practicing.

Maybe it'll be easier to understand if I make it like a videogame.

>Talent at shitposting = +25% exp gain from shitposting tasks, and a higher level cap in the shitposting skill.
This means that even if you are putting in maximum effort, a talented person just needs to put in average effort and they'll keep up with you. At a certain point you will hit your limit and find it impossible to improve even while going at maximum, and you'll have to watch them breeze past you at lower effort.

So you can get good at something. With enough practice and training you can be an expert. But you'll never be a master. Those high-level perks will forever be beyond your reach.

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Football is a good example. A few I went to school with and played football with ended up top professional footballers. As i got older the more i realised those guys played nonstop. Like nonstop. It was jus how they were raised.

i take it they are now the best players in the world? right? clearly if they played non stop they should be the best right now.

Football is the worst example. You have to be born with certain physique to even consider practicing it.

two play nationally for my country.

That's not my point though. You can't be talented if you don't actually physically learn and practice whatever it is.

Talent is a boomer cope. Boomers were always like... you can't be an actor if you didn't start at 6 years old. You can't be writer if it doesn't flow out of you wether you like it or not. etc etc because jobs came easy for them and they settled at career jobs in their fucking TEENS and never did anything else.

Everything is learnable. Even creative skills. Acting, writing, sports. They're all explored sciences and all talent is is a head start from something else.

You could be the shittest high school wrestler in your year and show up to a ju jitsu class and seem talented as fuck. An unbelievable beginner. Same with doing car lessons after 20 years of motorcycle riding. It's all a cope.

>Such thing as talent doesnt exist retard.

I know someone who could paint like da Vinci from the moment he picked up a brush. You are full of shit.

Languages are literally just rote memorization. No talent needed.

that is not what i asked. i specifically asked if they are currently the best in the world, why dont you want to answer this?

No. I only said natural talent, if it could even be called natural, is only a small part of what makes someone world class.

Talent isnt a requirement or even important if you just want to be good at something. That is simply a function of how much time you invest and your ability to invest time. Of course, some people are also stubborn or refuse to take lessons so you can waste time, but that isnt normal. If you learned how to shitpost on Jow Forums, its because you spent time doing it.

He probably already developed motor skills and coordination. But true, some people take 2-4 years before they can paint at a high level

or just a fucking autist savant

>talent and practice is superior to practice
But thats not the whole story.

Good teachers are superior to talent. Good parents are superior to talent. Opportunities to fill a selected position to learn the skills are superior to talent. Good health is superior to talent. Being in the right location or having the right tools for those skills to develop is superior to talent. Of the countless ways that something can be made easier, whether or not its luck, the one thing they all share is that somebody still had to practice

That's only somewhat true. There is a difference between technical skill and artistic talent. The truly successful people in their fields have both but many people only have one or the other.

Technical skill is what you are talking about. Anyone can learn how to draw or play an instrument if they try hard enough but without artistic talent all they will be able to do is imitate. Sure it's impressive when someone can draw a photorealistic picture or flawlessly play a Mozart piece but these are things that will ultimately be forgotten. To truly stand out in your field you need to be able to create something of your own and many skilled people either can't do that particularly well or even at all.

The true tragedies are the artistically talented people who do not have the will to build upon their vision. The people who could have really done something unique and memorable if only they had the strength to pursue it.

Saying talent doesn't exist is a cope.

I see it all the time with artists. They always get angry when someone tells them they're talented. It's like an insult to them. Of course they would rather be seen as hard workers than someone who's privileged. Especially nowadays, when being privileged is something you should be ashamed of.

>the one thing they all share is that somebody still had to practice

so? you yourself just proved practicing isn't everything...
also a person that has talent who also has good teachers, good parents, opportunities, and good health is superior to a person with just talent. see? i can do that too.

if a person with no legs cant run does that mean everyone with two legs are talented?

that is the dumbest thing i have ever read in my life, congatulations

bungled grammar aside the point I was trying to make was that the only reason someone wouldn't be able to sing like freddie mercury is because of physical differences between their voicebox and the like, which wouldn't be affected by talent anyway

You didnt do anything, you just agreed

Saying talent is the reason someone is good at something is a cope. Most people are too lazy to actually work hard and want to act like they never had any talent in anything

people with a natural ability for something and then hone their skills with a lot of practicing are going to be better at it than someone who just practices it. you're just mad because you think effort all you need because you're trying to larp as a boomer

>Such thing as talent doesnt exist retard.

Not only is this mindset bullshit, but it's also harmful to people who actually do work hard.

The job of a good teacher is to seek out, identify, and foster talent.
Talent is very important but it's so easy to waste. But also, teaching and training can be wasted on someone without talent. It'll be like throwing skill development into a black hole.

no... i didnt. i think you need to re-read it

Talent sets your upper ceiling for how good you can get.
Practice/training ensures you'll actually make use of the talent.
Passion is needed to stick out the training to realise the talent.
A good mentor is needed to see your talent and get you what you need to achieve your potential.

There's a kid out there with fantastic, 1-in-a-billion talent, whose art could revolutionise our culture and inspire generations. He's playing fortnite, right now. He will never try drawing or painting or 3d modeling, or anything artistic or creative. He'll work in mcdonalds and one day be a manager.
At the age of 45 he'll put on a little event at the mcdonalds to get the kids in, get them to draw some mcdonalds related pictures to put on the wall. He'll draw one, too. It'll be great and people will say, "wow, you can really draw." He'll nod and then never draw again and go back to shouting at greasy teenagers.

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