Please dont snap

I hope it will not snap. I need little attention from you guys before i die. I hope it rope will not snap. Its 12 mm width polyester rope. I did some calculation. I hope it will break my neck although im fine with pain as im used to it

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See you on the other side, user.
It was an honor.

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That's another failed soul to add to Jow Forums kill count.

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Just need to find nice tree. Most trees dont have room to climb on it. I hope i find one tommorow as today i was busy for tying knot.

if you're going to fall, that'll work I guess, if you're just going to suspend or partially suspend yourself, use something self-tightening like a slipknot, hangman's knot is a meme

Im happy to join them

I am jumping. Im not sure wheere to position the knot. I watched nurnberg hanging and as i can see it its best to put knot on left side of neck.

godspeed user, hope you get into waifu heaven

Godspeed, and as mentioned by another lad, enjoy whatever comes afterwards.

Good luck with the knot user

How did buying the rope go? I'm extremely anxious about being asked why I need it. I'm a robot, so I don't know shit about outdoor activities, boating, or whatever. The only use for a rope I can think of is to an hero.

Order online. No one asks shit then

Are you sure about the whole thing?
I mean I know I can't stop you
But if you need someone to talk or discuss your decision in last few hours
I can give you my discord

If not, I wish you safe journey and all the blessings.

don't suicide. Jesus loves you. Read John 3:16

I also had problem with that. I was affraid shopkeeper will ask me questions. I told i need it for agriculture purposes to tie up branches lol.

I don't want to risk family receiving/seeing the package. Too many possible high jinx there. I'd rather go to the store myself and then go straight to business.

user I recently lost my best friend from middle school because he hung himself. His family was absolutely destroyed and so was I. Dont do it user please, people love you and the second you kick the chair out you will instantly regret your decision but it will be too late.

You will find someone that loves and cares about you user. Imagine when you have a son who loves and looks up to you. You will look back and remember this thread you created and shed a tear of happiness knowing you didnt do it. You can make it user.

yes but it can be recieved by wrong person

Ty for afforing help. I am sure i will do it. I will write my reasons in 2 days as i am affraid someone will call police and they will track me. Ty again

If you are over the age of 10 you can do one of two things tell them you have a package coming could you just leave it in your room. They open it. If uou are in school/Uni its for a project. If not you can make up some like about a friend needed it for X or just say you like BDSM

Give yourself a time limit before you do it. Maybe three moths. And use that time like it's your last on earth, since it may very well be. Go out, have fun, do shit you were too chickenshit to do before, tell some assholes off, change your job. Whatever. Also talk about your feelings with people who love you. Spend some time with them. Give them a chance to help.
You've got nothing to lose. The rope will still be there if you still feel like killing yourself once that time period is up. Suicidal ideation sometimes just goes away on its own. So, just give yourself that chance.

Okay, If you still have something to say and you cannot say that in public or to close people
Here is my discord Mimo#3855
I don't know if it means anything but I can guarantee confidentiality

This is actual good advice

>You will find someone that loves and cares about you user.
I know that you have good intentions but this phrase is so worn out and cliche that it doesnt mean anything.

Don't you think platitudes like this are ultimately destructive? You lie to someone that they're loved. What if they truly aren't? At best, you achieve nothing, at worst, you set them up to be disappointed, and when that happens they're back to contemplating the void again.
Why not tell him how he could be loved or how he could find love instead of making a baseless assumption?

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I bought a rope and a step ladder from Amazon and they cancelled my order with some automated suicide prevention shit.

Godspeed user, I hope you will not regret this

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see you on the other side. I'm gonna jump in front of a train. I'm just waiting for a perfect opportunity to do it.

I would probably say "to kill myself" without hesitation.

and then the police will come and you will be forced into a mental ward.
not a very good idea user/

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I doubt some cashier will have the drive to call the police, their life must be shit too. At best they would tell you "oh, don't do it", but sell you anyway because its their job.

hey autistic fux the people at the store dont care what u need rope for, they're just making conversation to be polite and helpful (in case u need a different type)

I just ordered this for the lulz to see if its canceled.

Just tell them it is to do exercise, or did you guys never played rope at school?

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By the time they deliver, you'll probably think of a better idea

he shoudln't jump, but a little spoiler: religion is objectively bs unless you willingly force yourself to believe in it

If you're really paranoid, buy a hooked magnet with it and tell them you're fishing your Swiss army knife out of a lake.

Big if true, got a kek out of me.

Sad, you chicken out when face to the absurd, your better than this op

Godspeed user. I genuinely love you.

Vanilla AF, first take some hardcore fucking drugs and spend your last pennies on what you REALLY want.

They say that the people who survived a serious suicidal attempt and lived said the same thing;
The problems that made them get to that point seemed overcomeable at that moment

Chase the adrenaline senpai. Have your body think its over in whatever way possible

Why don't you just go bang some hookers first?

say hi to my gay uncle for me user

Catch you on the flipside,

Its always sad seeing one of ours leave.

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reserve a place for me there, user :( i'll follow once my parents are gone

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