ITT: we openly discussed Age of Consent

Anons and Femanons

What are thoughts?

Would you have sex with a boy or girl who's under age? And would continue to have sex with them if meant you were never caught?

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no and remove thyself

17 seems like a reasonable age of consent to me

No, disgusting, see a therapist

no we would never do such a thing mister fbi man

I say we raise the age of consent from 0 to 18 to males since we can apparently remove the most sensitive parts of their penis for our religious beliefs.

The part of the brain responsible for consent sometimes doesn't fully develop until age 25. And considering some of the mid-twentiers I've seen over the years, I fucking believe it.

It's 16 in most of the world and 14/15 throughout Europe. 18 causes serious issues in the US on a regular basis even though it's still mostly 16 in here. I'd say standardize 16 globally.

>> Would you have sex with a boy or girl who's under age? And would continue to have sex with them if meant you were never caught?

No. Besides I am not able to be primarily attracted by appearance and underage personalities are so obviously underdeveloped and repulsive at the same time.

>Anons and Femanons

What are thoughts?

Would you have sex with a boy or girl who's under age? And would continue to have sex with them if meant you were never caught?

Pic is literally OP
Fuck off glownigger

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10 use to be the age of consent in USA.

I think 14 year olds should be able to give consent, but only to people around their age (2 year age gap). I'd apply the age gap rule till 19, roughly. Then, do whatever.
For example:
>a 14 year old could have sex with people 14 to 16
>a 16 year old could have sex with people 14 to 18
>a 19 year old could have sex with people 17 to 21
>a 21 year old could do anyone 19+.
Teens have sex and I don't want 15 year olds to be in trouble with the law for fucking someone their age, but at the same time I don't want adults to fuck with kids.

I wouldn't have sex with someone under 24ish.

Age of consent is 15 here.
>mid europe
You are considered adult at

I do not understand you retards over the pond at all, can drive a car at 15, cant drink or smoke till 21 and can fuck since 18?

Yall some retards for real

An 18 year old is an adult. This is stupid. Why do Americans infantilize their teens?

To be safe it's either 15 or 16

I'm not american.
In most western countries teenagers are children. They hold no real responsibility and are extremely coddled and immature.
Most 18 year olds aren't adults by any measure: they used to be 60 years ago, maybe, but now I know a lot of people that age who can't cook themselves lunch or do laundry, let alone raise a child.
Teenage girls who date men much older than them are much more likely to end up pregnant, drop out of school, never go to college, get STDs, end up as single moms, end up poor, end up in abusive relationships.
I think that making sure they date around their age would be better for them.

Here in 2019:
>14 for the girl if you are under 18
>15 for the girl if you are over 18 and your age does not matter anymore you could be even 40
>at 16 you can marry
>homosex is pedo and rape if under 18 in all circumstances
>there is no feminist rape hysteria and alimony bs
This is an Orthodox Christian country in Eastern Europe, member of EU. HIV and drug dealers are barely existent.

>Would you have sex with a boy or girl who's under age? And would continue to have sex with them if meant you were never caught?

"age of consent" is an Aglo-Saxon concept --- it works totally different here in the Netherlands and most continental European countries where context is heavily considered. In theory one can legally have sex with a 12 year old in the Netherlands as long as the context is proper and there was no pressure or something like that.

14 here in Germany with some restriction on edge cases (teacher-pupil relationship etc.)
16 is than basically without restriction
I'd say 16 is pretty reasonable. Most 16 years olds these days look like woman in their early 20s to me anyway. Hell most 14 yos look like adults with makeup and shit.

13 is a grown woman imo. in bible times, a 13 yr old female was already birthing kids, cooking and cleaning for the household, working in the fields, sewing and knitting things for the family, and carrying heavy baskets and pales of water for miles.

And a 16 year old was killing giants.
I don't think the bible is a good way to judge if someone is an adult or not in 2019.

many people think half your age plus seven is the moral law for example if you are 29 they shouldnt date an 18 year old and is labeled as a creep

Women peak mentally at about 15, and their bodies are ready for reproduction by 13 or 14.

The phenomenon of thinking women magically become adults at 18 is a very recent thing in both our evolution and our culture. For tens of thousands of years men were attracted to women in their prime teenage years and thought those in their 20s were too old.

>. For tens of thousands of years men were attracted to women in their prime teenage years and thought those in their 20s were too old.
Fake news.
Nobility married early, everyone else married and had kids in their 20s.
Teenagers are also much more likely to die while giving birth, our body is not at a prime reproductive point till we're in our early 20s.

It's stupid to even have it. You don't need to consent to enjoy something before someone argues semantics over the age of adulthood.

Also, reminder that adolescence doesn't end until your 20s and waiting that long is full retard.

They should have some psychological test.

t. an user that was a prepubescent fapper

Choice doesn't exist at all you know. It's an illusion. Consent is a spook.

This is the most glowy glownigger is thread I have seen in a long time.

13 literally the age humans are supposed to breed at.

I think Half age + 7 is a good rule
Fuck boomers and old people

It depends on what you mean with underage.
If you mean 18 like it's in United States of Autism then you can kill youself.
I would fuck a 15 y/o if I get the chance because that is the age of concent in alot of countries that are not made up 99% retards.

>tfw hottest girls existed in elementary school

It's like they stopped existing once I left that place.

Very young girls are still extremely beautiful.
I'd rather have sex with a 12 year old white girl than an adult one.

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