pull up in that veyron goin skrt skrt edition
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hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo /britfeel/
what whomst've shall we discuss tonight
Lad you have to understand it's the principle of the matter. Harry has a large inherited a large sum of money from his parents. Im not just letting him tax 20 quid off me, dream or no dream
gonna have a wank
what to lad
think i might have one as well
Ignore that guy, you were clearly in the right to murder Harry
>in the future Nic Cage is an agent in dystopia America that 'relocates' people who 'take out more than they put in' to the system. Turns out they're actually being killed and he FIGHTS BACK
this is dumb film and the whole way of doing things makes no sense. It's easier/cheaper to kill millions of people rather than just leave them alone? Dont the majority of people in every country take more from the system that they put in? Arent they stimulating the economy by buying food/goods anyway?
Vic Reeves has let himself go.
brap brap skrt skrt
That fucking burger narrator. Yanks coming over here and making fun of our mentals, it's not on.
Hmph. Well, quite.
Eight hours isn't a lot of time you fucking spastic.
Call him if it's urgent.
It's really not, but it is making me giggle quite a bit though.
>mfw after successfully summoning a succubus to come suck me off to death
>Dreams continued
I discovered once that in really vivod lucid dreams, if I have sex I can proper feel it. Once I did it in a dream. I was just running around chasing these dream nymphets and when I caught one I fucked it and when I woke up I actually nutted in real life. Was mad.
Ive had the demonic face thing. I get some vivid fucking dreams too.
I get this. I cant run in dreams. Suspect ita something to do with how the lack of efferent/afferent somatomotor activity causes dream sensations to be out of sync with the actions (and effort you put into them)that cause them.
This is probably my most common sleep paralysis experience.
I rarely see an actual creature but I sleep on my side and i feel it spooning me from behind and whispering in my ear and kissing my neck. Sometimes I have dreams and sleep paralysis so vivid that i get really strong pressure/pain sensations on my side like if someones poking you really hard there. Sometimes ita ad
disembodied spirit other times its been demonic girls. Ive actually had a demonic girl repeatedly kick my bollocks but luckily I couldnt feel a thing.
anyone read american psycho? i bought it from hmv the other day
Yeah pretty fucked up book. The movie has a weird 'jovial tone to it I didnt like.
I both appreciate and am disgusted by the fact he has socks on
Didnt know HMV still exists. After all the shops started closing down had to get my CDs off some dodgy kid with a flat cap and a white van. I used to pay in advance and tell him what I wanted. Felt Illegal. Probably was.
I always wonder how that kind of person functions in society. Do they have meltdowns every time they don't get their own way within a few minutes? Are they the kind of person you sometimes see around town throwing "adult" tantrums, screaming and throwing things around when things don't go their way? I'm amazed they can function at all really.
Did our lads really send tim letters? shameful if true. (6:30)
>Probably was.
I can say 100% buying shit of a lad in a van was illegal
It isn't to you.
My pet peeve is lateness. I can't fucking stand it when people are late when we agree to meet up. How fucking hard is it to arrive on time. I have friends whose attitude is "We're only 10 minutes late, that's nothing". I fucking hate it. I hate it with a passion, but we agreed that if they were going to be late then they'd offer me a courtesy text or call to let me know to go grab food or something. We compromised.
natalia forrest video from wankitnow
Yeah, we sent him one and then curbed it afterwards.
He isn't late in replying to you, he just hasn't replied (yet?).
not him but absolutely based slag wanks
In your honour I'm going to be 30+ minutes late for every meeting for the entire month of September, and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
hate these "professional" joi production companies, scripts are absolute piss and the actresses sound like they don't want to be in it
for me? looking up the individual actress and grabbing her clips for free
british porn is based desu
Yeah definitely not paying VAT
Your mental problems about punctuality are completely irrelevant, he isn't "late" by any definition when he replies eight hours after your message.
I'm not the user that is annoyed by people not replying. I'm saying that I get pissed off when friends don't arrive on time when we agree to meet up. I detest people being late, and some of my friends are the type that don't care about being late and are late often. It initially resulted in lots of arguments because I refuse to stand around for 20 minutes waiting for someone that can't be bothered to show up at the agreed time. We eventually reached a compromise that if they were going to be late then they'd text or message me so I could not wait and go do something else.
I don't care. You're not meeting me.
Some people have peeves. Any decent friendship would develop a compromise around it.
Thanks lad, I think my dream actions were justified
Truly, truly shameful.
>I'll need you out of business, sunshine.
This is a good laugh.
Jow Forums.org is banned on amers work computer so hes posting in /brit/ instead
any messages you lot want sent across?
I read a ton so i'm a fairly articulate speaker and use words that are pretty uncommon. Does this make me a sperg? I think before I speak and like to phrase things nicely but I feel as if people look at me like i'm an autist because I use BIG WERDS
Just that I think he's a stupid, fat mong
do you like the OnlyTease sites? More pic based but gets me off better than hardcore shit
Wait, so andrew was the lad in the last thread sperging about people not replying to him straight away?
he was also the same lad arguing for buying 10 quid jeans. hmmm
wankitnow are actually good though
as a teen like 10 years ago i absolutely rubbed my cock raw jacking to their christmas video
shall i call him a child molester too
yeah i've never actually seen a creature, i just feel a presence. once i saw the le man in a hat hallucination because i was looking at my hanging up clothes
yeah you sound like a sperg lad
dont know how clocking spergs works but it's easy to clock them from a mile away, apparently other people struggle though?
>I'm not the user that is annoyed by people not replying. I'm saying that I
Then why are you jumping into a conversation with an unrelated, irrelevant comment illustrated with a story about yourself?
Fucking hell I sometimes forget this really is an asylum for self-obsessed mental cases.
Any lads ever had a wank with the volume on only to find out later that someone was potentially within hearing distance?
i'm not a sperg I just have a high verbal IQ and enjoy using it ;__;
why can't people just enjoy the strange things I attempt to force into common parlance
every day
>I don't care
But you do, you are seething and whining on the internet because some other lad didn't get replied to within 15 seconds and linking it to your own "peeve". You can say that you don't care but your actions belie your true feelings.
policewomen who was sent to timothy's house later ruminating on the events over the stove later the same evening
Ask him if he cares to explain why he referred to small children as "cunnies" during his stint as an arcade worker, and why he admitted he invented excuses to pick them up. Fucking disgusting is Poleaboo.
Probably because what I said was analogous and I provided the solution that worked for me and my friendship group. Are you retarded?
Why would I care that you're late to meet other people? You're inconveniencing them, not me.
writing a successful movie script based on Timothy's life but replacing the name
or Jim for short
It depends on where you use "big werds". Is it somewhere where they are appropriate or are you one of those people who try to use it as a show of superiority and end up using language that is completely inappropriate for the situation? That's the difference between spergy and not, reading a situation and using language fitting for the occasion. Context is everything.
look mate, you asked if you were a sperg and i'm telling you you're a sperg. the way you typed these two posts, the fact you asked in the first place, and the complete lack of self awareness are the giveaway signs. without a shadow of a doubt, you are a sperg at least, possibly full blown autist.
i'm not even fucking with you here lad you just asked and i'm telling you
I don't try to look ebin smart or anything, i'm just naturally articulate because like I said, I read a ton
I don't really care tbqh i'm just curious as to what /britfeel/ has to say on the matter
still gonna use
>Why would I care that you're late to meet other people?
I don't know, why are you inserting yourself into the conversation? We can all see it is because you care, acting like you don't just makes you look like an idiot.
That's odd I just got done reading it yesterday
It's a very good book, lots of fucked up gore and paragraphs about clothing
anyone care to help me with the Timmy script?
what should the end be, the logical conclusion? does he get sectioned, travels to US, etc.?
and does anyone have a full timeline of events? ive heard he did LSD which caused all this.
that's me wanking now
doubt he did LSD, he just has paranoid schizophrenia
>I don't try to look ebin smart or anything
That doesn't matter, do you match your language to the situation or do you just try to force 10dollar words in when a 5c word would suffice? That's the difference between spergy and not. Can you read situations and modify your behaviour and language appropriately?
how the fuck can spergs be so completely not self aware? aren't they supposed to be intelligent in spotting patterns and working things out?
it shouldn't be hard to work out that being a mong results in being treated like one. i would like it explained to me how people can even be like this. i can't think of any particular examples, but you know what i mean right. just someone who is an absolute mong and always talks loud and out of place and makes shitty jokes, yet otherwise are intelligent.
can't you just use that intelligence to piece together how not to be a mong? serious question here
why are you so annoyed m8. have an autist friend who's pissed you off?
it's literally autism m8
no, i just see people like that pop up everywhere. at work, on discords, on youtube and twitch. i accepted people were like that for a while but got to thinking about it all and how it doesn't make any sense
i have written a scene for the Timmy script where Timothy and Shopperbear take a trip to Waitrose to get some ready meals, but he is confronted as he is leaving with builders on their lunch break at the takeaway sandwiches.
Dunno lad, I'm and I'm on the spectrum and can easily spot when other people are being wrongbrains but I find it more difficult to identify when I'm doing it myself.
Is it fucked up then that I know said person wont be able to understand what I say despite being concise in the use of my vocabulary and still continuing in phrasing whatever emotion needs to be expressed the way I want to express it with no regard as to how they will comprehend said expression?
On paper this sounds ridiculous, absurd even.
I cannot help but disregard my recognition of my understanding of their being; a part of me likes to hope that i'll eventually meet someone who understands me,a fruitless dream. Or is it? Is this just narcissism wrapped up in romanticism? Sometimes I wonder if the tests I apply to others via testing myself is just masochism projected, or sadism that I want return.
Who knows.
I'm not sure I do.
Sounds like one of you lads. You lot need to start behaving yourselves in public.
Insecurity. Most comedians are insecure but they manage to patch it up well by being funny. Thing is they are in the 0.01 percent of people who try that and pull it off. The rest just look like cringy retards
God so many twists I'm on the edge of my seat
Will be looking forward to reading this masterpiece lad
>married man
nah, it can't be one of us
had pip assessment today. now the wait to see if they think an autist can work despite having a panic attack in social situations with strangers. plus this weather is ridiculous
reckon he deserved a little something for fixing her car
at that drunk stage where I cant really focus on stuff. Annoying
>Is it fucked up then that I know said person wont be able to understand what I say despite being concise in the use of my vocabulary and still continuing in phrasing whatever emotion needs to be expressed the way I want to express it with no regard as to how they will comprehend said expression?
Yes, of course. Why do you even need to ask that? That isn't even spergy, that's flat out being a cunt. People with aspergers don't understand, or have a hard time identifying, that others aren't following them whereas you know and insist on speaking that way to the detriment of both yourself and the other party. You have something else wrong with you or you are elsewhere on the spectrum. Go get tested.
here's the plan then, spergs travel in packs. get three of them together. identify each other's sperg behaviour before it even happens. one autist just needs to understand that if the other two autists recognise he's being an autist, he stops immediately no questions asked
you could identify even the tiniest bit of autism, even the 0.0001% of autism everyone has would be recognised and cancelled immediately. harvest the power of inverse autism and everyone gets to be a chad.
that's me came
Is a 13 year old doing lewd stuff to his 8 year old sister pedophilia and illegal?
I guess i'm a cunt then
I unironically used to do this with an ex and it worked quite well.
i hope it was a good nut lad, mine was disappointing but so have all my recent wanks
can't have a good wank unless i'm in a cumbrain phase, but i hate that because i don't even sleep, just sit wanking and edging through the night, don't think about anything other than wanking for weeks at a time. it's horrible. it fucks me up. start thinking about becoming a tranny and seeing women as people, it's proper fucked
stable now though, just have a 5 minute wank once a day without much thought, rest of my day is spent watching netflix and playing videogames, as it should be. coming here more often probably helps just need you lads to straighten me out
thanks for reading my blog
you're a cunt autist
fuck plebs
wasn't the best cum, was just a quick one as i haven't had one in maybe a week.
best cum is from edging. playing a porn game from f95 and edging for hours and hours, dick in a condom so i don't get a sore willy and then i cum when i want and it's a good big load and i take off the condom and look at my load and think "fuck that's a good big load"
What if Timothy goes on a murderous rampage at the end of the script?
Lads if you could choose any celebrity to get raped to save the world who would you choose?
I never feel anything from cumming even when I fuck a prostitute
Being horny is fun but the actual act of making cums does nothing for me
trump cause it'd be funny
yeah probably Trump
the fat short haired glasses wearing cunt that worms her way into every panel show in england
i dont know who would rape her but someone equally intolerable. i'd leave that choice to someone else
tell you what actually i'd get that whiney dwarf cunt warwick davis to do it, watching warwick davis trying to climb up jo brands saggy fucking tits so he can get his midget todger up her snatch would be a good watch. a disgusting watch but a good one nonetheless. probably get crushed in his attempt and all which kills two birds with one stone
are own Tim
Same here. I really enjoy sex but orgasm does nothing for me. Heroin and dopaminergics like cocaine also doesn't feel anything like others describe.
this thread is the only comfy one at the moment , im tired of seeing tranny threads
warwick davis raping trump but he's like proper angry and violent would be hilarious to be honest
put a wee balaclava on him as well
i've felt good from cums once in the past 10 years, a prostitute rode my dick then sucked it and I cummed instantly (felt nothing) then she started edging me by jerking me off and sucking me and when I came after like 20 mins of this I felt literal waves of pleasure
looking back at this for the first time in ages, I'm pretty sure I can remember cranking one out to the dancers
I've been single all my life, i'm sick of it