Why do roasties like to murder babies so much?
Why do roasties like to murder babies so much?
I really, really hate that lipstick shade.
You just know she will get off light. Fucking hell
Babies get in the way of partying.
This is precisely why we need the death penalty.
why do scrotes rape so much?
I was talking with my wife and my wife boyfriens and we agree this shouls be legal. Its her body so its her right.
only white women do this silly bean
because you only get the compulsion to murder babies if you're actually forced to spend time with them - which men aren't
as a female, abortion disgusts me. i want to adopt a baby one day and the fact that they're now advocating for babies to be murdered up to the day before birth or even after birth is beyond absurd to me. i honestly don't know what this world has come to and it truly saddens me. the baby has a heart beat and brain functions so how is the baby not alive? we are NOT talking about a medically necessary procedure in cases of endangering the life of the mother or baby, this is plain out murder just because people don't want to take responsibility for their actions. please think before having hookups because if you want to do adult things you need to be responsible for adult actions and consequences.
Literally the opposite. How many women you know who didn't want children, she gets knocked up on accident and suddenly it's all "He's a person, he's the size of an olive, he has a favorite color," and they refuse to get an abortion despite being in a shit situation? The kid gets named Aiden or Kayden, the guy sticks around for maybe a year and when he leaves, the cumquat is suddenly "the only meaning in life!" and "The greatest thing that's ever happened to me!"
adding onto this, i find it absolutely funny that liberals always want to make things about race and gender. well okay, then how come it always boils down to a white male trying to tell me why my opinions are wrong? why are white men always telling me that abortion is right? they claim they want to "help" women and people of colour, but i am a mixed race female and by doing so all they do is invalidate my voice and oppress me with their patriarchy that they claim to be against. the left = the true oppressors.
Third trimester abortions aren't available except for medical reasons, either the mother or the child.
>been told how evil existing is
>been told the planet is gonna die in 5y
>been told white is evil
>been told to worship satan since birth
>being the spawn of Eve
>why do rosties so evil bruhs
It's hard to piece out a the points that are bullshit here.
me: "and the fact that they're now advocating for babies to be murdered.."
t. texas beto o'rourke , virgina governor ralph northam, etc.
>As a woman
You outed yourself tranny, kys
Because in many jurisdictions, it's impossible for women to commit rape. Rape requires the victim to be penetrated.
i was born as a cisgender woman, i do not have a penis. you cannot choose your gender and anyone who claims that they have the ability to do so is part of the leftist agenda.
>or baby
You don't think abortion endangers the life of the baby?
y'all really need to read before replying
"we are NOT talking about a medically necessary procedure in cases of endangering the life of the mother or baby"
referring to the procedure where the baby and/or mother is at a high risk of not surviving birth so one of the two is chosen over the other and saying this is NOT what we are referring to when we are discussing abortion
As a biracial person, you're the bastard spawn of race mixing traitors, why should your opinions on anything count? I might as well ask my dog.
These "I threw the baby in the dumpster and went back to the party" murders happen because women are incredible, ludicrous liars. They tell lies that men would not have the fucking balls (vaginas?) to tell in a million years. They lie for even the smallest advantage, and once they have something they feel absolutely, 100% entitled to lie to keep it. And if telling the truth will inconvenience them in any way or cost them anything, they will say that they are "forced" to lie.
So what happens is that one of these skanks might lose 10 cents off her allowance if her parents find out she got pregnant, so they just lie about it. They engage in systematic "Seinfeld directors hiding that Julia Louis-Dreyfus is pregnant" elaborate deceptions for several months to hide that they're pregnant. Then they throw the baby in a dumpster, and if it ever gets tracked back to them they claim they "didn't know" they were pregnant, as if that would ever be fucking possible in a million years. And it's not because they're confused and it's not because they're "scared"; it's because they calculated that they'd lose something by telling the truth, and so they didn't. Because women feel they should be allowed to do that.
>adding onto this, i find it absolutely funny that liberals always want to make things about race and gender. well okay, then how come it always boils down to a white male trying to tell me why my opinions are wrong? why are white men always telling me that abortion is right? they claim they want to "help" women and people of colour, but i am a mixed race female and by doing so all they do is invalidate my voice and oppress me with their patriarchy that they claim to be against. the left = the true oppressors.
lmao coon
Must be the patriarchy. See, women are naturally strong, so their weak feeble minds must have been brainwashed.
Because the baby might be an incel. I really hate antinatalists
hello national socialist! i'm glad to see you have something mature to comment to the conversation.
as a friendly reminder to everyone in the thread: if you get to know people from the alt-left, you'll find that most of them are actually trying to hide their deep racist and pedophiliac guilt. if you get to know people from the alt-right, you'll find that most of them are actually trying to hide the fact that they're either mixed race, closeted lgbtq, or have a fetish for poc. you might not agree with their theory at the moment, but if you take a few years to test this theory you'll most likely see it's true.
i wish you luck on your quest of self-realisation, neo-nazi!
Just because you repeat shit you saw in a Steven Crowder video doesn't mean you belong here whore.
>i am a mixed race female
what kind of mix
continue seething and coping.
also, i don't know who that is but i'll have to look him up to see if he's worth watching. thank you for your suggestion.
2/3 white (mostly anglo/british) & 1/3 native american
i have dna test
didn't know what i was before, both of my parents "look white" and i was "raised white" but now that i know i'm mixed race i mention it like this and suddenly the natsocs begin to seethe and the libtards get choked up. i was vetted into a national socialist community before but i've never identified as one; i just wanted to study their habits because i think it's important to try to understand everyone's opinions since the political climate today is growing to be so polarised.
Sorry sweetie but this is a male safe space... sorry but not sorry
Woah, it's almost like most people are actually centrist deep down and highlight the parts of it that don't sit well with their expressed rhetoric!
ok snowflake, sorry i made you uncomfortable in your hugbox. file a complaint to your mommy and perhaps she'll bring up extra cookies at snacktime.
what so a castizo? post discord
What does the other 1.1% look like? Are any of them hot?
have a good evening ladies and gentlemen; i'll be seeing myself out now.
>because you only get the compulsion to murder babies if you're actually forced to spend time with them
fembot cope
This unfortunately.
She'll get a slap on the wrist and they will come up with all kinds of excuses for her psychotic behavior.
She may not even do any jail time.
The law defines rape as penetration. Therefore they believe women cannot rape men unless they're using a strap on.
I fucking hate women. They have such disgusting privilege and have the audacity to shit on men as being "oppressive".
It feeds their ego. From their perspective, a life was destroyed for them, so by extension they assume that increases their real self worth (as opposed to just their deluded perception of it).
>rape: peepee go in vajayjay forcefully
>retard: why do people with peepee commit all the rape?
Yes because all unwanted pregnancies come from slutty hookups. You're probably a dumb teenage girl
wheres that motherly instinct?
she looks 40. it's a roastie pass time to kill newborn infants.
holy fuck i usually try to see from the roasties side but this is just pure fucking evil holy shit how can anyone do this
>Yes because all unwanted pregnancies come from slutty hookups.
>wheres that motherly instinct?
>Why are aspects of patriarchal societies absent in non patriarchal societies?
>>Why are aspects of patriarchal societies absent in non patriarchal societies?
jesus lmao
all that BS about women being "nurturing" and naturally kind is just that: bullshit
women aren't inherently better at raising kids, many of them hate their kids, even if they won't admit it, they resent them for robbing them of their freedom, they're not any better suited to caring for children than men are aside from having teats that dispense baby food, which has been a solved problem for thousands of years
Well you sure put more effort into your post than I did So anyways /thread.
niggers just go to planned parent hood, gooks just yank em out and cook them with whatever is for dinner, and Arabs wait till they're 6/7 and use them as fucking bombs
becausee peepee go INTO vagoo -into, IN, TO
This is why abortion exist. Can you imagine how miserable that baby must have been?
Yet an other tragic victim of SIDS
>We can't stop roasties from killing infants so we have to draw up an arbitrary line where killing infants is ok.
because women don't have souls. they're incapable of having morals, the only ones that seem to are just carefully imitating what they think will attract men.
Reminder that the people who tell you that you are a bad person for being white and/or a Male are the exact same people literally non figuratively killing babies. Sometimes they do it legally and other times not but they are doing it.
Probably not, which is why it gets counted as rape.
If rape: Should have taken Plan B in order to prevent the pregnancy
If whore: Should have been on birth control/used a condom
If some shit happened: Should have gotten an abortion
Shut the fuck up stupid white boy, come down here to the Bronx and see for yourself how demonic most of these women are.
Males are naturally aggressive because of testosterone. This aggressiveness is necessary to push society forward, but it also causes men to do things like rape. Women, on the contrast, are naturally more nurturing because of estrogen. This nurturing nature caused them to be weaker, but on the other hand it allows for them to be much more adept at raising children, which is of course indispensable for the survival of society.
Are you eleven years old?
>are naturally more nurturing
Is that what you call setting babies on fire?