So basically

So basically,
I met someone from r9k. We started dating and seeing each other.
I never loved someone like this in my entire life and we are both virgins.
He want us to have sex for the first time this friday but I'm extremely scared because like every r9k poster he got a preference for innies because of the roast beef meme. And ofcc i don't have an innie eh.
i don't know what to do i feel like it's gonna gross him out.

i don't know how to hide it. i really wanna have sex with him but i'm just so scared he'll hate it.

already made this post on Jow Forums but i want robots opinionnn

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You've never sent nudes? Anyway Be honest with him. Better for him to find out now then when he pulls down your pants.

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>inb4 the robot is fine with disgusting roast beef pussy but gets turned down because his dick is too small

Is your vag all you have to offer? pathetic


fuck offfffffffffff

i make fun of your roast beef vaginas all the time but i still want it rubbed all over my face

>Met someone from rk9
How did you pull this off? Do you guys live close?

There's lots of people here that proclaim themselves as robots while actually being socially competent which results in relationships like these, probably from a contactfagging thread or something.

This tbqhwhybbq

no men will ever touch your disgusting pussy.
you should kill yourself if you can't handle spending the rest of your life alone.

typical immature male
OP if he doesn't accept you for something you can't change like that, then move on because he's not worth it. i hope things work out, though. and please be safe.

If he's that brainwashed by porn then that's his problem.

>met "bf" on r9k
>proceeds to post """her""" problem/question on the same board
Obvious LARP is obvious

If he truly loves you do you really think he gives a flying fuck about an innie vs outie meme

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how did you find a nice r9k bf that is close by?? please tell me the secret that all other femanons seem to know

How about you doxx urself so we can swat you and send you pizza?

2660 edgewood rd, utica ny, 13501

See you soon
Also could you provide a name so we can tell the pizza delivery?

find out when you come see me, user.

But i rather not get caught by chris Hansen

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Ok Madsoud

Fuck i cant spell i meant "Massoud"