did a dumbass janitor just delete our prior thread for no reason and for free?
janitors spread my shit on bread and eat it
Other urls found in this thread:
that's pretty cool user, you'll also be able to make some pretty cool charts and graphs out of the data
first for jannies mad they can't get any drugs
even if they had friends and knew people, they couldn't afford them because they don't receive any financial compensation whatsoever for their work
i personally keep a diary kinda so i can tell how a particualr substance affected me in thepast
>janitors spread my shit on bread and eat it
prescribed opiates after getting wisdom teeth removed. Feelsgoodman, can definitely see how people get addicted to this but it must cost a fortune.
>it must cost a fortune.
not really once you switch to heroin
how to get viagra through my doctor?
i'm 20
I'm a total shut and I can got out without benzos. I can't get benzos without talking to someone
Sucks to be you mate
help doc pp won't get hard
but really though, it's an unscheduled drug so really all you have to do is ask your doctor for it
The same with speed/addy once you switch to meth.
What was that post, why did it get delet'd?
I'm currently snorting phenibut FAA atm, it's all I got.
First for /addygang/
>can't do anything without it
>always run out before the refill
>barely keeping wagie shitjobs
>brain is officially fried
>college will never happen
Wouldn't have it any other way
If you are considering stimulants, only go through with it if you have nothing left to lose
Ive got ADD/high functioning autism and Im 27/have been prescribed adderall forever. $0 a month, insurance for the win
kek posted just after you whats up breh, Im coming down now. Xanax got me feeling mellow and ready for bed.
Any advice for living while having ADD and taking addy?
If my life is going to be zoning out on adderall until the end, I want to know now
I dont take it every day. Take the lowest possible dose you need to get results, if you need a ridiculous dose maybe you need to taper down. You can definitely enjoy life and take adderall as needed without frying your brains, but its very easy to burnout like you see countless college kids do every year. Remember, lowest dose possible to get results. That way we can use this shit no matter our age.
>snorting phenibut
how does snorting compare to just eating it?
Not him but that stim/benzo cycle seems all too real. Look out drugbros.
Fuckin a bro, I let a guy put a finger in my butthole behind a dumpster tonight. It was decent
Yeah Ive got a lot of years logged. Prescribed both, used to abuse both, now I've learned to live while taking them as directed.
>used to abuse both
>now I've learned to live while taking them as directed
What is the secret to stop abusing Adderall
What was the change you made to stop the abuse
My ex fiance of 2 and a half years left out of the blue with a note because I had prioritized drugs over caring for her during the last few months of the relationship. I'll never abuse my medication or take a good woman for granted again.
well amphetamine isn't as similar to meth as prescription opioids are to heroin. with amphetamine, it's not as if meth is a pure upgrade since switching to meth will also mean you're gonna start damaging your brain. but with prescription opioids, switching to heroin is a straight upgrade
but yeah, I wish I lived in europe and could get cheap amphetamine easily
if dubs i do some k
I'll give you a reroll before I pass out
>but with prescription opioids, switching to heroin is a straight upgrade
what the fuck am i reading
Please tell me that phenibut FAA has some properties different from HCL that doesn't make snorting it the stupidest thing ever posted on these threads.
Since HCL needs several hundred mgs for therapeutic effects, let alone recreational. And takes several hours to kick in.
Oh man...good old days when I took over 4g in an hour because I thought I took too little and it was supposed to work within 15 mins like my friend told me (a quick Google search gave me the headsup for my crazy night tho)
The kikes truly know everything
Just took six grams of some quality bentuingie
Kratom. Feels pretty good.
4g is my standard dose. I get pretty funky but nothing too crazy. Whenever I've tried higher it gets very uncomfortable. Even when I first started I didn't feel anything until 3. People's phenibut sensitivity is all over the pace. I'm sure you were zooming.
addy+phenibut right now, high as fuck. Bouta take another nose sip off a pill.
I've never taken ecstasy but if I had to guess what it felt like, Im guessing it has some of the traits of the high I had. Everything felt so good.
it's the same drug but cheaper. the actual chemical heroin isn't any more dangerous for your body than the chemicals in prescription opioids. just because a drug comes from a doctor doesn't mean it's suddenly "safe"
but please enlighten me on what is so preposterous about what I said user
>If you are considering stimulants, only go through with it if you have nothing left to lose
Or just don't abuse your script.
Dxm thc xtc (when I can find it) lsd on one occasion, salvia a few times, some meth and coke here and there, synthetic weed is disgusting, xanax is lame and boring and painkillers make me puke...
Bout it
endorphin is the only drug I need
I think I need to graduate to ghb/gbl. Because even though pheni is a little too subtle for me, it has certain properties that are very special. I think I know what you're talking about- an overwhelming sense of well-being. A clear, airy headspace full of "everything is ok."
never really got that from mdma. I just prefer regular speed.
>not abusing your script
lmao like whats even the point
Fuck broooooos I blacked out on clonazolam and lost my bank card plus like $150 in cash. Wat do now?
>really old rum
>decide to drink
>it has a thickish syrup like texture
well this sucks
just pour a few shots into hot black tea
Any anons here reach breakthrough on dmt? Just tried it, I think around 20mg, and I don't think I've ever been more terrified and humbled in my life. If I ramp it up to 60mg and go for a breakthrough does the fear last into 'hyperspace'? Will I be freaking out the entire time or lose that feeling once it really comes on?
clonazolam got you into this mess, it'll get you out. Dose again.
Getting massively fucked up tonight
Also on 900mg gabapentin, 0.5mg Klonopin, and a small amount of DPH
you get high on that?
dunno about him but Ive taken 2g+ multiple times and just felt mildly drowsy, could never get the high others apparently get
Phenibuts pretty acidic when you mix it into water. Would not recommend snorting it.
buy pure benzo powder from chinamen and have them surreptitiously mail it to you
>only 150 dollars
that's minor, you're not in the hospital after wrecking your car
Took a low second plat dose of DXM a bit ago and it is extremely comfortable, comparable to a mild opiate or alcohol high, maybe better(especially the body high). I wonder why more people don't take this shit, so much better than alcohol in my beautiful little opinion
USA or Europe?
Kinda wanna try dxm. Anything I should know about long term shit? People say it fucks with your brain or something.
whats thge best stuff? i only drink and just like the feeling a of a stronger buzz and spacing out
I've read a lot of experience reports and scoured across the internet to find as much anecdotal evidence I can find on it and I've only seen a very small amount of addicts who claim that it's made them actually stupider. Maybe it's just their personal bias but who knows. The only thing that seems to be consistent is that people who abuse the stuff daily for long periods of time end being depressed for a while after, similiar to MDMA addicts but on a smaller scale(probably stemming from Dextromethorphan's ssri properties). Following the erowizards advice on the plateau per week rule seems reasonable if not a bit contrived, overall I'd recommend just don't be a fucking idiot with the stuff and you'll be fine
There are people ITT who unironically order flower from DNMs.
We know you're here. You know who you are.
Poppy pod tea, Etizolam or Gabapentin are probably your best bets.
is gabapentin for siezers? i was thinking xnax or something
what does gabapentin do?
A lto of what benzos do in a less addictive less "Fcuk Everything" way.
It's weaker but you're not gonna completely fry yourself. Also 'locks into' drunkeness rather than amplifying it in unforseeable ways.
My mother once threw a 400 pill bottle of the stuff because she'd gotten it prescribed but reacted with violent nausea to it. One of the best months of my life.
>just smoked some crude backyard opium
Feels good man. A worse filtration actually makes for a better smoke because the vegetable matter breaks up the latex and helps it burn in a pipe.
Thanks user. I've been taking about 300mg every friday. I think I should be fine. Might bump it up to 300 every friday and saturday for a weekend full of fun, but who knows.
how many do you need to take and how long does it last?
i wonder if i can get prescribed anything
I know a guy who got severe, permanent cognitive damage from dxm use, but he was doing it every day for months. He was pretty much trying to kill himself at the time.
Most people would be long worn-out physically before serious brain damage would start.
Once a week is just fine.
...even though I think everyone should get to plateau sigma at least once in their life.
>how many
Reaaaaally depends.
>How long
4-6 hours.
gabapentin is unscheduled, it's as easy to get as asking for it.
Your mileage may vary, a lot of people love it. Personally I don't. These gaboids hit everyone differently. Most people love phenibut, but some people swear it doesn't do a thing.
I hope you used pills user, that shit makes me gag hard
sleep or...
redosing phenibut and popping addies into the morning
Fuck it. I only dose pheni once a week and I resigned myself to stimulant brain damage long ago.
It's always a party on drugfeel
>I know a guy who got severe, permanent cognitive damage from dxm use
what were his symptoms?
so im taking lsd for the first time in a few days, what should I expect?
I don't know my opioids but I'm pretty sure that differences in chemical structures lead some opiates to cross the BBB faster or bind more strongly. In that case the analogy to meth/amphetamine is fine. Your main error was the assertion that meth is neurotoxic while amphetamine is not. Shire did a great job getting everyone to believe that. That methyl does up the neurotoxicity quite a bit, sure... but the same case could be made for opiate potency.
There are many other distinctions between substituted amphetamines though. If all morphine derived opiates hit the SAME opioid pathways in the exact same manner, then you're correct. And I suppose it would explain why there's something like tramadol which is classified differently. Your basic point isn't off the mark but there's a lot to nitpick.
a permanent sense of dissociation and other kinds of distress, like forgetfulness and not being able to comprehend speech sometimes. Part of it might be mental illness so he's a sharp guy so drugs very likely had something to do with it, and most of his doctors agree. Honestly though you should start noticing physical symptoms indicating organ damage before needing to worry much about your brain.
don't doctors not give you stuff if you ask for it?
If it's unscheduled they don't give a shit. As long as you list off the symptoms the drug is supposed to treat. "I've had muscle tension and random nerve pain for years. U tried my grandma's gabapentin and it helped. Help me doc"
...to be honest desu I bet most people could get benzos if they asked without being too stupid about it too. Something very controlled like adderall or especially opiates is definitely not something to ask for.
The less a doctor will get int trouble for giving you something, the less you have to worry about being crafty about asking.
except lyrica. I guess you can't get lyrica. Because it's "strong." I guess it would be like asking for cancer drugs even though you don't have cancer. General Practitioners are kind of stupid and don't know shit about drugs. If a drug treats illnesses that are difficult to test for, you can find a way to get that drug prescribed.
Why wasn't this shit prescribed to me a decade ago when I started having anxiety problems?
This is leaps and bounds better than beta-blockers, benzos and anti-depressants.
I don't even feel high, I feel like a normal human being again and that's wonderful.
Depends on dose. But at minimum some interesting geometry on everything, and big thinks.
Btw where are you getting it?
Where do I buy drugs nowadays? The last time I used TOR, dreammarket was my go to place. Didn't take anything in a long time.
Is it actually better than benzos????
Speaking of benzos, is it true being a benzofag will give you braindamage if you keep taking it? Diazepam is the least worse of them all, right?
phenibut is only superficially similar to benzos, it's hard to compare the two.
Do benzos really cause brain damage? Probably but so what. The "least worse" is probably lorazepam or something like it; ones that make you less stupit and act more on the 'muscle relaxer' side of things.
>Do benzos really cause brain damage? Probably but so what
lmao. You are making a really bold assumption. I took 10mg diazepam today again and I'm worried that I've been doing this way too much. Should I just throw the fucking tablets into the toilet and flush it down or something? I don't want to get stupider.
Is phenibut just as good as benzos and does it fuck up the brain?
Minimum some sick visuals and music will be indescribably better/different. Be sure to get all your playlists together beforehand. Maximum is the simulation ends for you and you wake up. Hitting the blunt leads to many hard trip stories, Lucy by itself is generally rather tame but a hit will send you back to the peak or beyond for more if you want it
benzo use is correlated with cognitive decline in the elderly, but the findings are controversial and possibly overblown. If you're a bartard you're already stupid and unlikely to get less stupid.
If you take benzos occasionally like a normal person you're fine.
got sent some subpar hash because of a blank review on my last order
sometimes you have to pay for your own lessons i guess, but fuck me
>Is it actually better than benzos????
It's better than benzos in that it has anxiolytic properties with no sedation (at least with a small dose) AND it makes me more social.
>Speaking of benzos, is it true being a benzofag will give you braindamage if you keep taking it?
The studies are all over the place about this and they're often done on the elderly who are already prone to dementia, alzheimer and other shit anyway.
>Diazepam is the least worse of them all, right?
It's one of the oldest benzo out there and its long half life makes it less dangerous than other, more short lived ones.
I've been taking benzos for 10 years or so. I was taking 10mg diazepam at night back then and I still do now, I've also got some alprazolam if I feel anxious during the day but I mostly save it for recreational use.
Will benzos make you stupid? I'd say no, it only makes stupid people even more stupid: that's the thing with benzos, you either respect them or they fuck you up real good. All the horror stories you can read on the internet are from people who did grams upon grams of xanax for months and shat their pants when they finally had to withdraw.
>If you take benzos occasionally like a normal person you're fine.
holy shit mate, you've made me feel incredibly better about myself. You have no idea how hypochondriac I used to be with benzos and think I fucked up my brain beyond repair because of it, which only increased my anxiety, and made me take more benzos, and the cycle of worrying and brooding repeat itself over and over again. I am a true hypochondriac.
Oh shit mate, I feel better now. I am such a fuckup, I'd keep thinking and brooding over and over again whether I should have even started with benzos and it'd make me feel insane. Now I feel like I have worried way too much over literally nothing.
I'm a hypochondriac.
So what's the verdict on 1st/2nd plateau DXM? Is there nausea during the comeup and is the comedown smooth? Also how is the new robocough flavor?
What's wrong with that? Not everyone can handle the social aspect of finding and keeping contact with a dealer.
Is this true? I knew drug laws in the US
can be dumb but this is just insane. Dude with 5 sugar cubes would spend rest of his life in jail because the "carrier medium" is weighted instead of the amount of pure LSD.
>According to the U.S. Supreme Court, an LSD dealer who had 100 doses of the pure drug in a glass bottle--which is not subject to being weighed--would face a prison sentence of about 10 months. One who had the same amount of the drug spread onto blotter paper would face imprisonment of at least five years. And a third dealer who distributed 100 doses of LSD in sugar cubes would go to prison for no less then 15 years.
Please guys, what marketplace should I use now? Nobody will be at home for 2 weeks and I'm already too excited for ket binges.
How do I get into benzos, like how can I get someone to hook me up with some diazepam
>How do I get into benzos
Famous last word
mmmmmm hash...
Why is my consciousness posting on r9k?
>What's wrong with that? Not everyone can handle the social aspect of finding and keeping contact with a dealer.
Because flower is never going to be mailed as well, as stealthily as resiliently and with the same level of consistent enduring quality as hash on account of its structure nature & shape.
If you can order flower you can order good hash, and on DNMs you're extremely unlikely to be sent cut overpriced or low quality product.
Order Hash or oil, my friends. You're significantly improving your quality of life.
>Blank reviews
Yeah don'T do that. We rely on this shit.
>tfw where i live there are drug markets on telegram
feels good
Giga uber mega terminal brainlet question here.
Sorry for polluting this place.
If I order LSD, is one of these tiny sub-squares the listed microgram dose, or is it a strip/one of the bigger squares?
I've only had 1P before which came in longer uncut strips so I legit don't know how it's with 'real' acid.
Sorry again.
one tab one dose