Do you still think about her, what she's doing?
Do you still think about her, what she's doing?
>my work hires new girl, sweet and very cute
>seems to gravitate towards me for conversation, work questions, etc
>somehow, get courage to ask her out
>even more bizarrely, she agrees
>date goes very well, she kisses me goodbye afterward
>have second date, thought it went well, but she starts acting distant at work
>have to leave on work trip for two weeks, come back and coworkers start telling me girl isn't into me
>still hang out with girl occasionally
>says she likes me, but isn't "ready to be in a relationship"
>go out "as friends," for a while she always pays
>insists that she's into me, but "can't be in a relationship right now"
>eventually, she starts dating some dude
>don't talk as much anymore, stop hanging out
>few months later, end up moving out of state
>find out a day before I leave she quit unexpectedly and moved cross country with her family to get away from her (now) exbf
>several months go by, get a text message
>she moved to my old hometown, a few hours from where I live, and wants to know if I want to hang out and catch up next time I'm in town visiting my family
>drive down under pretense of visiting family, but really, I'm just there to see her
>ask her what brought her to my old city
>"My fiancee got a job out here"
>Do you still think about her
litterally who?
>what she's doing?
sucking nigger dick, chuckling to herself at the thought of you.
>Do you still think about her
all the time, my man...
>what she's doing?
She's in another man's arms. fuck life bro
what a truly unique situation you are in, user
There's no "her".
Consciously, no. I keep dreaming about her though. I don't understand why.
I still see her in some classes. She rejected me cause she had a boyfriend and while i was able to heal by dating one of her friends i still feel insanely attracted to her
I don't know if i'll ever have the chance to be with her
I know it's not unique or anything, i just answered the qustions
Man, i still can't get over her... i miss her a lot
>Do you still think about her,
as a good friend yes.
>what she's doing?
I don't know what she does.
>Do you still think about her
>What she's doing?
I saw her in the uni cafeteria today. She was dressed in the thottiest outfit ive ever seen her in which makes me hate myself for still thinking about her even more.
Why does she keep lying to you user?
I think about her everyday. She goes about her life, studying, dating, etc. She has no interest in me anymore, no contact. I've stayed away too. Its been a year. I just got discharged from the psych ward, admitted for suicide risk. She was my life. Now I have nothing.
I know your feel user, it's like your heart still wants her around.
Don't worry user, seek God and you will find deliverance.
Yeah, but she doesn't think of me. She never knew me.
I have swallowed my pride and prayed to him to have her return to me. He responded with silence. Either he is not real or he has no compassion for me.
She's currently getting railed by her ex-con bf. Just waiting for there to be problems in their relationship so she can come crying to me before going off with another loser, like always.
The easiest answer would be that she was using me to get free meals and drinks, except she always insisted on paying any time we went out.
user you must seek salvation before you seek all else, eternity in Hell because you haven't repented is silly. I don't want you to go there because you lusted after a woman who doesn't care about you, or will be around forever.
Women are confusing user, what could she possibly get out from this?
Don't let her comeback to you, leave her behind user, you can always make memories with a another woman.
I know. I even had a big fight with her for using me as emotional support and telling people about the time we ALMOST had sex. I was nervous and couldn't get hard, don't want to get into it.
But I just know that in a couple months she's going to text me apologizing for what happened then use that to lead into, "me and my bf broke up because blah blah blah - wanna get together some time and hang out?"
It's, admittedly, hard to push her away because we've been really good friends since we were 9 years old and, at one point, I would've even called her my best friend.
Regardless, I'll listen and ignore her. She's caused way too much strife in my life to forgive.
Sounds like a good plan user, Godspeed.
Yeah, sometimes.
I have no idea what she's doing because I never really knew her. I never spoke a single word to her. I don't wanna stalk her on social media or anything, I'll probably get disillusioned.
>gf said she wanted to get back together
>message her
>no response
at this point i dont even really care
I think about her every day. I hope she picks me. If she doesn't...
I'm just going to keep improving myself until then.
Yesterday i dreamed with her. She was laying in my bed with me while wearing a cute jeans dress
I tried inhaling paint thinner, but it didnt help me forget
does ur name start with n
I work with her. I swear she does enough to keep me hanging on without actually having to acknowledge what she's doing. I really just want her, I don't know what to do about it, I can't really ask her out
Every damn day. I want her to take me back so bad. She told me she was still interested in me but had said that since we were going to different universities we can't be together anymore. She didn't want to put in any effort to make it work. Now I'm in my college surrounded by fatasses, hoes, and whores. And she's over at hers probably being groomed into becoming a party-sorority girl by Chads. She isn't the type of girl to always put herself out there and is kind of introverted and shy, but I have a sinking feeling that she might change this semester, for the worse.