Mental illness is the ultimate blackpill...

Mental illness is the ultimate blackpill. You can get through any other hardships in life if you have the mind of a normalfag. Once you become clinically depressed and anxious it's over.

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I keep seeing a demon look into my window. I know it's fake, but I can't sleep because of it. Who else has to deal with shit like that?

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a demon? whats it look like?

>clinically depressed and anxious
what the fuck ever, dude, thought you meant like schizophrenia or real mental illness not this bush league shit

I went through depression and anxiety for like 8 years and I got over it, "over" my fucking ass

I'm 29 and feel like my adult life is only just getting started, but I feel great now for the first time in a really long time

if you're like 21 years old and talking about 'oh woe is me I'm so depressed my life is over' then just fuck off

A cow skull with glowing beady red eyes and a hood. Like the grim reaper, but with a cow skull instead.

>my adult life is only just getting started
That's sad

Diagnosed bipolar disorder with psychotic features. I hear voices only when I'm going through an episode, that shit is a nightmare. Went through so much medication I had to stop taking because they're too damaging. Only use them when I notice my symptoms creeping back in so I dont have to be whisked to the psychward for the billionth time over a total mental breakdown going to crazy town.

It took you 8 fucking years to get over your depression and you're shitting on 20 year-olds who feel hopeless about it. Your 20s, considered by most normies to be your prime years, were pretty much ruined by a mental illness and you're calling it "bush league shit." At the worst of my depression I was barely able to get out of bed for weeks. I hardly had the motivation to shower, clean my room, or go anywhere besides work.

In conclusion: You are an absolute fucking faggot, my friend.

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I guess depression just feels like a black hole and the longer you are near it the closer you get towards the event horizon

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What drugs did you do? Alcohol + isolation?

Psychiatrists have been telling me for years I have "bipolar" to sell me pills. It's total bullshit. My "disease" doesn't progress. It's absolutely brain damage.
My life has been an incredibly isolating experience since I had no idea what I was experiencing or why.

it's true really. people don't really understand the gravity of it. true mental illness does never just "get better". normalfags who get diagnosed with depression and anxiety because some minor stressful life event happened and then improve with treatment do not represent the genuinely mentally ill.
for real mental illness there are only coping strategies. and no matter how much society pretends to care, if you're one of the legitimate mentally ills ones people will avoid you like the plague.
once you're a properly mental ill low status male in his 20s without much of a future it's pretty much impossible to fully recover. life is nothing but trying to stay afloat. but year by year everything gets worse and there are brick walls all around you

All I see is a bitch baby crying over nothing. I am angry I wasted my time being sad and anxious, because it was 100% bullshit. I have zero sympathy for "depressed" people because I lived it and I know it's bullshit, self-reinforced bullshit. Get the fuck over it already. Took me 8 fucking years to wake up because nobody slapped sense into me.

what were your symptoms of depression?

Yeah, give me a list of your symptoms and give specific reasons why you were depressed and what exactly you did to get over it

Not a fan of you being a douchebag but I'm always open to working on fixing my own depression, always have been

Tell me how you did it. Slap some sense into me.

True desu.
The disassociation between the rational understanding of yourself and depressive reality drives something akin to despair. Understanding that your mind has the smarts, and your body the ability to fix your issues and be the same as everyone, yet not having any damn motivation to achieve anything at early stages, or even take care of life needs at late stages of depression. Any of the things considered "bad" or "scary" like social withdrawal, lack of hobbies, lack of self-improvement activities, hunger streaks, lack of basic hygiene, lack of romantic involvement, staying in bed all day on "off days" for weeks and months on end - all of the things that serve as "warning bells" are rationally understood as negative, but don't drive any kind of will to fix it. Not the pain you experience due to those things, nor the potential relief or even joy from going to the other side of the spectrum, create the will needed to perform anything at all. It's all the same, regardless of what you do, think, or experience. You could be presented with an option that would guarantee you'll become a millionaire in 2 years' time, but the anticipation would be so mild it would almost feel the same as slowly rotting away in your bed instead. On "good days" you might be able to force yourself to do something outside of the norm, dreading it every step of the way, and experiencing no positive emotions as you go. On "normal days", you won't be able to. On "bad days", even the norm is impossible. Fuck depression, it perpetuates itself. I hate it.

There is nothing worse than being depressed and anxious but NOT being psychically ill. It means you have to live with the depression with no way out.

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Neither op nor anybody in the thread should generalize the experience with those illnesses. Everybody have different coping capabilities.
There is something worse. Have depression and anxiety with somatic symptoms of psychical illnesses, without having them. I literally spent one year crying every night from pain and nobody could help me because they couldn't find any traces of illness.

Just smoke weed retard, mental illness is weakness of character

I was depressed when I was 18 and got over it by the time I was 22

I was a NEET who did nothing but stay in bed all day, didn't have the motivation to play video-games or even masturbate. I would look at the ceiling all day or sleep for 15 hours. I would only get up to drink or eat or shit, sometimes I would piss myself in bed. I didn't shower for months. I tried to kill myself by hanging and failed. I got put on meds and my condition even got worse, I didn't even feel like dying.

Then it suddenly got better one day.
It's all in your mind bruh

>Sometimes I would piss myself in bed
That is sad but also funny as fuck

that's just being depressed that may just be in peoples heads but I have the skitz so im fucked its not just in my head

I got through my hardships in life while having clinical depression. Literally though I was holding down the hardest job of my life while doing the longest commute of my life and doing insane shift-work and wanting to an hero every day and sometimes being really scared that I wasn't going to be able to stop myself. Yet not wanting to tell anybody how bad it was because you would lose your one shot to get better.

This was actually worse depression than I had when I was bedridden because I was constantly having amphetamine and other stimulent comedowns while being incredibly sleep-deprived. I think the "real depression means you just lay in bed doing nothing" meme encourages learned helplessness so that people take your problems seriously. I mean I've absolutely performatively played up depressive symptoms to get help from others who weren't paying attention. Yet I was closest to death when it looked life my life was going better than it had in ages.

I've got to agree with this user though there is nothing really that minor about losing years of your life to mental illness especially given that self-blame is pretty much inevitable and it's also almost inevitably over the top. I feel a deep sadness about the years I lost to mental illness.

Basically the only advice I will give you is the "I wish I could get better but I'm too lazy" is a cope people say when their life is spiralling downwards and they want to pretend they're still in control.

Oh also I'm still depressed. I've just sort of assumed I will be this way forever and all I could do is reduce the severity. I'm guessing I'll get a few respites from depression that last a couple months each throughout my life after major positive life events. Otherwise it will basically just be depression.

I don't agree that depression and anxiety stops you from overcoming hardships. That's kind of a bitch attitude TBQHFAM. It just adds great difficulty.

You have to rescue your cat, your aunt is after you.

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I am getting prescribed antipsychotics which are finally helping with my paranoia and I'm less manic, so I think I'm gonna overcome it, even if it means relying on external means. Finally feeling like a human being and not being on the verge of killing the dog feels amazing.