Animal rights

please logically explain why you eat meat. theres not a single argument for eating meat besides "its immoral but i still do it because its fun and i dont care". hundred of millions of animal die every year for our collective taste pleasure. we dont need any animal products to be healthy, we just eat them because its tasty and we prefer our temporary taste pleasure over a lifetime of an animal's suffering

animals like pigs and cows dont want to die for your taste preferences. strictly speaking, humans dont need any animal products to survive. theres not a single nutrient that cant be gotten from a vegan diet thats exclusively found in meat. and going vegan is great for your health. going vegan reduces your chances for diabetes, being overweight, cancer and heart attacks. vegans live the longest and consistently have the lowest rates of disease and cancers

all real robots should go vegan, because its hypocritical of your to complain about the suffering you endure in life, the pain you feel due to being a virgin and bullied by chad, normies and your unloving parents, yet inflict much more suffering unto innocent animals for your taste pleasure and "yummy in my tummy tum tum"

atleast just admit it; vegans are right

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why do animals kill others animals to eat. They can just eat grass lmao


horrors of slaughterhouses:

horrors of the dairy industry:

eggs are unethical:

understanding why we eat pigs and love dogs:

philosophical arguments for veganism

how to get started on a vegan diet:

how meat causes diabetes, cancer and heart disease:

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it tastes good


It's you. Again. Skele-ass-whipped eunuch.
>muh animals
As we established on the previous threads you'll kill any animal on your property without remorse just because it overpass YOUR backyard.
Fuck off.

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vegans might be right but they won't change me, meat tastes good and they will never force me to stop eating it

animals cannot be reasonably held accountable for their actions; they lack the brain infastructure to comprehend complex ideas like morality and good and evil

not to mention most animals dont have a choice. lions are strict carnivores, if they dont kill and eat other animals they starve to death. they dont have a choice to eat plants

these animals are sentient and they dont want to die

fucking ape, how does sensory pleasure justify enslaving, castrating, and killing an animals who doesnt want to die?

is it okay to kick dogs to death, who didnt want to die, if its pleasureable for me?

is it okay for me to rape and kill a women just as long as its pleasureable for me?

is it okay for me to bully and abuse the shy autistic kids to the point where they commit suicide, because its pleasureable for me? you know this is literally what chad normies do, they abuse the weak because its fun

cool, just as long as you admit to being an unethical hypocrite and understand that you are directly causing the suffering of animals for your amusement. most people deny being immoral, im glad you embrace it

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I really wonder how far psyops will get on r9k and Jow Forums in general. So far the typical result is a depressed, extremist, tranny loving, crossdressing soul.

Because I need it.
I get my meat from a local butcher, don't mind paying a little more for good quality meat and I never go to fastfood restaurants either.

I doubt the small amount of meat I eat is the problem.

>animals cannot be reasonably held accountable for their actions; they lack the brain infastructure to comprehend complex ideas like morality and good and evil
So what you're saying is that animals are less than humans? Got it. and if they could easily kill us for meat they would do the same thing to us

its immoral but i still do it because its fun and i dont care

>As we established on the previous threads you'll kill any animal on your property without remorse just because it overpass YOUR backyard

lol, how does my unethical behavior justify yours, you fucking brainlet retard. this is a ad hominem and a "2 wrongs make a right" logical fallacy. lets say for example i was a serial killer who enjoyed killing babies, does that invalidate anything that i say?

and for me to say vegans dont kill animals for their food would be me lying, and im not here to lie to you. im just trying to reduce needless animal suffering

nigger, r9k is MY BOARD. i grew up here and im a 28 kv neet. like you are in my home you disgusting faggot, KILL YOURSELF. this is thread is about reducing animal suffering you fucking disgusting hypocrite rat faggot. how disengenous do you have to be to do nothing but attack my character. dude, even if i was illuminarti and cia and a psyop shill blue checkmark, how does that invalidate what i say? if i made a thread you agreed with, would you call me a cia immuninarty shill then? fucking rat faced nigger

you LITERALLY dont. the american dietetics association has repeatedly said that you dont need any animal products to have optimal health

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this is the Jow Forums thread, can you guys post there once so itll bump, usually pol doesnt ignore me but this one slipped through. POST ONCE IN MY POL THREAD PLS

ahh, so you are literally on the same level as normies who abuse shy autistic kids to commit suicide?
you are literally on the same level as niggers who rape and kill whites for their pleasure?

fucking so many rat hypocrites on r9k, its fucking killing me

>huuueeeeee chad and normies and my parents and everyone bulliess me HUUUEEEE WAAA
>waaa waaa i have deperssion and im sadddddd everyone is meat to me waaaaa
>heh i enjoy abusing animals as much as i want for my pleasure, i dont care that im immoral or a hypocrite GET FUCKED

the irony is overwhelming

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I cannot even fathom not eating eggs or drinking milk-made products, vegan frien. How do I make myself stop eating them? How do I become vegan and gather the will to do it? Please help, fren.

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The ethical arguments in favor of veganism are rock solid. But animal products taste really good, so I eat them.

Why are you so angry? Are you new to veganism? Passion of the convert?

The only reason you can post this at all is the result of a bunch of dumb smell apes deciding that cracking open a cold one (by cold one I mean an animal bone) with the boys was a good idea.

You miss 8 key nutrients on a vegan diet
Cholesterol in particular is not produced by plants and is a precursor to growth and development hormones.
Raising a minor on a vegan diet is thus malnutrition, perhaps abuse.

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Not same poster, but I don't care about autists or niggers or anything like that. I also don't care about the feelings of animals. I will do as I please.

>I cannot even fathom not eating eggs or drinking milk-made products, vegan frien
so go vegetarian first. small steps. rome wasn't built in a day. take as long as you need to. but just know that the end goal is going vegan

>How do I make myself stop eating them?
slowly over time. it took me literally all of 2017 to go vegan. it was a very difficult transition for me. its unreasonable to ask you or anyone else to be perfect and magically transition over night and be a perfect vegan. just try your hardest and thats all anyone can ask of you

veganism is about reducing animal suffering as much as reasonably possible, and just as long as you are trying, then then nobody can blame you for anything. just stick with vegetarianism and then when you are ready make attempts at trying to go vegan. its very difficult for vegetarians to go vegan, dairy is very addictive

>But animal products taste really good, so I eat them
>appealing to sensory pleasure as a justification for abusing animals
well, atleast you understand that you are hypocritical and immoral and that you are abusing animals. most meat eaters wont even admit that

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trying to imagine your parents discovering your folder full of dead animals on your computer and then promptly turning you over to the feds. lol

its good food.
also, i believe there is nothing immoral about it, so no matter how many times you screech hypocrite, evil, unethical, etc. i will laugh in your pathetic little baby face because i know that i am right.

Hey OP, have you ever taken any kind of medical drugs?

Why the fuck are you blaming people who eat meat instead of the meat industry itself?
Seems like you've got bad optics pal.

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I don't care how immoral it is, it tastes good and idgaf. I can only realistically care about so many things. The pain of animals that I never see to begin with is out of my hands because my brain ran out of fucks. Sorry buddy.

>Why the fuck are you blaming people who eat meat instead of the meat industry itself?

supply and demand, you fucking brainlet. if you didnt pay for it to happen it wouldnt be happening. it only happens because theres a demand for it, because you pay for it to happen. peter singer addresses this point in the first 2 minutes

yeah all sorts. im going to order tren online, and im also going to order magic mushrooms. fuck i havent done mushrooms in like 6 months, fuck thanks for reminding me. hardest drug i ever did was MDMA when i was 22~. when i was 16 and i was living in a homeless shelter, i bought some mdma pills off some kids who were selling it, but i flushed it down the toilet because i didnt want to do drug i didnt know about or research, ive always been a paranoid kid. when asked about it i said "it felt good", lel

i skype with my parents on veganism for HOURS. bro ive talked with my dad for 2 hour streches on 2 different times. his exuses are even more shit than most of the exuses here

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"Why is an omnivorous species eating meat and vegetation????????? It makes no sense!!!!!!"

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>calling another person brainlet
>post numerous threads trying to convince internet autists of your beliefs

I just want you to know that I go out of my way to buy an extra steak every time you make this shitty thread.

I have no kindness for fucking cows. They killed Harambe for fuck sake.

I was talking about the conditions of the meat industry you fucking

Lmao you grass-fed bitch, I'll fucking eat you too if you keep being so uppity.

Animals eat other animals all the time. I don't see how this is any different. For all the people that say that we keep the animals in poor conditions and that its inhumane, i don't really see how its so bad. All we've done is make the process more efficient.

Meat good grass bad kys op

Animals don't comprehend ethics. Can they be blamed for following their instincts? No, not really, they're stupid animals. But what about people? People can understand ethics, and can choose to act ethically. People can make an informed, rational choice to stop eating meat because doing so is wrong. This is the difference.

And as a practical matter, ending predation in the animal world is currently impossible. But it is certainly possible for humans to stop eating meat.

I'm a meat eater, but come on, these arguments are so straightforward.

Humans eat way too much and way too shitty meat. Especially muricans. You should eat meat and the suffering of an individual life form is not important at all. The suffering of a whole spieces is extremely bad (which is exactly what cows pigs and all that shit have endured). As bad as veganism.
What should be done ?
Destroy industrial and rural farms, cultures and all that, let the forest grow again by itself, not by planting random trees, let the animal kingdom expand again. Eat soup and local vegetables. Get a rifle. Hunt. Eat meat 2-3 times a week (more during winter). It's obviously a long term plan but that's what should be done.

Your entire first few sentences are a big non-sequitur. How does it follow "eating meat is wrong" because animals are too stupid to know what ethics are? That doesn't add up. To start with, you're assuming I think killing is inherently wrong, which I don't agree with. In this world where death is necessary to survive I see nothing inherently wrong with killing animals and consuming their flesh. They'd do the same to me if they could.

I eat meat because I don't want to discriminate against plants. Also life has to kill other life to survive.

I'll stop eating meat once humans discover a way to get energy without eating or drinking at all.

No it's not a non-sequitur you fucking moron, it's a direct response to your first fucking point. Kill yourself. You literally wrote, "I don't see how it's different." Then I explained the difference. You make me want to become vegan just to avoid association with retards like you.

It's different because humans make conscious choices to eat meat, whereas predatory animals do not make conscious, informed decisions. You cannot explain morality to a tuna or a tiger. But people can understand moral arguments. So eating meat is different when it's done by humans. Got it?

I know why you didn't understand my post. It's because you don't actually care about what you're saying. You're just spouting off-the-cuff justifications for what you enjoy doing, you're not making a sincere, considered argument.

animals are inferior to humans

>I eat meat because I don't want to discriminate against plants

plants arent sentient and arent concious and they cant suffer. to be able to suffer you need to have a brain and a nervious system. plants dont have a brain, they cant experience emotions

also going vegan dramatically reduces the amount of plants killed for your food. it takes 20 kilograms of corn to make 1 kilogram of a living cow. go vegan if you really care for plant lives

okay. niggers are inferior to whites, does that mean we should bring back slavery?
women are inferior to men, does that mean we should rape them and kill them as much as we want?
neurotypicals are inferior to aspergers, does that mean all autistic people should kill normies?

are you saying might is right?

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Come back to me once you have proof of a chicken/cow/pig crying after reading to it the Giving Tree and then I'll stop eating meat.

these animals cry before they are about to be killed and they dont want to die. these cows cry for days on end, dont eat and cry on the floor when their kids are taken away from them on the kid's first day of life. they suffer tremendously

thank you for being sincere. so many people are just like the guy who you are talking to and behave disgustingly just like him. "b12 THO" "PLANTS HAVE FEELINGS SO ITS OKAY FOR ME TO ABUSE AS MUCH ANIMALS AS I WANT", etc

its nice to see meat eaters who consider the topic seriously instead of spouting dumb justifications and ignoring the subject

even if you dont go vegan, atleast understand the arguments inside and out, and understand the consequences of your dietary preferences

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You are making logical leaps and think this somehow makes eating animals wrong. You are too irrational to argue with, which isn't surprising given that you're likely suffering from malnutrition due to your subpar vegan diet. Me eating animals is no more different than if they had the opportunity to do the exact same. The only difference is that we have enough respect to do it to them quickly and painlessly. Do you understand now, you retarded mongoloid? Life cannot exist without other life being sacrificed in the process. Now fuck off and kill yourself like you're slowly doing right now. You're not going to convince anyone here to join your death cult.

How do I resist McDonald's?

I can eat while driving so it saves me massive amounts of time which I can use for video games.

Forgive me if I come across as crass here but most of the habits shown on the video are instinctual. These animals seem to be incapable of judgement or morality. Within their lifetime they won't amount to to the capability of making thoughts for themselves. They are simply living because living is the only thing they know. They do the things they do because their instincts tell them that they will live longer if they do such things or because of the pain that comes from the lack of basic needs (sleep, hunger, etc.).

Sentient beings on the other hand, live because life is enjoyable. They see things in nature and and think 'so wonderful, I wonder how it came to be and how it works'. They live for the pursuit of higher needs like the ability to manipulate their own spheres and to make others happy. The reason we don't eat babies is that they have the capacity within their lifetimes to become sentient beings similar to us.

Watch Silver Spoon anime. A based anime that prove vegans wrong.

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>Me eating animals is no more different than if they had the opportunity to do the exact same.

Are you in second grade? What kind of fucking sentence is this?

You need to understand that your brain's capabilities fall well short of the human average. Shut the fuck up and stop imagining you have any business being involved in an argument of any kind.

just eat vegan junk food or buy canned food or buy noodles or find vegan alternatives

i understand your mcdonalds cravings, because when i first went vegan i also had a lot of trouble quitting eating mcdonalds. it took me a good 3 months just to quit eating mcdonalds. thank god i was never a really big fan of cheese or dairy, because if i was addicted to it i highly doubt i would ever quit it

>but most of the habits shown on the video are instinctual. sure, but those emotions are still very real. humans have instinctual responses as well, are you denying that humans feel emotions. are you

>They are simply living because living is the only thing they know.
sure, but how does that justify killing and abusing them?

children arent capable of understanding morality, does that make it okay to kill them because they live predominantly on instincts?

retarded people arent capable of undering morality or having higher cognitive thoughts, does that make it okay to kill them and farm them?

some niggers are exceptionally stupid and really arent capable of higher cognitive thoughts, like aboriginal australians. does that make it okay for us to kill them because they run on instincts alone?

where do you draw the line as to whats human and whats not human?

are monkeys human enough not to kill?
how about dolphins?
how about niggers? niggers are much stupider than whites, does that make it okay to kill them? i could easily argue niggers arent intelligent enough to understand deep philosophical ideas and culture, etc. look at africa, they are still primitive apes today. does that make it okay to enslave them
how does intelligence justify killing a sentient conscious animal who doesnt want to die?
lets say a super intelligent alien came to earth, would it be justified in killing us and abusing us, because compared to it we are primitive apes and the alien is much more intelligent than us?

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part 2

>Sentient beings on the other hand
>implying animals arent sentient
heres some science to prove you wrong. its been repeatedly scientifically demonstrated that animals are concious and sentient and can suffer and dont want to die. they are aware of their own existence and have a subjective experience of reality, they are individual beings who experience the world subjectively, and have emotions and have thoughts, despite the thoughts being rather primitive. dogs can dream, for example, and pigs are much smarter than dogs

its basically a undisputed scientific fact at this point that animals are sentient. please link me scientific evidence explicitly proving that animals are not sentient. feel free to join in the other people in the thread saying "plants are sentient, so its okay to abuse animals". always the highest quality intellectual debate when we talk about plant feelings

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You wouldn't give an animal the right to vote
You wouldn't give an animal the right to housing
You probably don't even care that animals are treated as slaves in the forms of pets
Animals are inherently inferior and we all acknowledge this deep down, including you
Their right to life, if it could be called that, doesn't supercede my right to pleasure. What non-arbitrary argument could you possibly have to prove otherwise?
Furthermore, animals can't reciprocate.
Meaning you can't form a social contract with them. If an animal has to attack you, it will. They don't feel empathy for you. They can't understand you. Why should you care? You only care about humans because you know that treating other humans well guarantees your chances of survival the most. Treating an animal well is irrelevant as to whether or not they will maul your face. Not a consistent partner. Not worth considering.

Okay so you're cool with sadists that torture and kill the mentally retarded, got it.

Vegans are so retarded holy shit
Guess you better stop using pesticides? Maybe you should repent for all those mosquitoes you killed.

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I am. I don't really care. I think the people responsible for the mentally retarded (family) should have the choice to euthanize them.
Which board do you think you're on? Do you really expect a different response?

I'm going to try going vegetarian. Is eating animal products just as bad as eating meat? Ie eggs, milk, yogurts ettceterraaa.

Like I said before, the reason we don't eat babies is due to their capability of becoming sentient over time. The reason we don't eat niggers or retards is because they resemble us too much which causes a response of discomfort in eating them. Even I wouldn't condone eating niggers or retards because its inbuilt within our psyche to not do those things unless in times of extreme crisis.
As for drawing the line in sapient life, I would say that sapient lifeforms are capable of expressing themselves through our surroundings. Building monuments, painting, oral traditions and such are the hallmark of a sapient being. The very fact that we are having this debate right now proves our worthiness as being sapient beings. As for animals, they are merely driven by hunger and the ability to spread their own genes which are mainly facets of their survival instincts. The most basic thoughts a life form has. Same goes for plants, fungi and even the smallest of microbial organisms.
I had a good time having this little debate, but I must retire for now. As a vidya chinaman once said "I am a man, I shall live and die walking my own path."

not OP and not a vegan
you don't have any inherent rights
you, too, are an animal
you just happen to stand on the shoulders of your ancestors, who were very cunning animals that secured your place at the top of the food chain

but you don't have any natural rights, especially not to something as fucking dumb as pleasure

It's a way of speaking, dumbfuck. Obviously I don't have any rights. I mean that as a human being I can impose my rights over weaker species.

part 1. christ these responses are so long

>You wouldn't give an animal the right to vote
so what, we dont need to. we wouldn't give a mentally retarded person the right to vote either, but that doesnt mean we should go around killing and enslaving retards for our hotdogs and hamburgers

>You wouldn't give an animal the right to housing
doesnt matter, this is a false dichotomy. we dont need to give them full human rights, we are just trying to protect them from enslavement

>You probably don't even care that animals are treated as slaves in the forms of pets
thats not true. i regularly advocate against all pet ownership. im actually suprised you were smart enough to even bring this up. most meat eaters arent smart enough to see that pets are slaves. thats actually why i dont even bring it up, because it usually just derails the subject. people are so fucking stupid and experience so much cognitive dissonance as it is already, to bring this subject up is too much for most people, who unironically dont think killing animals is wrong in the first place

but yeah i regularly advocate for the abolition of all animal pets. its literally slavery. we castrate them and shout orders at them like slaves for our amusement. its literally slavery, but most people are too dumb to see that

>Animals are inherently inferior and we all acknowledge this deep down, including you
i never denied that. they are intellectually inferior, for sure

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part 2

>Their right to life, if it could be called that, doesn't supercede my right to pleasure.
i dont think they have a right to life, and i dont think you have a right to pleasure. you just have power and can get away with abusing them for your pleasure, in the same way that a rapist could rape and kill a girl and get away with it, because hes stronger

but just because you have power doesnt morally justify it. you can do whatever you want, but dont tell me that its moral

>Furthermore, animals can't reciprocate.
so what? retarded people and psychopaths and niggers cant reciprocate either. does that make it okay to enslave and kill them?

>They don't feel empathy for you
thats not scientifically true. literally theres been brain studies on animals and its been shown that they are empathetic. if you are suffering and cant move, and animal will literally see that you're suffering and try to help you

>Meaning you can't form a social contract with them
so what? i could easily argue you cant form a social contract with niggers either. they commit so much crime, they rape, they destroy society. does that justify bringing back slavery?

>Why should you care?
you dont have to, you can choose not to. im just here to remind you that they are indeed suffering and you are directly causing it by paying for meat

>You only care about humans because you know that treating other humans well guarantees your chances of survival the most
ahh, a personal attack. here, let me attack myself better than you did. the only reason i care about veganism is because i care about myself. the only reason why i even went vegan is because i believe in god, otherwise i would just continue eating meat and not caring. you have to understand that EVERYTHING i do is selfish. its literally impossible for me not to be selfish. if i help a child thats about to be run over, its for a selfish reason. if i save someone drowning, its for a selfish reason. being selfish is inescapable

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You are not wrong, but also not right.
I eat meat because its tasty.
And healthy.
And i like to make things weaker than me suffer.

You spineless vegan cuck.

Egg production involves the mass slaughter of male chicks, because they're economically worthless (can't lay eggs). Most egg-laying hens are kept in awful, prison-like conditions.

Dairy cows are killed anyway, since at some point they stop producing milk. They don't get sent to an elder care facility at that point, y'know? And their lives aren't happy before that point, either.

So there's not really a good rationale for eating dairy and eggs, but not meat. Even though dairy and egg production does not immediately require killing animals, it still results in animals being mistreated, and then killed, as part of the overall production process.

But it might be a good move anyway, just as a stepping stone towards full veganism, or simply as a way to cut back on your consumption of animal products.

>And healthy.


please learn about kant's categorical imperative before you talk about morality.

typical pea-brained veganposter
>muh feelings say i shouldn't
>le suffering

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>The reason we don't eat niggers or retards is because they resemble us too much which causes a response of discomfort in eating them

yeah but thats so fucking arbitrary. like in your arbitrary opinion its bad to kill chimps because they resemble humans? if in my arbitrary opinion pigs resemble humans, am i right? like can you fucking get any more arbitrary?

>hurrrr they look too much like humans duurrr

so if in my arbitrary opinion niggers and chimps dont look like humans, does that make it okay for me to enslave and kill them?

>Even I wouldn't condone eating niggers or retards because its inbuilt within our psyche to not do those things unless in times of extreme crisis.
okay but literally killing other animals does the same thing. they've done brain studies of vegans/vegetarians and meat eaters, and the meat eaters have much less compassion in their brain when compared to vegans. the meat eaters brain did not have empathy for gore images of human suffering or animal suffering, pic related and link related and video related you nigger

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The fuck is this nonsense? We eat meat because our body needs it, period.

>animal cruelty
Define cruelty. While I do not like pictures like the one you show I understand that they do it because it's the best way to kill an animal while not polluting the meat.
Yes, this may sound cruel but it's way better than getting killed by an alligator ripping out your intestines while you're still alive. What we do is knifing once, unless the butcher is absolutely shitty at its job, and let the animal drain itself of its blood and it's far less cruel than whatever you can actually find in nature.

Comparing killing an animals for survival with killing for fun.
This is you brain on veganism.

OP sounds like the kind of person to work in a Whole foods without being in total agony

Meat Yummy in tummy, Supplement eat my Succulent.

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kiss your sister nigger

i dont have any sisters. if i had some i wouldnt be a virgin, and right now id be in jland slaying jcunny and living my sexual fantasies in asia like i dream about every night before i orgasm from solitary masturbation

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck dude. k i think im done for today. dude roasted me yesterday for playing too much wow it got under my skin, so i made sure i made a thread about it today. the mouthbreathing crosseyed smoothbrain retards in pol are stupid as ever, the the conversation in this board has def been higher quality

what im playing in repeat. fuck i need to order drugs on the internet. i need to mix dope up, i NEED TO PLAY WOW FUCK I MISSING OUT ON CLASSIC

k bois i hope you enjoyed today's discussion. if you want to laugh at retards, go to the pol thread and laugh at how fuckign stupid they are my mage is waiting for me. fuuuuuck

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I eat meat just to piss off vegans, fuck supporting these obnoxious, never-shutting-up people in any way.

>imagine being this much of a immature rat faced child that you abuse animals just to spite people who are trying to protect animals and who advocate for animal rights

i hate human beings and i hate meat eaters

deadass, i hope hell exists for faggots like you. i hope your fucking children get raped and killed in front of you, you disgusting faggot. holy fuck i hate you braindead retards so much

honestly human life was a mistake. like how fucking stupid are, you fucking retard. GOD ur so fucking stupid, kill yourself

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Things like right and wrong, good and evil, we use these things as a measure of control over other humans. No matter how much good intentions we may have, we wish to exhibit control over our surroundings in order to make ourselves feel better. Just like what you and me are doing right now. Perhaps the reason you dislike eating meat is because it makes you feel better from a moral standpoint and you also encourage other people to not eat meat because you wish to exhibit control over them. You gain a certain fulfillment whenever someone thinks the same way you because it means you have gained control over them by overwriting their ideals with yours. That is where we come to blows, for I wish to think for myself what is right and what is wrong.

Now that's not a very nice thing to say, you claim to hate humans and yet you claim to love animals. Perhaps I should say that you prefer the company of mindless dolls compared to individually thinking beings. I guess we share some common ground there.

On a final note, fuck you for messing with my sleep cycle, It's 5 in the fucking morning and I can't believe I fell for your bait of a post.

ever heard of food chain? did you think the species who eventually evolved into humans survived by going vegan? quit this shit, you are embarassing yourself. I am against animal torture too, but I will never go vegan. Oh and by the way vegetables are alive as well, so you should eat sand and rocks instead

So your argument boils down to:
>retards and niggers are the same as animals, does this justify x, y and Z?

And to which I answer: where do you think you are? Tell me what you think my honest response to those questions would be.

You're ignoring how most vegans own pets and are obnoxious about how much they love their pets. Even psychopathic advocates like Vegan gains owns a dog

>Personal attack
It wasn't. It was a generalized statement. The only reason people treat each other with kindness is because it guarantees their best shot at survival since humans are mostly rational beings

You can't apply your arbitrary morality system to other people. There is no absolute "good" or "bad" things or actions bc morality is a human construct based on social systems. Fuck off.

I keep eating meat to spite faggots like OP. But also because meat is delicious. It's yummy yummy yummy in my tummy. Stay mad you no-balls, no-life soi guzzling little bitch. I'd eat you if I wasn't afraid of catching your gay.

I eat meat because I like it lol

I love how the faggot doesn't respond to this one. Absolutely true and based even if pills do exist.

God permitted it. Though there are verses about treating livestock well, so vegetarianism / veganism in protest of factory farming is defensible, possibly even required.

The animal is already dead when I get it so it makes no difference whether I or someone else is the one who eats it

Exactly, animals don't give a fuck if we have the ethical imperative to be kind to them. Animals have no system of ethics. At the end of the day we eat animals because we can.

I want to fuck a girl so I cant become vegan if her blood gets on my dick

>please logically explain why you eat meat. theres not a single argument for eating meat besides "its immoral but i still do it because its fun and i dont care"

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wow is downnnnnn


im bacccckkkkk

its called supply and demand you double digit iq having smooth brain. when you PAY for things, you financially support the industry. the industry needs MONEY. but when you stop paying for it, you create less demand

MONEY TALKS my duder

god permited genocide, slavery, killing non-virgins on their wedding night, and rape of other tribes

does that make it okay because someone in power told you its okay?

There is no logical reason to not eat meat. None of your arguments are even rational, you just arbitrarily chose this random food group to become uptight about. Would you have a serious conversation with someone who said its evil to eat mushrooms?

You first have to prove why ending life is immoral. And none of that "b-but mommy and daddy told me it is"

bro stop with these threads, they are cringe as fuck
>logically explain why you eat meat
It has been explained to you a shit trillion times, humans need meat. Stop being a vegan college student.

Vegan almost 4 years
feels good c:

because i don't give a shit
meat tastes good
cry some more vegan pussy

I eat meat because I want to bulk up like pic related. I dont want to use steroids because I dont want to shrink my penis smallers than it already is. I dont want to eat endless nuts and seeds or take pills.

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It just makes me almost cum knowing that something has died in agony in order for me to live longer. It's so erotic.

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because i am omnivorous, nature has given me the pleasure of being able to consume meat

how do you seriously see eating meat as a morally wrong thing? the food chain depends on animals getting killed and turned into poop

reason makes right. the retarded are granted the favor of rights for resembling a human in his early life stages

Holy shit, a serial baby murderer is less likely to be believed!!!
What a crazy world we live in

fucking retards. do you think you can convert us just by shaming? also if humans started eating only veggies, we would become monkeys. meat was the very thing that let us become smart.

yummy in my tummy tum tum