Where do I find a wholesome boyfriend with no hatred in his heart for women? There are a lot of cute asian boys like this but I'm holding out for a ginger for as long as I can.
Where do I find a wholesome boyfriend with no hatred in his heart for women...
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OP I hate to break this to you but gingers are usually really autistic and try way too hard to be funny to make up for their lack of a soul.
That sort of guy is too wholesome for a fembot, only abusive incels for you.
bowlcut my neeeegroid
I have red hair and I love women but your discrimination against non white men is very racist and you need to get help.
Why do you deserve such a thing?
Liar. You're just waiting for a chad ex-convict with dark hair blue eyes and a 5 o'clock shadow to fuck you unconscious.
He's going to beat you up, though. You will end up in a coma and that will be your own fault.
>no hatred in his heart for women?
All men at an early age are taught that women are more important than them
Some recede from society and some play the chad game
If you find someone "wholesome" chances are he's hiding his power level or has 0 respect for you
>Where do I find a wholesome boyfriend with no hatred in his heart for women?
On r9k obviously.
Whats with you and saying "power level" all the time, retard?
Try lurking more newfaggot
Ive been here since 2013 and literally never seen this power level shit before, ive only seen you say in multiple threads today
A woman ruined my life, health and mind yet I don't hate them. It would be so much easier if I did.
>thinks hes not new
Here's a hint bud
Google "Jow Forums archive" and search power level from there
Look, op... Since I'm not a ginger I feel inherently rejected by your request for that specifically (not that I have enough self steem to say you'd like me). Since rejection hurts, and you're causing this pain posting this my natural reaction is to strive away from you and not try anything at all, while resenting myself for not being a ginger at the same time I get angry at you for not accepting me (like when shinji chokes asuka).
> If you want a wholesome boyfriend look into everyone, you'll realize the kind people your shallow preferences keep you away from.
Been here since 2011 and can also say I've never heard "power level" as a term to describe true feelings/intentions.
I never said I'm an oldfag, I've just literally never seen this in my 6 years of coming here
>6 years
Well established cancer, actually
>I never said I'm an oldfag
Are you a genuine fucking retard? Why dont you get a fucking life and move on from here, its obviously damaged your fucking brain you retard boomer
Man cannot be wholesome, they simply do not value kindness, respect, generosity and other good things in this world. They do not value life, only their own egocentric feelings and profits they can get from whatever. You should switch to girls. Asians are just more hypocrite and dont have shame lying to your face.
>go to archive
>type power level
>literally EVERY post is from 2019
You just described women perfectly, good job.
But that describes femoids perfectly, kek
You think this way only because women refuse to serve YOUR MAGNIFICENT HIGHNESS. In the end everything good only comes from women. Matriarchal societies, although small and rare, are the most happiest in the world - they do not know murder, rape, jealousy, depression. Woman is the giver and protector of life.
>You think this way only because women refuse to serve YOUR MAGNIFICENT HIGHNESS
No, it's because women have always lied to, and betrayed me. All despite me giving it all with an open heart. Also because that's literally all I see around me, happening to other men.
>everything good only comes from women
Who built and invented the phone you posted that with?
Who invented the internet connection you used to post it?
Who created the civilization and society that allows you to even open your stupid fucking mouth and have a retarded opinion?
> have always...ME
Egocentric, just like I said.
you ever been to ireland? i hear they have a ton of red heads, surely one must be gay and willing to date a tranny. Good ventures.
Ohhhh 2015, real fucking old.
You aren't even trying and statistics speak for themselves.
ginger with no hatred in his heart here, sup?
quite unsure on this one desu
I mean, what if she just got dared by one of her friends to go out with him so that they could get his information?
I like finding aurtistic man children like yourself who base their entire lives on Jow Forums and take it way too seriously
>gets proven wrong
>"you just take it too seriously"
i don't hate women, they just confuse and scare me. but i like women and i wish i knew how to talk to them
All of those are absolutely evil. They only spread bad, they spread depression, lack of purpose, lack of privacy, oppression, the opinions are toxic and good for nothing, despite better medicine people are becoming more weak and prone to illnesses every year. I would trade all of this for a wholesome farm everyday, but now can't even built a shack in the woods without somebody telling that this is illegal. Because of men people were stripped of harmony, peace and freedom.The only thing they know now is how to fight and crush others. Even if you are born kind they teach that this is no way to live and will not get you anywhere. And after that they ask "wow, why are we so miserable and depressed all around if we have everything our ancestors dreamed of?"
Yeah its alright I dont base my whole life on Jow Forums and winning arguments against strangers on the internet, lmao
Yeah, crime statistics definitely talk for themselves. They show how men are more ready to make others suffer only to please themselves.
you mean yids
>dedicate your life to a woman
>she gets pissy if not given attention all the fucking time
>cheats and dumps you eventually
>you probably commit suicide out of heartbreak
>dedicate some of your time to a man
>make a friend for life
>he's always there to help you out and will put your needs above his own
>will be there for you when the woman dumps you
women are evil, narcissistic and sociopathic whores who are uncapable of caring for anyone other than themselves. For every example of your le evil bad, i can give an example of good. Also you are not a female, trannyscum
>uncapable of caring for anyone other than themselves
You're wrong here, they do care for their offspring, at least usually. They absolutely do not care about the father though and will abandon him if he stops providing.
objectively wrong, user.
source: had a loving and caring mother
not all women are whores and you should stop thinking they're all whores
Seethe harder
I enjoy it
Project harder
I enjoy it
Why? Because you said so? What gives you any authority over me? Did society tell you that you mean more than me because your a female or something?
Any woman is capable of taking a care of the child, a very hard work mind you that men constantly fail on miserably, so your argument is invalid.
And again all the examples of woman evil as per facts, is that they dont serve DEM INCEL HIGHNESS. Which is completely irrelevant in the scope of society. It is just YOU not wanting to let go of male privilege you were taught you should have since childhood. It doesn't exist anymore, cope with it.
Cope harder
I enjoy it
because it's unhealthy and retarded to believe all women are whores
>your a female
nope, born a male
Shope Larder
Ten Employ Met
Men can be good parents too, I know single fathers who are great dads, I know lots of great dads in general, parenting is not exclusive to women retard. Women just chose to be stay at home parents because theyre too lazy, usless and stupid to work. You literally cannot prove men fail miserably at parenting because its simply a lie. There is no male privledge, were expected to work and be tough, emotionless robots our entire lives while women treat us like shit and use us for our money. Women are the privledged ones, companies will hire a women over a man simply because shes a women. The only reason you can say men caused evil is because men were in the positions of power to make these decisions and create these things, women were and are too stupid to ever make it and succeed in these positions. Which gender was drafted to go die in wars at 18 and which gender got to sit at home knitting gloves for the troops?
Project harder
Im still enjoying it
>have a loving and caring mom
>she was at one time a high-priced vegas whore
complicated feel desu
I have brown hair but I don't hate women. I dont hate women who are too good for me, women who are whores or women who are feminists. I disagree with a lot of modern feminism but no reason to hate yo. Pls be my gf
youre right to wait for ginger. i did so and it worked out great.
shes a bit autistic, but then again, so am i. its kinda cute how clumsy and socially awkward she is.
the no soul joke was never funny and is even more worn out now.
she has a lot of anxiety and people like you made her life awful. why bully someone over a hair colour? what are you, insecure and envious?
>normalshit newfags sperging out over a common term
lowest quality posts i'm going to see today without a doubt
surely you've heard of cancer
you are the definition of a cuck
tits w/timestamp or piss off
Why because I'm not a big sad victim?
I'm literally Prince Harry. Be my gf.
probably in college
they still have hope that maybe women aren't shit but hos and tricks
I'm a ginger (no freckles and I'm not very pasty, but copper hair) and the only resentment I've ever had towards women is that I never really had things together well enough when I was younger to get into a relationship. I do like good things best.
Even if they existed you wouldn't deserve one.
I'm literally Obama, marry me.
If you're also a redhead, message me on discord and I'll take it from there. It seems like you may want what I want.